How To Get Coaching Clients Using Organic Marketing

Main roadblock for any coach is how to get coaching clients in the first place. Organic marketing is the foundation to building a coaching business. Here’s how!

Hi Trish Davies, here, online coach and mentor to aspiring online coaches. Through my Build Your AU program I focus on how to get coaching clients for your coaching business. Once you have the foundation to your coaching business in place which is your authenticity and authority you need an audience.

Now I assume you are already a coach, or you are looking to get into this lucrative industry. How to get coaching clients is one of the biggest obstacles you will face. Therefore, you must develop strategies to attract the right people into your business.

With so many strategies and techniques available you can feel like you did as a kid in a toy shop. So much choice, so many things to try but what’s the best strategy to get fast results and is cost effective?

Marketing costs must be taken into consideration whatever the size of your marketing budget. Now there are two ways to market your business. The first is to launch paid marketing campaigns on platforms such as Google, LinkedIn & Facebook to name three.

The other way is through organic marketing which is a totally different ball game. This is what I want to focus on today and show you how to get coaching clients organically.

How To Get Coaching Clients Organically 

how to get coaching clients

The nature of organic marketing is that you will naturally gain coaching clients over time. This means that these clients come to you without you spending any money acquiring them. Organic marketing strategies help you attract a fan base, people who are loyal to you, people who you develop authentic relationships with.

Organic marketing generally takes longer than paid marketing to see positive results. Now that’s not to put you off, far from it. The results you get from organic marketing can potentially be higher quality through the strategies I will speak about shortly. That’s why I encourage you to adopt organic marketing strategies for your coaching business.

Through organic marketing you are creating and building permanent marketing channels . Marketing channels that people can find you weeks, months and even years after you have created them.

Paid marketing strategies can be very powerful, but they will have a shelf life. Meaning that once you shut them down that’s it, they will never be seen again, they will stop working for you.

One caveat I must mention about organic marketing though. Nothing in life is really free, there is always a price. With organic marketing you won’t physically be spending money, but you will be investing your time.

Time is precious, priceless in many respects, and you will know how much your time is worth. You will be investing your time creating and cultivating relationships, building trust, making connections that can last a lifetime. Let’s look at some organic marketing strategies you can implement to start getting coaching clients.

Organic Marketing Strategies To Gain Coaching Clients 

You will leverage the following organic marketing strategies to help grow your reputation as an online coach. That reputation will be based upon how authentic you are and how you position yourself as an authority in your niche.

The following strategies are designed to create awareness to you within your target market. You are promoting yourself to your target market and letting them know how you can help and provide value.

Also, these strategies are great for initiating engagement with your target audience. This is where the conversation starts between you and your prospect. The higher level of engagement means that you have a better chance of then converting your prospect into a high value coaching client.

Video Marketing 

youtube video marketing

My personal favourite organic marketing strategy. I love it because it is very engaging for the viewer, they can see the real me, they will see the real you. YouTube is my go to platform to publish organic videos that deliver value and show me as an expert in my niche.

Click here to visit my channel so that you can get an idea of the style of video content that I create. I always have the viewer as my central focus, I talk to them and address any the problems they have.

In return they talk to me through the comment section under the video and I then respond. This is how a conversation and relationship can start and blossom. Within the description section I have links to offers, predominantly lead capture pages to gather their contact details.

Those contact details then forms a database to whom I can contact whenever I want. This is done through another strategy that I will cover shortly.


Blogging is creating text articles just like the one you are reading today. I publish regularly and again the objective is to offer value, make people aware of who I am and then engage with the reader. Now this is done through your own authority website which you have total control over.

Another side to blogging is “guest blogging” which means you create content for other website owners. These website owners are either directly involved in the same niche as you or are closely related, have commonalities.

Guest blogging is extremely effective because you are leveraging someone else’s audience. You are making them aware of who you are, raining your profile and credibility, delivering your message to a new audience.

Social Media 

Depending on what industry you are in will define what social media platforms you will leverage. Here you will identify where your audience hangs out, what groups and pages they are members of.

Participate in these groups, offer value, never spam. People will then check you; they will visit your profile and see links to your business.

Also, you can set up your own groups, share your own content that links to your offers. People will naturally find this content using the search facility, join your group which naturally grows your audience.



Podcasting is incredibly powerful and like previous strategies there is two sides to it. You can either have your own podcast or become a gust speaker on someone else’s.

This strategy is currently being used by one of my Build Your AU members. In just a few months he now has reach all over the world. He interviews experts within his niche, and they then share the podcast with their audiences. This raises my member’s profile and opens him up to whole new audiences.

Email Marketing 

Email marketing is still as powerful as it ever has been if you do it correctly. The objective is to create your own database, this is your list of contacts that have expressed interest in your business. They are giving you permission to contact them because they have opted into one of your lead capture forms.

Unlike any of the previous strategies this is organic traffic that you own and control. Your list is a captive audience that you have worked hard to generate. The success you have with your list depends on how you treat them.

Your objective and main focus must be to keep them informed, provide value and engage with them. Contact them regularly, every day, share your story, share value, spark emotions, create that connection.

Include a call to action (CTA) which could be to check out a relevant offer, relevant content. Invite them to a webinar that you are planning. Ask them for content ideas which help them with any problems they may be experiencing.

This is an organic marketing tool that you can leverage whenever you want so to be creative.

This is my share on how to get coaching clients. To gain more information on how to create your own coaching business through Build Your AU check out my free 9-week program. Within that program I will share more information on how to structure your business and more information on how to get coaching clients.

Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.

Trish Davies

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Build Your AU