3 Core Elements Personal Brand Training Must Uncover

You could create your personal brand on your own or you could be smart and seek personal branding training. I would go for the latter and here is why!

HI Trish Davies here and I have been a personal brand trainer for many years now. My own personal brand, Trish Davies International, has evolved over the years and has many different facets.

I look at Trish Davies International as a trunk of a tree. From that trunk I have many branches that veer away to all my online and offline business ventures. Therefore, I know what it takes to create brands both on a personal and business level.

The personal branding training branch is Build Your AU. The Build Your AU programs unearth the three core elements that every personal brand must have in place.

The Outcomes You Must Achieve Through Personal Branding Training 

personal branding training

Define Who You Are 

Your personal brand must reflect who you are. All brands have a specific DNA which truly identifies what they stand for. Your personal DNA must be intertwined all the way through every facet of your personal brand.

You are unique. Your character, mannerisms, values, beliefs, morals, ethics etc are yours alone. Every nuance you have must be extracted from inside you and be incorporated into the personal brand that you are about to create.

You must appear real, raw and uncensored. Don’t hide behind a mask of secrecy, mystery and untruths. You must show authenticity, not some fake façade because people must feel they can trust everything you say and do.

The personal brand training you enter must extract all this information. Use this information and position yourself in a way of “take me as I am”.

Have Clarity On What You Are Good At 

Any personal branding trainer or coach must have the ability to tell you what you are good at. You will have a general idea, but it often relies on someone from the outside looking in to point out things you may overlook.

What you are good, the success you have achieved and the experiences you have had will often form your core offerings. When I say offerings I mean the products and services that you will create and ultimately sell.

When you can demonstrate what you are good at you instantly becomes credible. You will come across from a position of authority, someone who other people will want to learn from. These people will want to replicate your success in their own lives.

Be Clear On Who You Want To Serve 

These people, as I just referred to, are your ideal audience. This is where many businesses and personal brands fail because they don’t know who they want, or need, to serve. It really doesn’t need to be complicated when you are trying to define who your ideal audience its.

They are a segment of society that will be very much like you. That is why it is critical to go through the first two exercises first. If you don’t then you will be wasting valuable time and money trying to attract people who simply don’t fit the criteria of your ideal customer.

Take a look in the mirror and you will find many of the answers to define your ideal customer looking back at you.

Personal branding training also needs to cover the aesthetics of your personal brand. Logo’s, colours, fonts and images are all very important as this will form the first impression someone has of you.

You need these in place, but this is not your starting point when creating your personal brand. The three core elements are what you must focus on. When you have them set in stone you will find that you brand image will naturally come together. It will reflect who you are, what you are good at and who you want to serve.

Make sure your personal branding training delivers these outcomes. The you will have a strong, authentic and sustainable personal brand that fits perfectly within your marketplace.

Build Your AU Personal Branding Training 

personal branding training

I have shared with you what outcomes you should achieve from any personal branding training you receive. Here is the breakdown of my Build Your AU personal branding training program.

How To Build Your Authenticity, Authority and Audience 

If you want to create an online training course, build a business, write an eBook, create an online presence then this is the place to learn how to. It all starts with your story, your journey.

To create a personal brand, you have to become the AUTHOR OF YOUR LIFE and BUILD YOUR AU. There are 3 stages to BUILD YOUR AU

  2. build your AUTHORITY
  3. build your AUDIENCE.

In this ONLINE TRAINING COURSE, you will learn about all 3 stages. The goal is to figure out what your value is, what your story is. The build an audience that will naturally gravitate to you because they connect to your story.

The course includes the following content:

  • Recorded Live Members Weekly Workshops
  • Behind The Scenes With Build Your AU Members
  • Facebook Live Group Videos
  • Interviews with Online Business Owners
  • Recorded Coaching Calls
  • How To Videos

Access to Facebook Group to receive support and guidance

AUTHORITY BUSINESS MODEL –  Get my secret roadmap formula that gets your business idea out of your head in a way that is dead simple… so you can create a powerful online course outline that gets real results. This course will give you AUTHORITY and will attract an AUDIENCE.

Register now by Clicking Here!

Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.

Trish Davies

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Build Your AU