How To Find Target Audience Through Sharing Your Own Experiences
Business relies on a solid customer base so sharing your own experiences is a great strategy on how to find target audience to connect with the right people.
So, you have a great product or service, but you may be struggling on attracting the people to your business. Marketing is about starting a conversation between you, the product vendor, and a person who has a problem. In effect you are a problem solver and today I am going to concentrate on one, how to find target audience, and two make that connection.
I am going to share some strategy to unearth that vein of gold as well as focusing on your story as a marketing tool. The reason I mention your story is because it can only take a matter of a few seconds to make that connection. When you share your experiences there will be people who instantly relate to what you are saying. They are currently suffering from a problem and when you can highlight you have suffered from the same pain point; the connection is made.
You establish authority because you have been there and got the t-shirt so to speak. You also have the mindset of your potential customer so you can leverage that as a business owner. This is how you can drill down on everything that makes up your ideal customer and to start the ball rolling you need to ask a couple of questions.
How To Find Target Audience By Asking Yourself These Two Simple Questions
- Who Do you Want To Impact?
- Why?
When it comes down to attracting the ideal people to your business you must create an avatar of that person. It helps to make it a visual resource, so map it out on a whiteboard in a place where you constantly see it. This will help keep your focus on the community you want to serve. What do you need to look at when creating your avatar?
- Age
- Gender
- Single or Married
- Parent
- Current Employment Status
- Income Level
- Locality
- Education
- Hobbies
- Pain Points
This is where your story helps because you will find many of these answers within your story. In many respects your ideal customer is you and the final point will reflect the product and service you are now providing.
To help you I have created a simple graphic where you can put many of the answers to these questions.
I created this slide because this has been one of my target markets because I have been an accountant. So, when offering a solution that offered a home business model, I crafted my message and marketing around this audience.
What better resource or solution could you provide than the one you created to end the pain. You had the problem and your story is how you overcame it. How much more authentic could that possibly be which leads me onto the second main question of your “Why”.
Discovering Your Why?
Why you want to help people can go many layers deep and the deeper you go the bigger the message you will deliver. It is impossible for me to know what your problems were but here is an example of drilling down into your “Why”.
Subject – Middle Aged Man
- Wants to be his own boss – Why?
- Fed up doing same thing for 25 years – Why?
- Became complacent, comfortable and then stuck in a rut – Why?
- Lost all motivation for the job – Why?
- Has no fulfilment so needs new purpose – Why
- Wants more time with the family – Why?
- Affected his marriage/partnership – Why?
- Hardly ever saw each other
The result is that he starts own business together with his wife/partner. Then has the time and eventual financial freedom to spend more time with each other, travel while still receiving a healthy income. Overall “Why” is a total lifestyle change and not beholding to anyone else.
He then creates a training package which shows how he created this lifestyle and then markets it to his target audience. Using his story shows his authenticity and establishes his authority. When a person who fits this demographic click on his ad, they instantly relate to his message.
This is how deep you must drill down, and sometimes further, to really understand your “why”.
Build Your AU Will Help You Discover Your WHY
My Build Your AU Mastermind is a very powerful environment and sometimes magic happens. On one of my first weekly masterminds we had two ladies who we have helped create businesses in very similar niches. This particular mastermind we looked at the very subject on how to find target audience for our respective businesses.
I won’t go into specifics, but their niche revolved around children and the mental health of children. Things like what to look out for in the child’s early life that could affect what happens in their teens. The conversation got very deep, but we unearthed some topics and issues that otherwise may have been overlooked. Also, we came up with some ideas on the tools and resources that could be created based upon understanding what the deep-down problems were.
The two ladies got incredible value from the mastermind and planned to connect outside of the mastermind. Then the magic happened. On the call was a gentleman who I invited to attend, and he then came out and shared his story. What transpired was very powerful because one of his children had been affected by some of the issues that these two ladies were trying to resolve.
Unbeknown to anyone we had a person who fitted the criteria in many ways to their ideal audience. Right there in that moment and space! Total validation that this process works, and it is something you must complete.
Other Platforms To Help Identify Your Target Audience
During the same mastermind another lady stepped out into the spotlight and shared her story. She shared the resources that she uses to attract the people that are aligned with her purpose. What she did was take some time to join groups online and through social media that were very specific to her niche.
Then she provided value by addressing certain problems that were raised through questions people were asking. This strategy is very powerful because it involves interacting with the people who are looking for the solution that you may be providing.
We discussed the possibility of her creating her own private groups that people could join. Also having her own platform that she controlled in every way. Adopting the mindset of offering value first will attract the audience that you are looking for. It helps establish your authority status that in the future can be leveraged to generate revenue streams. Therefore, I mentioned in my previous post the importance of putting purpose and people ahead of profits.
How to find target audience is one of the first things that you must undertake. If you don’t then your message will get wasted because it won’t have the desired impact. Everything must be planned to give you structure and if you fail to plan then you plan to fail!
Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.
Trish Davies
Build Your AU
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