What Makes Someone An Expert? 5 Ways To Become One

What makes someone an expert? What defines expertise? Read on to discover if you qualify for expert status and how to become one.

Hi Trish Davies here and today I want to focus on what makes someone an expert.

Expertise is a highly sought-after skill set in the modern job market. A recent study by LinkedIn revealed that hiring demand for expertise will increase by 25% this year alone.

In response to this demand, more and more professionals are looking to develop their expert skills. They need to do this in order to have a competitive edge when applying for new jobs or promotions.

Experts are people who have extensive knowledge about a particular subject, area of study, or professional practice.

  • What exactly makes someone an expert?
  • What type of person can become an expert?
  • How do you become one?

Experts are extremely knowledgeable about something. More importantly, they’re willing to share that knowledge with others. An expert also has the ability to communicate ideas clearly, concisely, and objectively.

If you want to become an expert yourself, here are five tips on how you can do so:

What Makes Someone An Expert? – Define Your Expertise 

what makes someone an expert

Before you can become an expert, you must first know what your expertise is. This can be a bit tricky, especially because many people expect to become an expert overnight.

However, becoming an expert takes a lot of time invested in studying, reading, and gaining real-life experience. Developing expertise is not something that happens overnight; it takes years of hard work and dedication.

The first step to becoming an expert is to identify the area(s) in which you want to develop expertise. The best way to do this is by having a clear idea of what your goals are and what you want to achieve in life.

Once you determine your goals, you can use those to help you identify the areas in which you want to develop your expertise. For example, let’s say your goal is to become a marketing manager at your company.

In order to achieve this goal, you first need to become an expert in marketing. Therefore, your expertise is marketing.

Become A Pro In That Field 

Once you’ve identified the area(s) in which you want to develop expertise, you need to become a pro in that field. Becoming a pro in that field can seem like an overwhelming challenge, but with a little perseverance and discipline, it can be done.

The best (and most effective) way to become a pro in that field is to read. Reading is one of the fastest and easiest ways to develop expertise in any given field.

Reading can help you discover new ideas and concepts. Also it will help you understand different perspectives and points of view.

Reading not only helps you to become an expert, but also helps you to learn new skills and acquire new knowledge. Reading can come in different forms, such as reading books, magazines, blogs, and articles.

Although reading can help you to quickly become an expert, you have to be selective with the books that you read. You don’t want to just read anything; you want to read books and articles that are relevant to your field.

Reading books that are related to your field can help you to get a better and quicker understanding of your field. Furthermore, reading books that are relevant to your field can help you to become an expert in a shorter amount of time.

Read, Read, & Read Some More 

Besides reading books that are relevant to your field, you also want to read books that are considered classics in your field. Classics are books that are considered to be the best books that were written in your field.

Classics can help you to get a broader and more in-depth understanding of your field. They can also help you to get a better understanding of how your field has evolved over time.

Reading classics can help you to become an expert and can also help you to become a more well-rounded person and professional. Beyond reading books in your field, you also want to read articles.

Although articles are shorter than books, they can also help you to develop expertise in your field. The best way to read articles in your field is to subscribe to magazines, journals, and publications that are related to your field.

You also want to follow industry experts on social media, like LinkedIn, and read their articles whenever possible. Reading and following industry experts can help you to get an insider’s view and understanding of your field.

Furthermore, following and reading articles from experts in your field can help you to get more ideas and concepts. Ones that can help you to develop expertise in your field.

What Makes Someone An Expert – Network With Others


Besides reading and subscribing to publications in your field, you also want to network with others. Networking with others can be helpful because it allows you to learn from individuals who have more experience than you in your field.

Networking with others also allows you to find mentors and other individuals who can help you to achieve your goals and become an expert in your field. In order to network with others in your field, you first need to find people who are currently working in that field.

Finding people can be done in a variety of ways, such as through social media, trade organizations, and industry events. Once you’ve found people in your field, you need to reach out to them and initiate a conversation.

You can do this by contacting them through social media, sending them an email, or inviting them for coffee. After initiating a conversation with the people in your industry, you want to ask them if they’d be willing to mentor you.

Write, Write, & Write Some More 

Besides reading and networking with others, you also want to write. Writing can help you to quickly and easily develop expertise in your field. The best way to write in order to develop expertise is to write articles and blog posts that are relevant to your field.

Writing articles and blog posts can help you to get your name out there and develop expertise. Also writing will build your reputation as an expert in your field. Furthermore, writing articles and blog posts can help you to come up with new ideas and concepts that can help you to develop expertise in your field.

You can also write books, eBooks, and other types of publications that can help you to develop expertise in your field. The best way to write books in your field is to write them in a conversational and easy-to-read manner.

Another way to develop expertise is to write books that are relevant to your field. This can be done by writing books that are aimed at educating people about your field and its various concepts and ideas.


Being an expert is a great way to stand out from the crowd, especially in a job market that is increasingly looking for people with niche skills.

With the tips outlined above, you can quickly and easily become an expert in a new field. From reading to networking and writing, these are all quick and easy ways to develop expertise.

For more information on what makes someone an expert check out my free training program called Build Your AU.

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Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.

Trish Davies

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Build Your AU