4 Steps To Being Authentic At Work

Authenticity will help you attract customers to your business so being authentic at work will show your honesty, transparency, and true self.

Hi Trish Davies, here, founder of the Build Your AU training program. The first pillar to this training program is authenticity which you must show to attract people to your business. Authenticity is showing vulnerabilities, transparency, what you belief in and what values you hold.

In essence it is showing your true self and not pretending to be anything other than what you are. Unfortunately, this gets lost in many business owners minds and comes back to haunt them.

In some industries it is more prevalent with the need to fake it till you make it mentality. Either they are making out they have made a lot of money or have transformed their body. Preaching like they are some kind of guru when in effect their statements have no foundation.

This is a sorry way to base any business on because people who do this will get found out. Eventually the holes they continue to dig will get so deep that there is no way out. Word gets around, any reputations they once had are shot to bits and the road to redemption is painfully long.

Authenticity is something that you can’t buy but when you show it then it becomes priceless. Therefore, I will share with you some steps for being authentic at work. You are or will become a business owner so wherever you practice your skills you are at work.

Whether that is at home on zoom, in a face to face meeting or live on stage in front of hundreds of people. These are your workplaces and where you must come across as authentic.

Being Authentic At Work Starts With You Showing Your Passion 

being authentic at work

When you work with passion it is clear for everyone to see. What are you passionate about and how can you turn that passion into a business? For me it is quite simple. I am passionate about helping people create businesses that are aligned with their passions, gifts, and talents.

Sunday mornings for me are one of the highlights of my week. I get to spend 90 minutes with my Build Your AU mastermind members. I get up at 5.00am to start the webinar at 6.00am to brainstorm with highly motivated and talented entrepreneurs.

I have developed a training process that extracts what people are good at based upon their stories. Also, what they have experienced in life, good and bad, their achievements and failures.

Then I help them create an authority business model based upon this information. That authority business model evolves into creating online training packages to take to market. To find the right audience for the training product and make huge impacts on people’s lives.

Again, I will ask you what are you passionate about? If you like to turn that passion into a business, then learn more about Build Your AU here.

Practice What You Preach 

When it comes to business you can always tell someone who is authentic by the actions they take. There is a saying that actions speak louder than words which is very true. Whenever I set tasks for my mastermind group, I make sure that I do it as well. I am accountable to myself and the group.

This is what you must show within your business for your customers to take you seriously. If you are running a health program, then make sure you show your results. Make sure you are taking the actions you are asking other people to take.

If you are teaching people how to make money online, then share the strategies you are using. Don’t keep them to yourself. Also show proof they are working for you. Share your PayPal or other merchant account and show the money you are making.

If you can’t then you are not being authentic.

Don’t Sugar Coat Those Rose-Tinted Glasses 

I have just mentioned that you must practice what you preach and show proof of your success. The other side to this is showing your vulnerabilities and failures. Don’t just show the good stuff because you think that’s all people are interested in.

For you to gain any success there would have been trial and error, failure, dejection, and frustration. Life isn’t a bed of roses all the time so you must tell people of your struggles.

The reason you do this is because the obstacles you faced are what they are facing there in the moment. They are looking for the solution that you have created through blood, sweat and tears.

By showing your vulnerability and opening up to people will make them connect with you. They will see you are the real deal and not some hyped up fake. You will earn their trust because they will feel you tell it as it comes.

Show Empathy And Gratitude 

show gratitude

When individuals first connect with you, they want to feel that you care about them. This means you showing that you understand the pain they are going through because you have felt it.

Focusing on those pain pints is not a negative thing if you can show empathy and hope. The hope is through your story and how you achieved the success that they can have.

The gratitude you show is how your life has improved and the benefits you have received. The gratitude that you feel is what you want them to feel.

Also express how proud you are of yourself at beating the odds. There would have been times when the chips were down, and you saw no way through. Through your own determination and dedication, you overcame those odds. Now you want to empower them to do the same.

It is hard to put into words how you can express this, but you will find a way through emotion. Your emotion will trigger other people’s emotions, and this is when you really connect with people.

I see this all the time in my Build Your AU mastermind. I have members from all around the world, each with their own stories and how they overcame them. Emotions run high sometimes, and other members connect because they can relate to things that have happened in their lives.

Want To Have The Same Experience? 

For a limited time, I can let you access to an exclusive video series of some previous mastermind sessions. You can experience what happens each week and the process we go through. To learn more about the program click on the image below.

build your au mastermind video series

Being authentic at work is a fundamental pillar to any successful business. If you aren’t then you will get found out, there is no doubt. It is a lot easier being who you are than creating a false persona which will trip you up. Register for the video series to see how the program can position you as a person of authenticity and authority.

Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.

Trish Davies

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Build Your AU