If You Are Struggling To Understand Just What The Authentic Self Meaning Is Then Let Me Strip Away All The Confusion

In this article Trish Davies removes the confusion of the authentic self meaning by tapping into the core of your unique story to use in your marketing.

When it comes to creating your own personal brand, authenticity is the bedrock and foundation that your business will sit upon. The authentic self meaning can create a mass of confusion because sometimes you don’t know how to be you! For many of us it takes a lot of sole searching and self reflection to really understand who we are.

If you were to ask someone how you could come across as being authentic you would get a simplistic answer. They would say “be you” or “just be yourself” but what does that really mean? Authenticity comes from being aligned with your beliefs and values but that is a 35,000 feet overview. What is takes in reality is for you to dig right down to your inner core to find out just what makes you tick!

The Authentic Self Meaning Is Easier To Understand As We Get Older 

authentic self meaning

You can’t put a price on experience and our lives are made up of life events. Those life events have a massive impact on who we are or think we are. In our early years we tend to be followers and are influenced by many people. We tend to be dragged in many different directions until we pick our own path.

The path we pick is determined by the values we create and the beliefs we have which over time creates layers. As we get older the layers increase and we hide behind them. You have at some point in your life hid behind a cushion or pillow whilst watching a scary movie. The reason you do this is that you think that cushion will protect you because it is forming a barrier. That can be said for the layers you create because you feel that they protect you from the outside world.

The trouble is that on many occasions these layers are caused from old mindset values. These mindset values help you create your own ego. Now there can be many interpretations of what an ego is. For this example, I want to look upon an ego as this. It is a state of mind that mediates between our conscious and unconscious that is responsible for our reality testing and our sense of personal identity.

This cause us to hide behind our ego because if we are threatened it protects us and keeps us safe. Now that may sound all well and good along with being reassured but it can have a detrimental effect on us as well. The reason I say this is because it can create a personal and portrays us as someone we are not truly being. So, what can you do about this?

Being Your Authentic Self Requires Going Through A Process

The process starts with you stripping all those layers back to reveal your true authentic self. This process is complex, and it may be impossible for you to do it on your own. That’s why I recommend taking help and advice from other people. I say this because it is very hard for us to be impartial and it is easier for others to see what our talents and gifts are.

To put it bluntly we can’t see what is right in front of our own eyes and face. I am a great advocate of masterminding and collaborating with other people and here is why. They are impartial and will say it how they see. They can see the obvious that you can’t because of all those layers you have created. What is invisible to you is as clear as day to them.

masterminding and collaboration

This is what is crucial to the personal branding process. Think of it this way. How can you expect potential leads or customers know who you are if you don’t know that to start with?

Your authenticity is what’s going to make that connection and get them to relate to you. This will help your own self awareness and reinforce the values you have or help you create other values that are more aligned to what your purpose is.

As a person you are a package that contains true gifts and talents. You will also have your own unique perspective on life which has been created through the experiences you have had. This creates something that is totally unique to you which is your story, and this is what you need to tap into.

Tapping Into Your Unique Perspective

So, we have established that you are a package, but it takes something on the outside or a person to unpack it and pull things out. Then we need to put it all back together in a refreshed package. This package can then be unleashed to attract other people to your brand and your products and services.

Your potential leads and customers make up your audience. This audience will predominantly be people just like you, after all like attracts like! Attracting people to your brand and business heavily relies on the content that you publish. There are many ways to market your business but one of the most powerful ways is through telling people your story.

One of the best mediums to use is video because there is no denying who you are. People can see you warts and all so to speak. Think of the camera as your audience to deliver the content on the platform of your choice. Your content is going to be based upon your story which is based upon your experiences, values and life events.

The more content you publish will create a vein of gold for future content ideas. The biproduct is that you will also become more relaxed in front of the camera and get into a flow. You will gradually transition from presenting to becoming the real you and within your content will be your unique perspective. In other words, your story, purpose and your reason why!

The Build Your AU Process To Authenticity

This process is a passion of mine and I have helped many people nurture their own unique perspective. Within Build Your AU we have a clear structure and process to follow which will help you develop your own brand through your authenticity. Take some time to look through this website where you will find out how we can help you. Also, you will see how the process has helped other people through a member’s mastermind series that you can access by registering at the bottom of this page.

I started this article with a bird’s eye overview of the authentic self meaning. I hope that I have helped you understand the process you need to go through to establish your authenticity in your business. If I can help you in any way, please feel free to contact me here and I wish you every success.

Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.

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Build Your AU