The Importance Of Authenticity In Business: Why It Matters And How To Achieve It

We live in an age where consumer trust in businesses is at an all time high. You must show authenticity in business. Here’s how!

Hi Trish Davies here and the topic for today is authenticity in business. Being authentic in your business is important. With so many people out there trying to sell you something, it’s easy to feel like everything is just a sales pitch.

What’s the difference between someone who’s offering you their genuine opinion and someone who just wants to make a sale? It might be subtle, but when you’re in tune with yourself and your morals, it can be really clear. That’s what makes an authentic company.

So how do you cultivate that authenticity in business? You may not know it yet, but it starts with you. Think about what values are most important to you and let them guide your decisions.

There may be certain things you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t because they don’t align with who you really are or what your company stands for. Know this: if authenticity is important to you, then it will show through in everything you do. That starts with trying new things and trying different things!

Here are some ways to achieve authenticity in business.

The Importance Of Authenticity In Business 

authenticity in business

In order to be authentic in your business, you need to learn how to identify what is important to you. That’s easier said than done, but there are a few ways that might help.

One way is thinking about the values that are most crucial to you. Think about what your company stands for and make sure it aligns with those values. For example, if you’re in the food industry, then you should want quality ingredients and great tasting food.

You should want ethical practices and sustainability. These things may not be as easy as they could be when it comes to finding companies in this industry. However if authenticity is important to your business, then these are the things that will show through.

Another way is learning about yourself and what makes you happy. Then you can create a happiness-based marketing strategy for your company. If authenticity is important to your business then being happy shouldn’t be too hard!

Finally, try new things! This will allow you to push boundaries for your company and see how people react. This will also help ensure authenticity in the process.

Why It Matters To Be Authentic 

Companies that are authentic are seen as more trustworthy and valuable to their customers. Customers want the products and services of companies that know who they are, what they stand for, and where they’re headed.

In this piece, we’ll cover how you can be authentic in your business and why it matters.

How To Achieve Authenticity In Business 

When you’re trying to be authentic, it’s important to be open-minded. You might try something that doesn’t work at first, like social media marketing or a new form of advertising.

It may seem like a waste of time, but it will make you grow as an individual and as a company. Trying new things is just one way to make sure that your authenticity comes through in your brand.

If you want to do something out of the ordinary, there are some other ways that can help you achieve it:

Try different methods in order to test the effectiveness of one (e.g., A/B testing)

Speak out about controversial topics in order to find out what people really think about them (e.g., using Instagram ads for political posts)

Be willing to take risks and take on challenges (e.g., launching a new product or allowing customers to design their own products)

Authenticity is up to you and with these tips, you’ll have no trouble cultivating it!

Always Be Honest 

honesty in business

One of the first steps to being authentic is to be honest. Know who you are and what you stand for. Be open about your thoughts, opinions, and beliefs and don’t be afraid to share them with others in an effort to connect with them.

Your authenticity will shine through in everything you do and that’s what will help other people see it.

If you’re worried about coming across as too preachy or judgmental, remember that being true to yourself doesn’t mean being judgmental of others too. If a co-worker has a different opinion on something, respect their right to have that opinion as well, even if you disagree!

Redefine Roles 

It’s time to rethink what your business is. Put yourself in the shoes of a customer and ask what it is you’re looking for. What would make you feel valued? What would make you want to spend more time with your company?

If you can answer these questions, then you’re on the right track. Once you’ve got that figured out, make a plan of action to bring these values into everything that happens at your business.  Even if that means redefining the role of certain employees or finding new ways to market your company better.

For example, let’s say authenticity is important to your business and you want people who work there to be themselves around customers. That’s great! However how can you do that when they’re also trying to sell products?

You could try changing job titles like marketing director into marketing advisor or even just marketing specialist. The title doesn’t matter so long as everyone is selling their true selves every day!

Create An Authentic Culture 

Building a culture is one of the best ways to cultivate an authentic company.

Think about your company’s values and how they reflect your business. What does your company stand for? Was it founded on a particular belief or is it something that has evolved over time?

Once you’ve figured out what your company stands for, you can start building the culture that embodies those values. Celebrate who you are as a company and find new ways to celebrate the little things, not just holidays and birthdays but every day, too.

Make sure you’re allocating time in each week to focus on these things. That’s because they will have a huge impact on your customers, employees, partners, and investors. That’s when people see that the business is becoming more authentic and they’ll want to be a part of it!

Authenticity In Business – Find Inspiration

inspiration in business

There’s no one-size-fits all approach to being authentic. But when it comes to finding inspiration, try taking a look around. What activities do you enjoy? What’s your passion?

Maybe writing or cooking are two of your favourite things and you want to be able to incorporate those into your company. However realize that they might not fit the image of your company.

If this is the case, don’t worry! There are plenty of other ways to find inspiration outside of what you’re already doing. Maybe you like watching documentaries about people from different walks of life who have gone through challenges and found success in their own way.

Maybe you love reading about entrepreneurs who started at a local coffee shop. How they then grew their business into something more substantial that became a national brand overnight. It may sound far-fetched, but it’s possible!

The point is, don’t let yourself get boxed in by what everyone else thinks might be “authentic.” Let the creative juices flow and find inspiration from all over the place!

For more information on how to create authenticity in business check out my free Build Your AU program here.

Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.

Trish Davies

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Build Your AU