Books For Aspiring Entrepreneurs Which Look At The Mindset Business Owners Must Have

Trish Davies looks at books for aspiring entrepreneurs that help to create the right mindset around business and becoming successful.

Hi Trish Davies, here again and the focus today is to help you develop the right mindset for business. A great way to do this is to read books around the subject of business and personal development. Both go hand in hand because you must understand how business works and the psychology behind business.

Success doesn’t just happen overnight and for many people in business it is a lifelong education and journey. There is some truth when people say you learn something new everyday however small it may be. Even after years of experience doing something you stumble across small nuggets to help you do something more efficiently.

The same can be said for the mind and this is where reading comes into its own. We live in an information age and that information is easily accessible to everyone. You just need to online and the worlds library opens to you on many different platforms.

For example, the Amazon marketplace has millions of books covering all subjects known to mankind. When it comes to business you will find publications from household names to small independent business owners. All sharing their stories, experience and how they have made a mark in their industry.

I love the physical feeling of a book and have many at home focused on business. Each give me inspiration and are there for constant reference to re-fresh my mind and continue to learn.

I am going to share with you some examples to help you create the right mindset. Also, reasons why you should constantly read to develop personally.

Why Entrepreneurs Should Read 

books for aspiring entrepreneurs

I think by now I have laid the groundwork on why you should read as an aspiring entrepreneur. I want to share with you some additional reasons and then I will recommend some books for aspiring entrepreneurs. There will be a couple of classics, but I will also through into the ring one of my own. More on that shortly!

One of the main reasons is that you can learn so much from other people’s experiences and perspectives. Why try an invent the wheel again when other people have already done it for you. You will come across challenges and problems every day in your business, but they are not insurmountable.

The reason is that if you face them then it is guaranteed that other people have done so. You will find both practical and mindset solutions to ensure that you progress rather than stumble.

Another reason is that your mind opens to new opportunities. There is a difference between spotting opportunities and being an opportunity seeker. The first is where entrepreneurs come into their own because they can spot potential in something. Then they research it and ascertain if there is any traction in it to then gain momentum.

The second is a person looking for a quick fix and path to success. This is based on a hunch and involves elements of luck because they are not prepared to work at it. Success in this case rarely happens and they move onto the next so-called opportunity.

You must be in the first camp and be open to other people’s ideas and opinions that are based upon fact. Meaning they have been proven to work so could potentially work in your own business.

More Reasons To Read 

decision making

Decision making is undoubtably of the most important skills that you must develop to become successful. Everyday you will make important decisions that could be the make or break of your business and projects you are working on.

When you read the experiences of successful people and how they make decisions it will steer you in the right direction. You will develop the skill to make informed and smart decisions for the future.

Entrepreneurs in general are creative people who are always looking towards innovation. Reading can inspire those creative juices and tap into that part of your brain. When you turn on that tap then your business can continue to grow and keep you ahead of your competitors.

My Recommendations Of Books For Aspiring Entrepreneurs 

For this section I am not going to focus on specific business models and strategies. I shared resources where you can find these such as Amazon which breaks things down into categories for you.

I want to focus on something that in my opinion is the make or break of any aspiring entrepreneur. That is what goes on between your ears! Your mind is the biggest tool that you can leverage to create a successful and abundant life. The thing about the mind though is that it must be trained and if necessary, shifted into different thought patterns.

This was perfectly illustrated in my latest Build Your AU mastermind session this past weekend. A very close friend of mine decided to attend a virtual masterclass at the start of May this year. From 3.00pm to midnight, her local time, she was fixated to her computer screen. If that isn’t dedication, I don’t know what is!

The Science Of Getting Rich 

The masterclass was focused around a classic publication called The Science Of Getting Rich. This is a publication from the pen of Wallace D Wattles and first published in 1910.

Still in print today the book has had many introductions added from well know entrepreneurs. The book concentrates on how to overcome many mental barriers and is divided into 17 short chapters. The book covers how creation rather than competition is the key to attracting wealth and abundance into your life. So, this is my first recommendation and it is just a matter of searching online for your preferred platform.

Becoming Supernatural 

The second book I recommend is one called Becoming Supernatural – How Common People Are Doing The Uncommon. You will need to take your time with this one, but it opens a vault of knowledge and gives you a set of tools. Tools that enable you to reach extraordinary states of being.

By reading these types of books you will gain clarity on the power that you have within you. Any limiting beliefs will be taken away and you will develop the confidence to create the life you want.

Strategies and business models can be learnt but it helps the learning process if you are in the right mind. These two books will position your mindset where it needs to be.

Lead Your Lifestyle 

lead your lifestyleThis is my own creation and it teaches you the 7 steps you must take to create an online business. You may have already searched for information on how to start your own online business. This may have left you feeling overwhelmed and not knowing where the starting point is.

Lead Your Lifestyle gives you practical strategies to follow along with business models that you can start today. Also, I get into more mindset training to help you develop the belief you need to succeed online.

You may already have a vision of how you want to live your lifestyle. A lifestyle of freedom and choice that is created from building an online business. The truth is that anyone can start an online business if you follow a process. My book shows you that process so learn more by clicking here.

The books for aspiring entrepreneurs that I have shared with you will help you create the right mindset for online business. Once you develop that mindset you can create any business online that you want, there is nothing stopping you! 




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Trish Davies

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Build Your AU