Build An Authority Site To Establish You As An Authority In Your Niche

You must have a website, so you appear credible and professional to your audience. What does it take to build an authority website?

Hi Trish Davies here to talk about authority and how you can establish it within your niche. One of the most powerful ways to create this status is to build an authority website. Then bring that authority website to life by publishing regular content through a blog element built into your authority website.  

When you build your authority website it will become two entities so let me explain what I mean by this. The first is somewhat static and will consist of various pages that contain content that relate to you. Things like what your website is about, information on the services that you provide, social proof such as client testimonials. Also, how people can make an initial contact with you.

Why Build An Authority Website? 

build an authority website

You may be asking yourself how having an authority website benefits you. When a website visitor lands on your website for the very first time this is where you have the only opportunity to make that first impression last.

When you build an authority website it will give the visitor the impression that you are professional. That’s because you are providing all this information out there with complete transparency. That person can then explore and navigate their way through your site to make an informed decision on whether they want to engage and do business with you.

I want you just for a moment to think about why you visit the websites that you do. Look within the websites that you have bookmarked. What has drawn you to making that decision that you frequently log on to those sites?

Is it the design or is it the structure that is presented to you? Maybe it is the person or corporation behind the website? Have they installed confidence in you so that you know, like and trust them because of the value that they have delivered to you?

The second and fluid entity to your website is the blog facility you have access to. This undoubtably in my opinion is the most powerful function you have at your fingertips to create that authority status and here is why.

Establish Authority By Publishing Valuable Content 


A person who claims expert status must have the experience and knowledge to back themselves up. When you publish regular content, you can showcase your authority. Every day, even multiple times per day, you can create valuable information. That information can impact people’s lives when they read, watch or listen to your posts.  

Blog posts are in essence articles consisting of various different formats. Formats  such as text, images, video and audio files that are designed to bring value to the lives of the people who read them. The benefit of blog posts is that they keep your website constantly updated and fresh for your readership.

Your readership will become your following who are loyal to you, they are your tribe so to speak. They take notice of what you have to say and see you as the go to person when they need help. You really have the opportunity to impact people’s lives and the benefits of that are huge for both parties. .

For the reader they have a hub that they can come to and feel safe, secure and comfortable. They can interact and engage with you because they know you will respond back and have their back.

You Authority Website Helps Create Your Online Community 

They can also interact with other followers. Therefore, your authority website can become a community for people. People who all contribute to the development of your website with no additional work on your behalf.

This is so powerful within the digital age that we now find ourselves in. It seems that everybody is connected to the internet and blog posts can have an incredible impact for you and your business.

It is normal behaviour for people to share content that they like and find valuable to their circle of influence. This benefits you because you will see an upsurge in the traffic that your website receives from virtual word of mouth.

In business, recommendation is the biggest and most powerful marketing tool any business owner can receive. Your authority website is your virtual real estate that anyone can connect to from anywhere in the world.

Every time someone shares your content then your authority status and credibility increases. Your authority website doesn’t just have to rely on people sharing your content on social media. No, your authority website can be linked to all your social media channels. Therefore, when you create new blog posts they are automatically published on those channels.

The Search Engines Love Them 

internet search engine

All of this viral activity helps your authority status when it comes to the search engines as well. They love websites that first and foremost provide value. That’s because they are there predominately to provide valuable information to people who are looking for solutions.

Individuals go online to find things out and your authority website is a place for them to do just that. Google and its competitors will analyse what your authority website publishes. When they recognise the value of your authority website they will rank your content highly. This benefits you and your business because your overall website ranking will increase along with your status.

The top 3 ranked websites are as follows –

  1. – Enables users to search the world’s information, including webpages, images, and videos. Offers unique features and search technology.
  2. – YouTube is a way to get your videos to the people who matter to you. Upload, tag and share your videos worldwide!
  3. – A social network that connects people, to keep up with friends, upload photos, share links and videos.

These are all authority websites and are the go-to place for people depending on what they are looking for at the time.

Now I am not saying that your authority website will come anywhere close to these top three. That would be unrealistic but what I am saying is that you could become one of the leading places in your niche or industry. A place for people to go to in time of need or as a matter of daily routine.

Build An Authority Website With The Help Of Build Your AU 

Build Your AU helps you build authenticity, authority and your audience. The Build Your AU program will help you establish yourself as an authority in your industry or your niche.

An element to the program is to help you build an authority website. I cover in depth what I have shared with you today and much more when it come to build an authority website. Things like structure, content, design and your messaging.

Basically, helping you create a strong personal brand that you can present through your authority website. I take all the guess work away so that you can have a professional presence online. To learn more about Build Your AU and my 9 step program please click here.

Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.

Trish Davies

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Build Your AU