Breaking Down The Basics Of Content Marketing For Coaches

Content marketing is important for all types of businesses. If you are a coach or consultant then learn the basics of content marketing for coaches here!

Hi Trish Davies here and today I want to look at content marketing for coaches. A lot of people know that content marketing is a powerful way to reach out to an audience. They understand that it can be used to attract new clients and new business opportunities. However they don’t really know how.

In this article, we break down the basics of content marketing for coaches.

Content marketing is a strategy focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content. Content that is aimed at attracting and satisfying a clearly defined audience in order to build trust and relationships with them.

The goal of this type of marketing is not to make a sale or push a product off the shelf. It is to build a community of people who are interested in your expertise and willing to buy your services when they need them. Read on to learn about what content marketing for coaches entails!

Content Marketing For Coaches – What Is Content Marketing?

content marketing for coaches

Content marketing is a type of digital marketing that relies heavily on valuable content creation and distribution. The goal of content marketing is to create valuable, relevant, and consistent content so that you can build a community of people. People who are interested in your expertise and willing to buy your services when they need them.

That’s a lot to take in! Here’s what it all means:

Content creation is a huge part of content marketing. This means that you will be developing blog posts, videos, podcasts, social media profiles, white papers, eBooks, the list goes on. You want to make sure that the content you’re creating provides value and solves problems for people.

Content distribution is another component of content marketing. This involves promoting your created content through paid or organic channels like social media or search engine optimization (SEO).

You want to make sure you’re using the right tools and strategies for each platform (a Facebook post will be different than a Google Ad) and learning how they work in order to get the most out of them.

Why Should Coaches Care About Content Marketing?

Content marketing is the perfect way to reach out to potential clients who need your services. It can be used to attract new clients and build credibility in your market. The key is to understand what makes content successful and how you can create content that will attract, engage, and convert your target audience!

Read on for four quick tips for creating content that builds trust with potential customers.

Share Your Expertise 

People want experts when they are looking for help with their problems. They want experts because they understand experts know more than they do about the topic. So it’s tempting to answer every question someone might have about coaching through text. However that isn’t engaging or relevant enough to capture people’s attention or interests.

A better approach would be to use video tutorials that offer expertise in a visual format. This proves you’re an expert worth following without having to type out an entire book on the topic. Videos also tend to get more engagement than text only posts which means you can attract more clients while still staying within a budget!

The Keys To Successful Content Marketing 

content marketing success

Content marketing is a long term strategy, which means you need to be prepared to put in work upfront. We know coaches are busy people, but it’s tough to create an audience when you’re only creating content every once in a while.

It takes time and effort to get your content noticed by the right people. Therefore it’s important that you plan out your content ahead of time. Then you can spend more time on producing high-quality content than on managing everything else.

There are many different tactics you can use for distributing your content online, but each one has pros and cons. For example, SEO is great for building links back to your site and gaining visibility on search engines like Google.

However, it doesn’t really help build your audience. It only helps increase the number of visitors who might be interested in your services.

So what’s the best way to get started? The first step is understanding what type of coach you are and how that will affect the type of content you should create. Read on for some insightful tips!

How Does Content Marketing Work for Coaches?

Content marketing is a marketing strategy that focuses on the creation and distribution of valuable, relevant and consistent content and relies on building relationships with an audience.

Content marketing for coaches is similar to any other form of content marketing, but with a few tweaks. Instead of targeting prospects who are interested in your products or services, you would be focusing on those who are interested in coaching as a field.

The goal of this type of marketing is not to make a sale or push a product off the shelf but instead build a community of people who are interested in your expertise and willing to buy your services when they need them.

The ultimate goal is to establish yourself as an expert and trusted source in your industry by providing valuable information. Information that pertains to everything from professional development and personal growth.

What Types of Content Should Coaches Produce?

The great thing about content marketing for coaches is that there are many types of content you can create. You don’t have to limit yourself to just one type of content. Your goal is to provide the best possible experience for your audience.

So, what are some of the types of content you should produce?

Blog Posts: Blog posts are a great way to deliver information that’s valuable and relevant to your target audience. You can write about topics related to your expertise or answer questions from people who are interested in coaching services.

Whatever you write about on your blog should be something that will help potential clients learn more about you and what you do.

Videos: Video marketing is becoming more popular every day because it’s an extremely engaging form of communication. A video on YouTube can capture someone’s attention for up-to-10 minutes. This is much longer than most other digital media channels allow people to stay engaged with the content they’re consuming. If you’re not using videos as part of your content strategy, now’s the perfect time!

Images: Images are also a great way to engage with an audience because so many people respond well to imagery. Whether they’re pictures or infographics, images play a big role

Blog Posts 

Your blog is an excellent place to start with content marketing.

A blog posts allows you to share your expertise with a targeted audience. Here you can provide them with actionable pieces of advice that they can use in their own life.

To get started, think about what your blog can be about. Maybe it’s time for a new post on how to find the perfect pair of jeans or tips for what running shoes to buy depending on your foot type. If you’re an accountant, this might be a good post: “What is Tax Season?”

Once you’ve decided what your blog post will be about, write down 3-5 points that you want to include in it. For example, if you’re writing a post about finding the perfect pair of jeans, these points might include things like “stretch is key,” “shop at stores like Loft and Gap,” and “know your size.”

Use these points as the outline for your blog post and fill in any details along the way. You’ll find that once you start writing content marketing for coaches, it’ll come easier and easier!


content marketing video

Video is a great way to get your message across because it’s visual and can be more engaging than just text. Plus, it’s easy to share on social media platforms!

For example, if you are trying to sell fitness services or equipment. Your video could show that people are willing to take the time to care about their health and wellness. Videos can also be helpful for explaining how products work.

Video marketing is valuable because prospective customers watch them before making a purchase decision. The average viewer will spend 64% more time watching a story when they have been given the video than the written article option. If you want people to understand your product or service, video may be your best choice!


Infographics are an excellent way to present complex information in a visually appealing format. They can be used to display data, show comparisons between topics, or illustrate processes.

A good infographic will not only be aesthetically pleasing but also useful for your target audience. It’ll be clear, concise, and give them the information they need to take the next step in their journey.

Infographics are a great marketing tool for coaches because they can be used to make their content accessible and easy-to-understand for prospective clients.

If you’re looking for a creative way to promote your coaching business, consider an infographic!

Social Media Posts 

Social media can be a great way to connect with your audience and market your brand. It doesn’t matter the size of your company; you need to have a social media presence. Brands that use social media well see an increase in brand awareness and customer engagement by up to 80%.

When using social media for content marketing, it’s important not to make it all about you or your company. Share valuable (but relevant) information and provide value whenever possible. You want to provide people with what they want when they want it. Also give them something new and exciting every now and then too!

You can use Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, YouTube. There are so many avenues for you to reach out on social media! Make sure you’re using them all wisely.


Content marketing is a powerful tool that can help coaches build their brand and reach more people. With the right strategy and content, you can establish your expertise and make a name for yourself.

It is important to remember that your content should speak to your audience and your goals. Consider what type of content would best reach your target customers and help you achieve your goals of building credibility, authority and trust.

To learn more about content marketing for coaches check out my free 9 step program here. Within the program I will reveal a 3×3 formula to help you create a constant stream of content for your coaching business.

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Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.

Trish Davies

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