Working Part-Time You Can Create Online Training Courses And Build Your Financial Firewall

The popularity to create online training courses is increasing and the industry is booming. Find out how you can build courses in just a few hours per week.

Hi, Trish Davies, here again and in my previous post I referred to how the eLearning industry is booming. Also, I shared with you how you can package all the gifts, talents, and expertise together into online training courses.

There is a saying of “right time, right place” when opportunity presents itself, well this is that moment. In today’s post I want to share with you what I have been up to over the last 12 months.

Also, I want to share with you how you can build an online business when you create online training courses. How you can build financial firewalls around your household like I did many years ago.

Then how you deliver and market your expertise through your content before revealing how you can do this part-time. Finally, I will extend you an invitation to work with me so that I can help you piece everything together. All of this in the shortest time possible so that you can soon start to reap the rewards.

Sound good to you? Great lets dive into it then!

What Have I Been Up To This Last Year?

yearly calendar

I touched briefly on this in my previous post when I focused on the demand for online education. Then how you can build an online business that’s going to actually fulfil that demand right now?

What I’ve been doing in the last 12 months, is developing this process. It’s a model that does that. This model is very powerful. It is an insightful process that systematically extracts what it is that you can parcel up in such a way and deliver to the right audience. Then have people pay for that solution.

I have built one of my training courses in 1.5 hours a week for the last 12 months. That is all it has taken which equates to 78 hours which means less than two weeks work. That is on the basis of a working week being 40 hours. Saying all that though it is a very extensive program which I will introduce you to shortly.

That’s not a lot of time in the grand scheme of things. For me I have locked 1.5 hours on Sunday mornings into my calendar. I have dedicated that time to build my content for my training program.

Sunday mornings for me. Right. I’ve dedicated I’ve locked in the calendar, blocked out a particular time, one and a half hours every single week. And that’s my time to build the content and build my training program.

You can do the same!

Can You Spare 1.5 Hours Per Week Creating Online Training Courses? 

create online training courses

Before I go into how you can do this, I want you to think about why you want to do it? Back in 1999 due to tragic circumstances I said that I would build a financial wall around my family. Something that nothing or no one could get through.

That’s your mission. It is to ensure that you protect your household and ensure that there is income coming in. Regardless of what happens out there in the world which is prevalent now due to the circumstances the world finds itself.

The biggest challenge you have sharing the value you have inside. You may have said to yourself that you have so much value to give. That you could inspire and motivate so many people and do a whole lot of good.

I have said that to myself and developed the process to spread my message to the world. This is what I want for you.

You want to create certainty, order and choice and you can do this when you create online training courses.  Developing you training course online you are, in effect, becoming your own boss.

You are creating what we call an online business, that online business you have complete control over. The more that you educate yourself, train yourself, the more control that you have over your business that you are putting online. You can, with a very small following, create financial certainty as you move forward into the future.

Here Is How You Create Your Financial Firewall 

It doesn’t stop there with one training course or one training program. You can have a multitude of training programs out there that tackle different challenges. Different problems that provide solutions to people.

By doing this you create multiple revenue streams that will be coming into your business. Therefore, you will have multiple income streams coming into your household that can protect you. This is your financial firewall that I mentioned previously to be aligned with your mission

You have all the content and the expertise. It’s just how do you deliver that. How do you get it out of there and into the hands of the people who need it. All it takes is one and a half hours a week.

You may still in isolation right now or have time on your hands. Even if you are back at work you still have the evenings and weekends. How are you spending that time?

Instead of an hour and a half on Netflix you could spend that time to build your own online training package. An online training program, and that’s going to provide you future financial stability that you control.

More About Build Your AU 

build your au mastermind

I think this concept is awesome and I just love what I do. So, you can join me in my private member’s group members program. Join us every week to help build and create something so powerful. It’s an amazing community and very supportive.

That’s where you can get access to me so that I can advise and coach you. All through the members mastermind program along with the training program as well. Below is an image which if you click you can register for a free video training series of previous masterminds. Once you have gone through the training series you can if you wish, join the program help create your online business.

build your au mastermind video series

When you create online training courses it is a powerful way to generate revenue for yourself. Also, it has massive impact on the people you share your knowledge with, sometimes life changing. I can’t think of a more rewarding way to do business and it is something I recommend you start. I am here to help you every step of the way and that starts by registering for the training series. I look forward to seeing you on the inside.

Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.

Trish Davies

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Build Your AU