How To Leverage The eLearning Industry Growth And Secure Your Financial Security

eLearning industry growth is expected to be 8% CAGR over the next 5 years valuing the industry at $375 Billion so learn how you can tap into this expending market.

Hi Trish Davies ere again and I want to focus on a rapidly expanding industry which is eLearning. The eLearning industry growth forecast is staggering over the next 5-6 years to the value of 8% CAGR. That stands for Compound Annual Growth Rate which will see the industry valued at $375 Billion by 2026.

Those figures are mind blowing but it is obvious for anyone to see that the demand for online education is there. This covers all sectors in life and there is a worldwide audience.

eLearning is the process of acquiring knowledge through electronic technologies and resources. There are approximately 4.5 Billion internet users around the world which equates to 59% of the worlds population. As you can see there is plenty of scope for you to tap into existing users and new ones when they come onboard, which they will.

Today I want to share with you a couple of things. The first is where the demand is right now and then how you can build an online business to fulfil that demand.

The $200+ Billion Opportunity 

elearning industry growth

There is clear demand right now for coaching. Coaching corporations, coaching individuals, coaching them based on certain challenges that they are having right now. Addressing certain problems that they have, and this is what makes up this multi-billion-dollar industry.

It is a multi-billion-dollar industry. I have given you some statistics which I have researched, and you can do the same. There’s research everywhere out there which says exactly that, and it is growing.

There are many contributing factors to this growth. The current crisis with Covid-19 has forced millions of people to stay at home, many of them in total isolation. Therefore, they have turned to the internet because of the time they have on their hands.

That maybe to connect with the outside world to break the solace along with wanting to learn new skills. New skills that they may need to position themselves in the new way that we will be living our live.

Leverage The Technology That Is Available 

Also, part of this multi-billion opportunity is by leveraging technology that is available. We are a lot more connected geographically because of Internet and because of platforms that we are now using.

We are using Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Skype, and social media platforms.  All of these platforms are being utilized because we you, I, and everyone else have been in lockdown. are in lockdown. We are in isolation and don’t have physical contact with people like we used to. The only way to connect and to communicate is through the technology that we have at our fingertips right now.

That technology can be utilized in a very simple process to build your training course. The training course you create can be on any problem that people are searching for. Any challenge that they might have.

The challenge that you face would be developing that training course. Working out what it is, developing it and then delivering it to your audience. That audience are looking for answers and solutions to their problems.

How You Capitalise On This eLearning Industry Growth 

capitalise on elearning industry growth

So how can you capitalise on this multi-billion-dollar opportunity, right now? You can coach groups and individuals based on the challenges and problems they are experiencing.

At the end of the day you have all the answers because of these factors. You have stepped out, researched, and sought the solutions which you can then present to your audience. These solutions are not just based on theory though as they are based upon you overcoming the same challenges.

Your audience is right in the middle of it and you have actually had the problem, had the challenge. This qualifies you to provide those solutions because you have the experience, done the research, and found the answers.

You have overcome those challenges and problems, then came out the other side stronger and better. What you did was become more equipped, more informed, and able to tackle them challenges head on. There are millions of people just like you out there that have those problems that want solutions.

You can provide them with those solutions simply through your journey and your story. This includes your research, your outcomes, and more importantly the actions that you took to achieve those outcomes.

This is what people want. They want real, authentic people that can share that journey. This is what you potential audience wants while they are in lockdown and in the future. They are isolated and looking for hope so provide them with that hope.

There are millions of people searching on Google & YouTube for solutions. These are the two biggest search engines and platforms to attract those people in need. They are searching desperately, and you could be the person at the other end of that search.

People Are Willing To Pay For Your Advice & Expertise 

paying for online education

People are willing to pay advice, direction, and coaching. Therefore, you could be that coach and person who provides those solutions.  You are so well equipped to be able to be a coach and to provide that solution. The reason is because you bring your own your very own unique perspective.

No one else would deliver it just like you. You will bring your own uniqueness to the challenge or the problem and that’s what people will connect with. If you have followed me or read any of my material, you will have heard me mention being authentic.

Authenticity means being real, raw, and having your own unique perspective!

You don’t need to have fancy technology or fancy equipment. You can simply use your phone, a simple $10 tripod, a lapel microphone. Then you are set up to record your content in an authentic way. That content can then be packaged up, delivered to your audience to provide them with solutions.

It’s a very simple process once you overcome some initial challenges. They would be not knowing how to start, what you could do and how to provide solutions. Also, you may not know how to package all this value up and then market it to your audience.

These are the common challenges that I have seen people face. They have so much value but don’t know how to provide it.

My Invite To You 

build your au training program

Over the last 12 months I have developed a private members group that predominately focuses on those three areas. It’s all about authenticity, developing your authority and discovering who your audience its.

It really does come down to those three areas that must be focused on when developing your business. I have a process of being able to extract out of out of you what the content is and then how to deliver it.

I have created a program called Build Your AU which covers authenticity, authority, and audience. I want to give you access to some previous mastermind recordings which shows the process in action. Click on the image below to gain access to this exclusive video training series.

build your au mastermind video series

This shows members developing their authority business model in a very authentic way. I will cover more about this process in another post and how you can build your online training course. For now, I just want to give you a taster before I go into even more detail.

I have shown you how you can capitalise on the eLearning industry growth and provided some valuable resources. This is your opportunity to create financial security by grasping your piece of this pie. The wave of opportunity is gathering pace so make sure you ride it all the way. Register for the Build Your AU video series to start your journey today.

Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.

Trish Davies

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Build Your AU