How To Achieve Financial Freedom In 5 Years And Build Your Own Financial Firewall

Financial stability is the goal for everyone so learn how to achieve financial freedom in 5 years by building a financial firewall around your household.

Hi Trish Davies, here again and I want to talk to you about financial freedom and stability. Specifically, about how to achieve financial freedom in 5 years and building a financial firewall around your home.

The current situation around the world has without doubt created lots of financial insecurity. That financial insecurity can take hold in many aspects of your life. Maybe you are finding it hard to pay the mortgage, put food on the table and buy the basic necessities to survive.

You may have employment issues such as having lost your job because of the pandemic. Or forced to stay at home and being supported by your government schemes but not knowing how long that will last. When that runs out will your place of employment still be in operation is another thing that maybe on your mind.

These are all challenges that you and millions of people all around the world are facing. So, let me ask you this.

What are some of those challenges that could be holding you back from creating what it is that you want to create? What will give you that certainty, especially from a financial stability perspective, moving forward into the future?

While you are pondering that I want to briefly share part of my story which you may relate to.

My Road To Financial Freedom 

how to achieve financial freedom in 5 years

For me, the biggest challenge has always been financial overwhelm or financial uncertainty. That would be more the words that would explain what it is has been for many years.  My biggest challenge would be that feeling of financial insecurity.

I had it as a single mom way back in nineteen 1999 and was a massive turning point in my life.

I remember saying these words to myself when things we at their lowest ebb. “I want to build a financial wall around my family that nothing or no one would get through”.

At that time my family consisted literally of myself and my daughter. I knew that I would be building something that would give us certainty and choice. Today when I look back on what I have done along that journey comes down to two areas.

It’s been real estate as an investment and business model along with creating training courses. These courses are then delivered through on online digital space and platform.

They are the two things that have given me certainty and financial stability and security. Again, looking back, there’s a saying that I have and it’s about building it one brick at a time. That saying is very pertinent to one of those areas to building financial security!

Building Financial Freedom Has Challenges 

financial freedom challenges

You have to understand that your journey will have its challenges. Your journey will never an easy path. It’s something once you make that decision, you have to stick to that decision and see out the journey regardless of how long it takes.

You are literally building something one brick at a time. Again, I am talking about building a financial wall around your family that nothing or no one can get through. One brick at a time but it all starts with the foundation and that foundation has to be strong.

It has to go deep, and it has to be strong, but you see the wall go up very, very quickly. It goes up one brick at a time and you start gaining momentum. You only get that momentum by taking daily consistent action towards the completion of that wall. Or a daily action towards the completion of that target or that goal that you want to reach.

It’s really important to understand what those challenges are that you could be feeling or facing. The important thing though is don’t let it hold you back. Make it the inspiration or the driver to push you and move you forward.

Look at some of those fears that you might have. For me, it was definitely that fear of financial insecurity or financial uncertainty. I’m sure that right now are you feeling just that, if not before Covid-19, but right now during Covid-19. Also, you may be very unsure about moving forward, and how that is going to look. So, what is the answer and how can you achieve financial freedom?

How To Achieve Financial Freedom In 5 Years 

achieve financial freedom in 5 years

Before I look at how to achieve financial freedom in 5 years, I want to be very blunt and make no apologies for being so. You have to take responsibility for your future along with taking control.

Don’t rely on government support, someone else giving you a job because you will never be financially free. If you really want financial freedom you must make it happen and create you own destiny. You must be accountable!

If you want to create financial freedom you must create your own eco system. That eco system must have the purpose to serve others and provide value. You already have the value inside of you, you just need to learn how to deliver it people. In other words, serve them.

I mentioned earlier that there are two things that have enabled me to create financial freedom. They are real estate and creating training courses. I created a real estate portfolio that worked for me to create income for myself and my daughter.

I then took that knowledge and expertise and then turned into educational resources, training courses. That helped and served people who wanted to know about real estate investing and how to create their own portfolios.

Since then I have created other training courses which help provide solutions to people’s problems. It really is that simple. Identify a demand and then provide the solution.

You can do this because you have knowledge, expertise, and value to serve people. Through your talents and gifts, you too can create financial freedom and build your own financial firewall. So how can you do this?

Achieve Financial Freedom Through My Build Your AU Training Program 

build your au training program

The training course and program I have created is designed to help you create online training courses. I have a very unique and detailed process where I extract everything from you such as your talents and gifts.

Then I help you put together a training package based on your authenticity and authority. Finally, I help you establish who your target audience is and show you how to market your package to them.

Once you learn the process of creating one training course or package you can move onto the next one. Then the next and so on. It is a rinse and repeat process that leads to creating multiple income streams.

Multiple income streams create financial freedom because if one slows down you have others still working. Unlike when you have one income stream, which is your job, and the threat that it is taken away at any moment. Like what has been happening through the current worldwide crisis.

Hopefully I have given you a lightbulb moment and you are open to learning more about this process. If you are then click on the image below for more information about Build Your AU.

build your au mastermind video series

I have shared with you how to achieve financial freedom in 5 years. It relies on you taking massive action on what I can teach you. Don’t expect me to do it for you because that simply won’t happen. If you want to be financially free then you must take control, be accountable and work hard. There is no substitute. Click on the image above, or here for more information, and I look forward to seeing you on the other side.

Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.

Trish Davies

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Build Your AU