How To Get Coaching Clients Using These 7 Steps

If you are struggling to get coaching clients then it is probably because you are asking the wrong questions. Follow these 7 steps on how to get coaching clients.

Hi Trish Davies and the focus for today is how to get coaching clients. Whatever niche you are in positioning yourself as an experienced coach can prove very lucrative.

That lucrative revenue stream does rely on getting coaching clients through the door in the first place though. Once you have got them you can then nurture a long standing relationship with your clients that lasts, potentially, years.

The process of acquiring coaching clients is all about creating a conversation with potential prospects. Communication is the key to any coaching business just as your authenticity and authority.

Thise two elements are the cornerstones, the foundations, to your coaching business. Then you can ask the crucial questions that your potential clients will respond to because they know that they can trust you.

The focus must always be on them and not you. You must have clarity on what they are looking for from your coaching sessions. Don’t fall into the trap of selling them what you think they need.

So how do you get coaching clients? Here are 7 easy steps to follow when you are trying to acquire coaching clients.

How To Get Coaching Clients 

how to get coaching clients

The following steps are the designed to start the conversation with your potential coaching clients. Then help nurture them based upon their needs before culminating in you closing thee deal. Therefore, make sure you follow them as laid out and please don’t skip any.

Learn What They Want 

How can you coach anybody if you don’t know what they want? To gain that clarity you must ask the following questions.

  • What are they looking for?
  • What problems are they trying to solve?
  • Exactly what do they want to achieve?
  • What’s stopping them resolving their problems?

These are the four fundamental questions you need the answers to before you personally can move on. What you must define as a potential coach is if you have the tools and resources to help them. Also, you must ask yourself if you want to work with them.

These are defining filters. If you can honestly say yes then move onto the next step. If you say no then politely remove yourself from the situation.

What Is There Why 

A close friend of mine has the following saying. “When you know the WHY, the HOW becomes easy”. Therefore, you must have clarity on your potential clients WHY. To define their WHY it is like peeling an onion. You must remove layers to get to the core. Here is how to do it.

What Is Their Pain? 

client pain points

The problems they are experiencing are causing them pain which they can’t move away from. Therefore, you must define what is stopping them moving away from that pain. Is it cost, time, energy etc?

What Will Be The Pleasure They Experience? 

When they move away from the pain what is the pleasure they will experience? What benefits will they receive and what will achieving their goal mean to them? How will they feel when they have achieved their goal?

Why Do They Need To Make The Change? 

Time is of the moment so why do they need the solution right now? Has something in their life recently changed? Or is there something coming up in the near future that is important to them?

Get Them Into A Positive Mindset 

The first two steps have focused on the negative things in their life, so it is time to shift focus. You must now transition them to a place of positivity. Collectively you must define what they need to do to achieve their goals and dreams.

You must define what needs to happen to move the process forward. What are they steps they need to take? Where do they need to start. Once you have this process in place your clients will see that their dreams are possible.

Recap On What You Have Discovered 

Here you can enter a profiling phase based upon the information that you have collected. Through your expertise you will be able to see them for who they are, where they are and what they need.

Create that profile and deliver it to your potential client. What this does is also helps them see themselves. Often they will know who they are, but this validates that perception.

Get Your Prospect To Tell You What Help They Need 


I said before this process is like peeling the layers of an onion. Here simply ask your potential client exactly what help they need from you. Every potential client will have specific needs so get them to tell you what they are. Then you can tailor your coaching accordingly.

Share Your Vision 

There is nothing better than creating a vision for your potential client. This time it will be your vision on how you can help them achieve their goals. You will by now have spent a lot of time extracting the information that you need to create the solution they need.

Here you want to share the journey that you will take them on so that they achieve their desired outcome. This is a value proposition that you can deliver and make sure you emphasis how much you want to work with them.

Close The Deal 

Here is where you can close the deal. This is a clinical step but one that must be done through persuasion. You have opened their eyes to how you can help them so you must now ask for the sale.  Here are your closing questions.

  • When do they want to start?
  • Is there anything else you need to know?
  • Would they like you to coach them?

How To Get Coaching Clients With The Help Of Build Your AU 

I have share with you the seven step on how to get coaching clients. For these steps to have the most impact you must have a solid coaching business model in place. Build Your AU helps you create that solid coaching business model through my unique process.

To learn more about that process click here and I look forward to seeing you on the inside.

Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.

Trish Davies

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Build Your AU