How To Monetize Your Expertise And Turn Uncertainty Into Certainty

Australia’s top business coach Trish Davies shows you how to monetize your expertise and turn uncertainty into certainty during these troubled times.

Hi Trish Davies, here, well the world is such a crazy place at the moment with lots of uncertainty around. When you watch the news bulletins on the television or read the newspapers thee is still lots of doom and gloom.

The pandemic we face at the moment still has a firm grasp on the world which creates fear and uncertainty. Just when you feel there are some green shoots of recovery spikes in the transmission increases to quell any optimism.

I know here in Australia we have seen specific areas go into local lockdown again. That is hugely frustrating because we thought we were moving forward. It is like the old saying “one step forward, two steps back”.

Things Will Get Better 

What I will say is that the world will recover but it will take some time. Whether we start to see concrete evidence of the recovery this year or next year remains to be seen. But it will come.

Until then you are probably living in a state of uncertainty. Everyday you hear of more job loses which are blamed on the current situation. Hopefully you haven’t been effected but that apprehension will be in the back of your mind.

If you have then I am sure you are looking for direction, help and support. I hope that you are getting that from your respective authorities and government but that may not last too much longer.

Therefore, you must look to build that certainty for yourself and don’t rely on anyone or anything else.

From Adversity Comes Opportunity 

opportunity behind every door

Every time something puts a spanner into how the world works opportunity appears. I know that might be hard to see that at the moment, but rest assured there is opportunity around you. Right here and now!

I look back some 12 years ago to when the world financial crisis hit, and the world went into meltdown. Billions of dollars were wiped off the value of businesses around the world and millions of people lost their jobs. There were rush on banks and some of them went to the wall taking people’s life savings with them.

Amongst all that chaos though I saw opportunity and grasped it with both hands. For me it started out with one house which I invested in with some help from my mum. A relatively inexpensive house in the United States of America.

It was the right time and place for me to put into practice what I had been learning as regard to real estate investment. Remember the world was volatile but this was my opportunity. Twelve years on I have built a real investment portfolio and become a property investment coach. Therefore, I monetized what I was good at and this is what you can do.  You can monetize your expertise and turn your uncertain world into certainty and security for your family.

How Can You Monetize Your Expertise? 

monetize your expertise

You have vast knowledge, skills, and experience which you can create certainty and stability in your life. All of the value you have inside can be leveraged to serve other people.

You do that by creating online training courses which you sell online. From one course you then create others which creates an e-learning business which you can operate from home.

All of this can be created from things that you are passionate about whether that be life-long or more recent. Maybe during times in lockdown, you have rekindled old hobbies or pastimes. Or maybe you have learned new skills while being at home that you can pass onto others.

So, let me ask you these simple questions.

  • How are you equipping yourself?
  • Are you doing anything to train yourself?
  • What knowledge and skills are you acquiring right now?
  • What knowledge and skills have you acquired in the past?

The answers to the above questions will help you to identify the opportunities that are going to present themselves.

They might not be there right now, but they will appear! This will be as a result of you working towards reskilling or working towards something that your completely passionate about.

Something that you’re really excited about, something that you would love to do moving forward for the next 10 years.

People do go looking for business opportunities when they feel their choice is being taken away. There are millions of people around the world right now where their choice is being taken away. How can you be that possible solution for those people when they go searching for those opportunities, when they feel that that is happening?

This is your opportunity and here is how you put everything together.

The Build Your AU Training Program 

build your au mastermind

I am a firm believer that you should only ask people to do what you are prepared to do yourself. Therefore, I have been putting all of my knowledge and expertise together into a training program called Build Your AU.

My program is proof of concept because I have created a business out of teaching people to create their own businesses. Over the last few months, I have created certainty by creating income through my knowledge and expertise by packaging it up.

Taking all of that knowledge, those skills, those experiences, those stories, and turning it into a training course.  Then putting it online and creating something that sells, creates revenue, and therefore creates stability. Certainty for me in this world when at the moment there is not a lot of that going on.

I could go into all the in’s and out’s of my Build Your AU training program here, right now. I am not going to do that. What I am going to is empower you to take some action, don’t worry it is only a very small action.

This Is Your Opportunity

Below is an image for you to click on. When you do, I will ask you for your name and your email address and I am going to send you a video training series.

build your au mastermind video series

It’s a webinar series of my members, private members group, where I hand the webinar over to them so they can deliver their own authority on the webinar.

It helps them to identify and develop the skills and the content that they want to deliver in their training program. So, there’s nine videos there for you to get for free. You can get a taste of the type of program that I’m running at the moment to help people to develop their own training courses to deliver online.

If you feel it is for you then there will be an opportunity for you to jump into the program and move forward.

You can monetize your expertise, there is no doubt. I can say that with certainty because in my next post I am going to share with you the demand for online learning. I will also help you tackle some of thee challenges that may be holding you back from creating certainty and choice. See you next time but before then make sure you register for my video training series..

Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.

Trish Davies

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Build Your AU