Are You Facing Challenges To Move Your Business Forward?

Trish Davies looks at potential challenges that you are facing to move your business forward to reach your ultimate goals.

Hi, Trish Davies here, and I want to talk about challenges you are facing to move your business forward. When you are in business life has this uncanny habit of putting spanners in the works. Sometimes for no reason things will happen that put the breakers on the momentum that you have gained.

When you have a business idea it is a seed initially that then germinates small shots of hope. Those shoots need to be nurtured so that become stronger and then form foundations for your business. If you have read any of my previous posts then you will know that your authority business model takes time to evolve.

I firmly believe that all businesses are built around three supporting pillars that are then broken into sub-pillars. This is the way I teach my Build Your AU Mastermind group because you must have structure. Without a strong structure you can’t crate a workable plan to create success online or offline.

Each of these sub-pillars will require certain steps to be taken and completed for the process to move forward. Sometimes things happen in life that prevent you from taking these steps. Therefore, the process stalls and it leaves you with a sense of frustration.

Most of the time this can’t be helped and for me the challenge I have had this week is time. I have been very busy with my coaching and training role that I have been detached from my Build Your AU Group. This was highlighted in our latest call.

How To Move Your Business Forward Was The Topic For Our Latest Mastermind 

move your business forward

I say it was the topic, but it only became that due to certain challenges that all online business owners have. A close friend of mine was going to give a presentation but the technical gremlins hit. Unfortunately, connectivity issues prevented her from doing this, so she is doing it another week.

This is where the power of mastermind groups comes to the fore as they are very flexible and fluid. When I found out that my friend was having challenges getting online it gave me an idea.

The idea was to ask the other group members what challenges they were facing. Challenges that were preventing them from moving their business forward to the next level. So even out of negative circumstances a positive and productive 90 minutes emerged.

One of the members said she was suffering from procrastination on setting up social groups. Also, she needed to sort out her authority website. She was aware that the content she was creating didn’t have a destination for people to arrive. After discussion it was suggested to focus on her Facebook page with the call to action of joining her Facebook group. Content could go onto her page with the intention of building a smaller responsive community in her group. The website needed to be done but in this respect was not the priority for now.

Straight away she felt at ease because she could focus on one thing and that was her Facebook page. This would take her around 30 minutes to create and then she could start to create live videos. These videos could be just 5 minutes which she could find in her schedule a couple of times a week. Then she could build her own community through her group.

Focus On One Thing At A Time

step by step

What was at first overwhelming because she had post-it notes all around became much clearer. The point is to focus on the one thing that needs to be done and then other things start to fall into place.

So, for you must look at what challenge you have now and then identify the first step to rectify things. More than often you will find that it is just breaking down steps into micro-steps so to speak. Overwhelm is something that does hold people back but because people sometimes only see the big picture

Building a business online and offline is a huge task when you look at it as a whole. Only when you break things down does the picture become clearer and more manageable.

You must look at your goals and then put in place a timeline for events to unfold. Then do something each day that focuses on the next step that you must take in the process. The key then is to become consistent in your actions so that you become habitual in your actions.

What I will say, and it was mentioned in the call by another member is don’t get yourself stressed over it. Sometimes I feel that I need to be doing more although I am doing plenty as it is. Another close friend pointed out that I am creating so much content regularly that I don’t need to create more.

The reason is that if you try and do too much of the same thing the quality becomes diluted. I create a certain number of videos and blog posts per week which is what I have committed to. That is working well and by doing this consistently the results will come.

Gaining Clarity On Your Authority Business Model 

developing your personal brand

I have spoken about this in previous post, but the topic was again highlighted during the call. One of our members is a little behind most of the group and was unsure about an authority business model.

When I and some of the other mastermind members shared our own it then became clearer to her. Read my previous post here but your authority business model will have three pillars. They are the foundations and then each pillar has three sub-pillars.

This means that your authority business model has a process of nine steps that you take your customers on. The goal of that process is to provide the service that your customer needs to meet their needs. You are as a business owner a problem solver and you nine steps are the solution.

Once you have this authority business model in place you will be clear on what steps you need to take. Also, more importantly you will know at what time you need to take action.

When you have a visual representation of your business any challenges you may have to move your business forward will disappear. This is what I focus on within my Build Your AU mastermind program which you can learn more about here.

At this moment it may just be that massive overwhelm is holding you back from creating your business. I can help you gain the clarity you need to put the structure in place so register here for a free video series about the program.

To move your business forward you must have a system and Build Your AU provides you with that system. I look forward to connecting with you and helping you achieve your goals.

Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.

Trish Davies

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Build Your AU

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