Personal Branding Questions That You Must Ask Yourself

Personal branding is complex but can be made much simpler if you ask yourself the right personal branding questions. Here’s what to look for in your inner self.

Hi Trish Davies here, founder of Build Your AU and Trish Davies International. Today I am going to look at some fundamental personal branding questions that you must ask yourself. What I am going to share is a list of personal branding questions that will form a two way conversation for one person, you!

Now this may sound a bit off the wall and random but the exercise I am going to set you is very important. Personal branding is obviously all about you. You will be the figurehead of your brand and it is your picture that will be splashed all over the internet.

Therefore, you must have clarity on what you want your personal brand to represent to a worldwide audience. To gain that clarity you must go deep into your mind and your gut to extract the very essence of who you are. This is a process that I have developed within Build Your AU which I will talk about more later.

For now, it is time for you to get practical so make sure you have a pen and paper or open up a notepad document. It is time for you to find those important answers to the personal branding questions that follow.

Answer The Following Personal Branding Questions 

personal branding questions

What Makes Me Stand Out? 

The most important thing to remember is that you are unlike anyone else, you are unique. That instantly makes you stand out from the crowd, your peers and your potential audience.

However, you have your own characteristics, mannerisms, quirks and things that make you interesting. What activities do you enjoy doing away from your work role? Do you like doing extreme things that more conservative people would never think about doing?

I could go on and on with examples, but you know what makes you stand out. This information is vital as it will be incorporated within your personal brand which will attract like minded people. People who will become interested in you and want to make a connection.

Who Needs To Know Me? 

Here you need to define who your audience is, who you will influence to reach the goals you have set. Now you may have seen huge influencers online and you may think you need to be like them. You don’t.

Personal branding is not being a celebrity. It is about influencing an exclusive community which is your audience. You will influence them through the activities you undertake and the message that you communicate.

Be clear on who your brand community is, grow that community and serve that community.

What Are My Values? 

Your values are what makes you the person you are. They are the principles that you live your life by. Your values have a massive impact on how you behave, how you feel and how you react to situations.

When you are clear on your values, and you are true to them you have total alignment in your life. There is now grey area as everything is set in stone. Living by your true core values exhibits positive emotions which makes people want to be around you.

What Are My Career Goals? 

To create your personal brand, you must start with the end in mind. Now that may sound a bit cryptic so let me explain. Knowing where you want to go in your career with give you the direction you need.

You will also become clear on the personal brand building activities that you need to implement.

What Is My Superpower? 

Now you don’t need superpowers like the characters from the Marvel movies. What you need to define is what you do better than anyone else and then incorporate it into your personal brand.

You want your audience to know what your superpower is so they can use superlatives about you to others. Your objective is for your audience to advocate just what you excel at.

How Do I Want To Communicate My Message? 

It has never been easier to communicate with your audience as it is right now. There is an abundance of communication channels that you can leverage to deliver your message.

You may like public speaking, so the stage is your ideal platform. If you enjoy writing then create value based articles like this one is the way forward. I personally love to create videos for my YouTube channel so this could be the route you take.

Social media creates massive awareness and engagement. You may like to speak but not be on show therefore podcasting is another great option. Define your preferred communication method and create your platform.

What Is My Why? 

Last but certainly not least is to define your “WHY”. A very close friend of mine always says that “when you know your why, the how becomes easy”. Your “why” is your purpose and it gives you the direction that you need to follow.

Develop These Your Personal Brand Questions With Build Your AU 

personal branding questions

I have shared with you the fundamental personal branding questions that you must ask yourself. You will have your answers and I want to help you develop those answers through my Build Your AU program.

How To Build Your Authenticity, Authority and Audience

If you want to create an online training course, build a business, write an eBook, create an online presence then this is the place to learn how to. It all starts with your story, your journey.

To create a personal brand, you have to become the AUTHOR OF YOUR LIFE and BUILD YOUR AU. There are 3 stages to BUILD YOUR AU

  2. build your AUTHORITY
  3. build your AUDIENCE.

In this ONLINE TRAINING COURSE, you will learn about all 3 stages. The goal is to figure out what your value is, what your story is. The build an audience that will naturally gravitate to you because they connect to your story.

The course includes the following content:

  • Recorded Live Members Weekly Workshops
  • Behind The Scenes With Build Your AU Members
  • Facebook Live Group Videos
  • Interviews with Online Business Owners
  • Recorded Coaching Calls
  • How To Videos

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AUTHORITY BUSINESS MODEL –  Get my secret roadmap formula that gets your business idea out of your head in a way that is dead simple… so you can create a powerful online course outline that gets real results. This course will give you AUTHORITY and will attract an AUDIENCE.

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Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.

Trish Davies

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Build Your AU