What Are Digital Products? Here Are 4 Types 

What are digital products? Businesses need products and services and these products are cost effective and highly lucrative. Want to know more?

Hi Trish Davies here and the focus today is digital products. What are digital products? The answer to that question can be difficult to determine. There are many different types of products that are digital. Some examples of these types of products include e-books, apps, music and movies.

However, there are 4 main types of these products and they help define the different ways in which companies market their brand.

There are a wide variety of options available today for marketing your brand. It’s no wonder that you might be wondering what type of product would suit your brand best. In this article we explore the four types of digital products and how they can best help your business achieve success in today’s age.

They Are A New Way Of Marketing 

Digital products are a new marketing trend that has been gaining a lot of steam in the last few years. More and more people are turning products that are digital because they’re convenient, cheaper and have a higher return on investment.

In this article, we explore the four types of digitised products and how they can best help your business achieve success in today’s age.

What Are Digital Products?

what are digital products

There are 4 main types of digital products

These products can be delivered electronically, without having to ship any physical copies. These types of products include e-books, apps, music and movies. Although all of these items are digital, they represent four different types of marketing strategies.

#1 – Subscription services: Digital products as a service (DPS)

These types of services provide their customers with access to the digital version of the product on a monthly basis. For example, Netflix offers customers access to an unlimited number of movies for a monthly fee.

#2 – Single purchase: Digital or Product as Product (DPP)

This type of product doesn’t require an ongoing subscription and is purchased with one set price. When you buy your favourite album online from iTunes you’re purchasing it as a DPP because you only need to pay once and it’s yours forever.

#3 – Free Trial: Digital or Product as Service (DPS)

Here you try out a free trial for an app or piece of software before committing to buy it. This is considered a DPAS because you’re gaining access to the service for free for 30 days before making the purchase decision. This method may not be successful with physical

The 4 Types Of Digital Products 

There are four main types of digital products that companies can use to market their brand. These products provide a different type of marketing for the business and customers to learn more about the product. The four types are:

Utility Product – Utility products are products that offer some sort of utility, like apps or eBooks. Utility products should be used if your customer base is interested in learning more about your company’s services before they buy them.

Representational Product – Representational products are digital items that represent an idea or an experience, like music or movies. You should use this type of product if you want to show people what your company is all about without needing to go into too much detail.

Think about your product and how it can help your brand.

Have you ever tried to market an e-book? You might not know where to start. There are many things to consider when marketing an e-book, but there are also ways for you to simplify the process.

If you’re wondering how best to market an e-book, the first thing you’ll want to do is identify what type of  product your e-book is.

The four types of digital products are:

  • Digital Product Premiums
  • Digital Products as Services
  • Free Digital Products
  • E-books and other Interactive Content.

The Benefits To You & The Customer 

digital product download

The first type of digital product is a downloadable. This is an app, including games, that you download and install on your smartphone or tablet. The best part about this type of product is that it gives your customers the ability to access the software without any cords or internet connection.

The second type of digital product is streaming. Streaming can be anything from music, television shows and movies to live events like award shows and sports games. This kind of product offers convenience for your customer who can watch what they want, when they want it and how many times they want without having to worry about downloading it beforehand.

The third type of digital product is an online course. Online courses are becoming more popular because people prefer not having to go into a classroom setting every day to learn new information. With this type of product, you get all the information you need to learn in one place without having to attend class all day long.

The fourth type of digital products are eBooks. These are books that can be read either on computer or mobile devices like tablets or smartphones. You never have to worry about losing your notes with this type since everything is available for you in one location at all times.


Digital products are a great way to supplement your marketing, reach potential customers, and grow your business. When you buy these products, you are investing in yourself. You are investing in your time and you are investing in your knowledge.

Digital products provide the opportunity to diversify your portfolio, increase your knowledge, and provide a great way to market your brand. With so many benefits to you and your business, it’s clear that these types of products are a great investment.

For more information on creating digital products check out my free 9 step program. The program will show you how to create different types of digital products. Also the program show you how to create a personal brand that is aligned with the  products you create.

Click here for more information about the Build Your AU program.

Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.

Trish Davies

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Build Your AU