What Are My Gifts And Talents – The Golden Thread: Finding Your Gifts And Talents

You are special, unique and highly talented but you may not realise it. Have you ever asked yourself “what are my talents and gifts”? Here is how to find out!

Hi Trish Davies here and it is my objective to help you answer the following question. What are my talents and gifts? Have you ever been asked what your talents are? What do you think of when you think of a talent?

In general, we’ve come to think of a talent as a type of skill that someone is good at. If we’re not very talented at a particular task, then we don’t enjoy doing it and might even avoid it.

What if we’re good at everything? If everything comes easily, how can we find our gifts and talents?

There is no easy answer to this question. We can spend hours, even years trying to figure out something as simple as what makes us who we are. However there is hope! Read on to learn more about self-awareness and finding out what makes you special.

What Are My Talents And Gifts? – What Are Talents? 

what are my gifts and talents

The word talent has come to mean a skill that someone is good at, but it can take on other meanings.

For example, in the Bible, a talent is the measure of weight that was used in ancient times to measure precious metals and gems. The idea behind the biblical definition was that someone who possessed this skill would be able to bear a heavy load and could handle more than others.

In modern society, we use the term “talent” to define anything we’re skilled at: whether it’s playing an instrument or leading a meeting.

Talents Are Skills That People Excel At 

Talents can be skills or abilities that come easy for you or tasks you enjoy doing more than others. For example, maybe you’re talented at public speaking and writing copy for your company’s marketing materials. Or your talents include taking care of animals and repairing things around the house after they break down.

Finding out what your talents are can help you find what you want to do with your life! It can also make it easier for other people to see what sets you apart from everyone else. Then making them want to work with you even more!

Self-Awareness And Finding Gifts And Talents 

One of the most important aspects of self-awareness is discovering your gifts and talents. Discovering what you are good at can be challenging, but not impossible.

The more you explore yourself, the easier it will become to determine what you are best at. The key is to start with some type of exploration, no matter how small.

For example, if you enjoy cooking, try taking a few cooking classes. If you love art, sign up for an art class or two. If you have already done that, then take on another challenge that’s slightly different from the last one!

It can help to ask close family members or friends what they think your strengths are too. They may have insights into who you are that might not come as easily to you if you’re “in your own head”. This is also a great way to get people involved in this process early on, so know that once your talents are discovered,  the world will know about them!

The Importance Of Self-Awareness 

self awareness

Self-awareness is the first step toward finding our talents and gifts. If we don’t know who we are, how can we find them?

Understanding who you are will help you understand what your interests are and what types of careers might suit you. It will also teach you about your strengths and weaknesses.

In order to become more self-aware, there are some steps to take:

Write down your thoughts on a piece of paper. Anything from how you woke up this morning to what was going through your mind during a workout today. What were your feelings? What did you think about?

Think about how those thoughts make you feel. How do they change as time goes on? What comes up often in these thoughts?

Next, think about your relationships with other people, friends, family, etc. In these relationships, what is it that makes them important to you? Do they share similar qualities as yourself or the opposite?

Tips For Finding Your Talents And Gifts 

What are you good at? We should all have an answer to this question, but it’s surprisingly difficult to come up with a list of things that we’re talented at.

Maybe it’s because you’re good at many things. Or you don’t know what you’re good at.

If you haven’t found your talents yet, try these tips for finding out what makes you special:

  • What are the things that make me happy?
  • What am I passionate about?
  • What do I want to learn more about?
  • What do people ask me to help them with?


Talent is not just about what you know, but also about what you are. It’s the expression of your gifts and abilities. Whether it’s your work or your personal life, talent is who you are and what you do. By discovering your talents, you’ll find the “golden thread” that will lead you to your true calling. You landed on this webpage looking for the answer to the following question. What are my gifts and talents? I hope that I have given you the direction you need to define what you are great at.

Now I want to plant a seed into your my. Do you think you can turn your talents and gifts into a business? If the answer is “yes” but you don’t know how to do it then check out my free 9 step program.

Build Your AU will help you define your talents and gifts and then create an online business around them.

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Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.

Trish Davies

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