What Does Authenticity Mean? – The Characteristics Of True Authenticity
In both your personal and professional life you must always appear authentic to the outside world. So what does authenticity mean?
Hi Trish Davies here to talk about one of the three core pillars of Build Your AU. Todays post is all about authenticity. However what does authenticity mean?
Authenticity is the ability to act, think, and speak in a way that aligns with your values and who you truly are. It’s not something anyone can just pretend to have or adopt for a short time as an accessory.
Authenticity goes much deeper than that. It’s not something we can simply put on like a coat. Rather, it’s something we must work to foster every day of our lives in order to reach our potential as human beings and lead authentic lives.
When someone doesn’t seem to be themselves, we might say that they don’t appear authentic. Perhaps they seem insincere or like they are trying too hard to fit into some sort of persona that isn’t really them.
Authenticity is one of the most important attributes you can have as a person. It helps you show others who you really are on the inside instead of hiding behind walls by putting up facades and fronts for everyone else to see.
What Does Being Authentic Mean To You?
First and foremost, authenticity is being true to oneself. Many people try to be who they think they are supposed to be, or who they think others want them to be.
Being a truly authentic person means being you and nothing else. It means being genuine, honest, real and transparent in your actions, thoughts and words.
It means not being afraid to step out of your comfort zone and to be yourself, even if you are different from others. Being authentic means being your best self, the person you were meant to be.
Everyone has the potential to be authentic and to follow the path of their life’s true purpose. however in order to do so, they must first learn to be themselves, regardless of what others think of them.
Being authentic is a process, and it can be difficult at times. However always staying true to who you are, you will find that it gets easier with time.
What Does Authenticity Mean? – Authenticity Is Being Yourself
When you are being authentic, you are being exactly who you were meant to be. You are who you feel inside and what you express outwardly reflects your inner self.
While the world will see you for who you are, you will also see your own self for the very first time. If someone is not truly being himself, then he is not being authentic.
Someone who is being their true self is someone who is being authentic. There are many people who try to be who they think they are supposed to be, or who they think others want them to be.
People who are authentic are often very different from each other, as everyone has their own personality, thoughts, and feelings. Being authentic means being yourself, even when you are different from others and even when others don’t like it.
Authenticity Is Living According To Your Values
Authenticity is being true to your core values and principles; it’s knowing who you are, what you stand for, and what you believe in.
You should not be someone that you are not; rather, you should be the best version of who you are by living according to your core values and principles. You should be striving to be the best version of yourself by taking others into consideration and being open to feedback.
Also you should be true to what you stand for and what you believe in. If you are not living according to your core values, then you are not authentic.
You should be striving to be authentic by being true to yourself. You should be striving to be the best version of yourself by being open to change.
Authenticity Is Being Transparent
Authentic people are transparent, meaning they are open and honest about who they are and what they stand for. This doesn’t mean that they share every single aspect of their lives with everyone.
After all there are some things people should have private), but it does mean that they let people see the real them.
Authentic people are also transparent with their intentions because they are true to themselves. If a person is not transparent, they are not being authentic.
There are many people who try to hide who they are and what they stand for. Authentic people are transparent with their thoughts and feelings because they are being themselves.
People who are not transparent are usually hiding something, and they might not be authentic. If a person is transparent, they are being authentic. Authentic people are transparent because they are being themselves.
Authenticity Is Not Co-Dependent Relationships
Co-dependent relationships are relationships in which one or both people are attempting to use the other person. Using them as a means of fulfilling something in themselves that they are unable to get on their own or that they have not worked through.
You should be striving to be authentic by not engaging in co-dependent relationships. You should be striving to be the best version of yourself by not using other people to fulfil something in yourself that you are unable to achieve on your own.
In order to be authentic, you must not be co-dependent on others to make you happy. Also not to make you feel good about yourself, or to make you feel secure.
You must be able to do this on your own, and you must respect others enough to let them do the same.
Authenticity Is Having Courage And Resilience
In order to be true to yourself, you must have the courage to be authentic. You must also have the resilience to persevere through times when it is difficult to do so.
You must have the courage to be authentic even when it isn’t easy. Also when it might make you unpopular and even when it might be difficult for you to make friends.
Also you need courage when it might make you the subject of ridicule & even when it might get you fired from your job.
You must have the courage to be authentic even when it might be embarrassing, uncomfortable, or awkward.
You must have the courage to be authentic even when it’s not trendy.
Finally you must have the courage to be authentic even when it’s not what others are doing.
What Does Authenticity Mean ? – Conclusion
Authenticity is the ability to be yourself and the willingness to let others see you for who you are. While it might seem easy to just be yourself, it can be challenging to do so.
Especially when everyone around you is telling you to act different or be someone you are not. Being authentic is a lifelong journey, and it is something you will be striving for the rest of your life.
The best thing you can do to be authentic is to be true to yourself and follow your heart.
Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.
Trish Davies
Build Your AU
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