What Is A Brand Story? Understanding The Power Of Your Own Unique Story

Is your brand lacking foundation? Are your customers confused as to what you stand for? What is a brand story? Here’s how to create one!

Hi Trish Davies here from Build Your AU. Today I want to focus on what is a brand story. A brand story is the story that your brand tells the world. It’s what your business stands for, what sets you apart from competitors, and how you want to be known.

What are the unique characteristics of your company? How can you present those attributes in a way that resonates with your customers and creates an emotional connection with them? A good brand story helps people see how they can better their lives with your products or services.

What Is A Brand Story? 

what is a brand story

Developing a strong and inspiring brand story that encapsulates the feeling of your business takes time and effort. However it has many benefits. It make it easier for customers to understand what you do and why they should buy from you.

Also gives new employees a sense of belonging and motivates them to work even harder on behalf of your company. If you need help creating your own brand story, here are some tips on storytelling that might help.

Why You Need A Brand Story 

A strong, compelling brand story is essential for your company to flourish. A story will help customers understand what your business does and why they should buy from you. It makes it easier for potential customers to find you.

The most important thing about your brand story is that you get to decide how it ends. So get started today by developing a memorable brand story that resonates with customers and creates an emotional connection with them.

How To Create Your Own Brand Story 

A brand story is a representation of your company’s culture and values. It tells a story about what your business stands for, who you are, and how you want to be known.

It’s important to have a strong brand story because it can help people understand what your business does, why they should buy from you, and how they can benefit from doing so.

There are many ways that you can create your own brand story. Here are some tips for creating an inspirational brand story:

  1. Take time to define your company’s attributes.

What are the qualities that set you apart from the competition? What do you stand for? For example, if one of your company’s beliefs is to be environmentally responsible, then this quality should be included in your brand story in some way.

  1. Make sure that there is a clear mission in place.

Mission statements help provide direction for employees and give customers an idea about what they can expect when they come into contact with your business.

  1. Tell the company’s history.

Your history can inspire others to take action or feel emotionally connected to your company’s mission statement

  1. Include aspirational words

Aspirational words are words that evoke positive feelings when potential clients have their first contact with your business.

Tell The Right Story With The Right Words 

The people who make up your target audience will have various backgrounds, beliefs, and preferences. Some may be interested in luxury while others might want to purchase a product on a budget. However no matter the customer, they all have one thing in common: They want to know what you stand for and what differentiates you from the competition.

A good brand story will answer these questions by telling a compelling story that evokes emotion and inspires people. A story is an effective way of connecting with your customers on an emotional level. Your story should help them understand what makes your business unique, but it should also resonate with their needs and desires.

For example, if you’re a clothing retailer, you could write about the designer’s journey. From living paycheque to paycheque to creating his dream company through hard work and staying true to his values of quality over quantity.

This would speak to the need for high quality clothing among consumers. It would differentiate your store from other low-quality retailers out there.

Be Authentic And Personal 


A good story is one that’s honest and authentic. This means it will resonate with your customers on a more personal level. Strong brands are honest about their strengths and weaknesses, while still projecting the positive qualities they want to be known for.

Your brand story should feel like it comes from the heart of your business, not just randomly made up to sell something. One way to get started is by interviewing employees at your company to get their perspectives on what makes them proud to work there. This can help you create a strong and authentic story for your brand.

Give Your Customers Something To Believe In 

What’s the story behind your business? What makes you unique? What do you want people to know about you?

A brand story will tell customers what your company stands for and how it’s different. It can help them better understand why they should buy from you and what sets you apart from competitors. A good story will be easy to remember, emotional, and inspiring.

A strong brand story creates an emotional connection with your customers and helps them see how they can better their lives with your products or services. People like buying from brands that make them believe in something.


Whether you have a long-standing business with a rich history, or you’ve just started your own business, your brand story is an important part of your brand. Your story can help you stand out from the competition and will encourage customers to partner with you because they believe in your mission.

Your brand story will be unique to your company and should speak to the values that your customers will identify with. All you have to do is write it! If you need help with this then check out my free 9 step personal branding program here.

What is a brand story? It is your brand that encapsulates your personal story. Register for my free personal branding program here and tell your story to the world!

Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.

Trish Davies

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Build Your AU