What Makes A Good Online Course: 7 Important Factors to Consider

Thinking about creating an online course? What makes a good online course? Use this guide to create an online course that has massive impact on your students.

Hi Trish Davies here to look at what makes a good online course. The online course market is growing by leaps and bounds. As a result, there are now more options for students to choose from. So what makes a good online course?

Answering this question can be challenging because an online course is still a digital product with no physical face to it. However, there are many factors that make a good course.

In this article, we’ll explore seven crucial factors to consider if you want to create the best online courses possible. We’ll talk about things like content, interactivity, design, testing, and more.

If you’re considering creating an online course of your own, this article will provide some valuable insight on how to do it right!

What Makes  Good Online Course – The Seven Factors To Consider 

what makes a good online course

There are many factors that go into making an online course. When you’re considering creating your own, it can be helpful to think about the following:

  • Content
  • Interactivity
  • Design
  • Testing
  • Pricing
  • Marketing and promotion
  • User experience (UX)

What Makes a Good Content?

The content of your online course is critical. It’s what is going to attract people in the first place. If you want people to actually complete the course, they have to feel inspired by it.

To create a good content for your online course, it is important that you write with your audience in mind. By knowing who you are writing for, you can speak directly to them and deliver relevant information.

A lot of content creators may not realize this. If they are not speaking their audience’s language, then they are losing their audience. So make sure that you use the right words and include examples that will be familiar to your audience.

Good content also needs to be engaging and interactive rather than just providing information without any engagement or interactivity. For example, if you’re talking about how to grow roses in a video or article, don’t just give instructions on how to do it. Instead show someone doing it! Your readers can learn more quickly by doing something rather than just reading about it or watching someone else do it.

How to Make Your Course Interactive? 

One of the best ways to make your course interactive is to offer a variety of learning opportunities. Think about what you want students to learn from your course and find a way to incorporate it into the content. For example, if you’re teaching a language, your online course could include audio lessons alongside video lessons.

Another way to make your courses interactive is by offering group participation. This has the potential to be even more rewarding than just watching videos or listening to audio recordings by yourself.

It can be easy for people to get bored with an online course if they don’t believe they’re getting anything out of it. However, when participants are able to interact with each other in the discussion board, they’re more likely to stick with it and learn something new!

An excellent way to keep learners interested in your course content is by making sure that there are quizzes and exercises. This that will keep them engaged in the material at hand. This helps learners reinforce their understanding of the material and also helps them prepare for exams in traditional classrooms.

This can be very beneficial for people who want both traditional learning and distance learning opportunities.

Designing A Good Course 

One factor that makes a good course is design. Online courses should be visually appealing to prospective students. If you’re not a designer, it might be worth hiring someone to create your course’s design for you.

In general, learners will spend an average of two minutes per day on a given site or app. It sounds short, but it’s important to make those two minutes count! You can use design elements like colour and typography to grab your learner’s attention and keep them engaged with your content.

It’s also important to consider the layout of your course content. For example, do you think it would be more effective if your course starts with a quiz or if you start right away?

You want to make sure you think about how your course will flow as a whole. Think about this before making any decision about individual parts of the course.

A good online course will have an engaging layout that grabs the learner’s attention. Right from the very first moment they visit the site or open the app. It’ll have interactive elements that engage learners and increase their comprehension of the material being taught in a fun way.

What Makes A Good Online Course – Testing And Debugging Your Course 

online course testing

Software and codes can be difficult to debug. However, it’s important that you always test your online courses before releasing them into the world.

  • A few things to check for when testing your course include:
  • Is the course loading correctly?
  • Is the content in the right order?
  • Do all of the links work?
  • Are there any warnings or errors when loading the course?

And more! The testing process is crucial to ensure that your online course is ready for release. You’ll want to thoroughly comb through each section of your course and fix any errors you find. This will help minimize bugs and glitches that users might come across during their time using your product.


This article has helped you understand what makes a good online course and how to design one. Get started today by registering for my free 9 step program here!

Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.

Trish Davies

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