Actions You Can Take And Tools That You Can Use When Building Rapport With Clients

Business grow when they understand what their clients want and are thinking so here are strategies to use when building rapport with clients.

Hey, Trish Davies here and today I want to focus on something that will make your business stand out from others. We all need to build relationships in many aspects of our lives on both a personal and business level.

Throughout life you will have built up many social skills that you use to form friendships and relationships. When you are face to face with people it seems natural to strike up a conversation and feel an emotional connection.

Also, it is fascinating to hear other people’s opinions, you might agree with them and then again you may not. Debate is very health because it stimulates the mind and you can learn a lot from other people.

When building a business, it is essential that you start building rapport with clients to get the conversation started. I have just mentioned that face to face meetings gives so much information on how your clients are feeling.

The digital age that we live in gives us so much opportunity to connect with people online. You can leverage technology in many ways to get that face to face experiences with people from the other side of the world.

Virtually you can gauge how they are feeling, what concerns they may have and give them the assurance they need. Essentially you can put your hand through the screen and shake on a deal.

To get to that point there are actions for you to take and tools that you can leverage. This is my share for today and I am going to cover my favourite strategies for building rapport with clients.

How Do You Determine Who A Client Is?

building rapport with clients

Before I go any further, I just want to clarify what is contained under the umbrella of a client. Many people may think that a client is a paying customer for your business. Someone who has made the commitment and hand over their credit card details. That is true but there are other interpretations of what clients are for your business.

First you will have leads that come into your business through your marketing strategies. A lead is an unqualified contact who at this moment in time you don’t know if they are a good fit. There is a process that you go through to then turn those leads into prospects.

Prospects are people who meet a certain criteria starting with whether they are right for your business. They meet your target market and more importantly they have the means to buy your products and services. Also, they can make the decision to make the purchase.

Once they make this decision, they officially becoming a paying customer but there is another level I should mention. The nature of building an online business sometimes involves creating a subscription level for your customers.

Now this can be both a free and a paid subscription. The one thing they have I common though is that they are members of your business.

These are 4 very clear levels of any clients that you may attract to your business. It is important to understand their needs and design your message accordingly.

Building Rapport With Clients Through Community Interaction 

build your au facebook group

Now let’s look at ways to start building rapport with clients and the first port of call is good old Facebook. In particular I am going to share with you the power of having your own Facebook group.

You may be a member of several Facebook groups but there is something different about having your own. First of you can stamp your brand on one of the most powerful platforms on earth.

I have my own Facebook group called Build You AU which has highly motivated business owners as it’s members. The emphasis of the group is to help members build their own brands online. The members are a perfect fit for the group because they are business owners so this is something you must bear in mind.

Your Facebook group members must be a perfect fit for your business. Otherwise they are not going to get anything out of the experience and time will be wasted for you and them.

Once you have the right fit you must create activity and engagement in the group. You do this by posting relevant material regularly about your own progress and development. This gets people interested in who you are and what you can do for them.

What you will achieve by doing this is making that connection at a whole new level. So, I will ask you if you have created your own group yet, Or are you planning to create one? When that decision is made there is another one to consider which is will it be free or are you asking people to pay?

Facebook groups make it easy to build that rapport, to deliver your material and then move into marketing to build coverage.

Start Your Own Weekly Webinars 

build your au mastermind session

Weekly webinars are fantastic to build that rapport you need to have with your clients. On top of my Build Your AU Facebook group I also host weekly webinars for the group. Saturday night is Build Your AU night, well yes and no.

It is for my members in Europe but for my North American members it is early to late afternoon. In Australia where I and some of my members live it is 6.00am on Sunday morning.

So, we get together and have a powerful 90 minutes brainstorming and collaborating. Helping each other build powerful authority business models and then taking them to market.

This something that you could do for your business on a weekly basis to build rapport with you clients.

I have shared with you two actions that you can take but there is something important to mention for both. Each of these actions requires you to do something crucial for them to succeed.

That is to actively listen to people individually to get to know them. Ask appropriate and specific questions to extract data and information to ensure you are truly listening to them. Once you have listened to them it is vital that you remember that information regardless of how much time passes.

This is one of the quickest ways to build rapport and connection with leads and prospects. They must know that you genuinely care about where they are in life. Also, to understand the circumstances that have happened to get them to where they are now.

Now For Some Tools Of The Trade 

I have mentioned Facebook for creating groups but there is another powerful tool you can use on the platform. Facebook messenger is something that I love and use a lot. Their audio function is brilliant especially for someone like me who doesn’t like texting or picking up the phone.

In time you will find that you have overseas and international clients and this is where messenger comes into its own. You can go into messenger and click the record function and create 60 second audio messengers. The great thing is you are not restricted to how many you can create so a conversation tag line emerges.

It is great when you get inspired thoughts and want to share them instantly with people. Then you can go back into them to listen back which is like a vein of gold. You will find so many golden nuggets of information in those conversations.

zoom video conferening review

For your weekly webinars you can use a tool called Zoom which is a video conferencing software. This is what I have used for my Build Your AU Masterminds since last September but in all I have used it for 3 years.

Everyday I am on Zoom when I deliver content for the training company I am contracted to. I see different people day in and day out all from my home. This has been a godsend especially in the current pandemic crisis.

For your business you can sign up for the free account. This allows you to create 40-minute webinars for your clients.

The main decision you need to make is what time are you going to hold your webinars. The time you are going to put aside and start creating dynamic content that is constantly evolving. Content that is moving all the time and relevant to your audience’s needs.

These actions and tools are what I use for building rapport with clients. This is because they work, and they give a fantastic experience for both myself and my audience.

Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.

Trish Davies

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Build Your AU