What Is Your Business Unique Selling Point That Creates Your Signature Experience?

As a business owner you must establish a business unique selling point that sets you apart and create a signature experience.

The thing that differentiates any business is the business unique selling point that it creates for its customers. A customer must have an experience when they go though the process that you set out for your business. Over the last few weeks, I have been helping you create an authority business model.

business unique selling point

A business model that is unique to you, but it is time to take this process one step further. During one of my Build Your AU masterminds I focused on creating a signature experience for you customers. This could stem from one of the tools that I have asked you to create which helps your customers achieve their goals.

It also could come from an action you take when you are interacting with your customers either in a virtual environment, or face to face. You may follow specific people that help you with aspects of your life. Maybe it is life coaching or health and wellness mentoring, but they will have a unique way of getting their message across.

Think about what the appeal of them is to you and how they provide a unique experience for you. Then think about how you can provide the same experience to your customers.

The Build Your AU Business Unique Selling Point & Signature Experience 

My own signature experience for my mastermind members is right from the get-go of the session. The members now know what to expect. What I do is go through a period of meditation for a couple of minutes to get the set up for the session ahead.

In that time, I ask them to relax and take themselves to a place of complete tranquillity. I do this so they can tap into their inner selves and find the power to receive the answers to the questions that they have. Then once they open their eyes, they are totally focused on brainstorming with each other to find the solutions.


At this point they are totally focused and have the energy levels needed to take steps forward in their business. Because of this the mastermind sessions become very powerful their eyes become open to new concepts and ideas. I have seen many of my members business models evolve beyond recognition and I know that my signature experience helps.

It is time for you to look at the business model you have created up to now and create that signature experience. That starts from the clarity you have on the final outcome your customer experiences. To achieve that outcome revolves around the process that you take them through and some of the tools you create.

Here Are Some Examples Of Signature Experiences 

The signature experience you create for your customers must have impact on their lives. Just like my own which takes people to a place of tranquillity. So how can you create that?

It could be as simple as sending a daily affirmation to your customers that resonates and is congruent with your service. It makes the customer aware that you are always there for them and have their back. Some people need this level of reassurance and it helps them get into the mindset that they need. It raises their positivity levels to make them feel they can tackle anything that is thrown at them.

One of the most famous motivational speakers and life coaches is Tony Robbins and he has a unique signature experience. It could come across as very extreme compared to others, but he empowers people to overcome their fears. He does it in a way of asking them to walk over hot coals.

He operates a seminar called Unleash The Power Within which is designed to unlock and unleash the forces inside of you. The reasoning is for you to break through any limits that you have set yourself and live the life you want. He encourages you to overcome the unconscious fears that are holding you back by storming across a bed of hot coals.

walking on hot coals

The result is that once you achieve this you will have the mental strength to tackle anything that you once thought was impossible. Therefore, you will conquer the other fires, or fears, in your life with effortless ease. Now this may sound extreme, but it seems to work for him, and this is the signature experience he gives to his clients.

Setting Challenges Could Be Your Signature Experience 

I am a member of an online community which teaches you the skill sets to become an online entrepreneur and business owner. They love to create challenges to help their members grow as people and as business owners. The challenges they set are designed to take you out of your comfort zone and go past the boundaries that you have set.

A bit like the principle of Tony Robbins but nowhere near as extreme. How they structure it is to set a time duration such as 90 days. This creates habits that in time become second nature. They also empower their customers to take action so progress in made in the business or their life in general. They are passionate about health, wellness and mindset which along with business strategy creates a perfect formula for online business.

Maybe this is something that you can incorporate into your business model which could be your signature experience. The experience of having to meet deadlines and goals may be the thing that people are looking for to achieve their ideal outcome.

One thing to remember is that as an online business owner you must be unique due to the level of competition. The business unique selling point is what you must nail down and turn it into your signature experience. Give your customers the reason to keep coming back to you time and time again.

Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.

Trish Davies

trish davies signature

Build Your AU