5 Common Career Change Reasons

The job for life concept really doesn’t exist anymore as people regularly look into different career pathways but what are the top career change reasons?

Hi Trish Davies, here from TrishDaviesInternational.com and BuildYourAU.com. There is one of the most common questions you would have been asked when you were young. That is “what do you want to do when you grow up”?

So, you think about it, maybe get influenced by family, high profile people such as business owners & sports stars. Maybe you develop passion that could potentially develop into a career or there’s a worldwide cause you want to get behind.

Whatever it is you then develop those dreams and aspirations and decide on what you want to do. The journey then begins which can take you down many different paths, some which you hadn’t imagined travelling on.

Many years later you can find yourself in a position that you never envisaged in your early year. Suddenly 20, 30 maybe even 40 years have passed with what seems a blink of an eye.

What has happened is that you have fallen into a place where you don’t want to be. One of the following career change reasons will give you clarity and get you back on that path that you first imagined you would follow!

Also, I will give you an option that you can consider that can potentially create a life of choice and freedom. More on that shortly.

Career Change Reasons – You Fell Into Your Current Career 

career change reasons

You may have fell into the position that you currently hold. On many occasions people fall into a position through different twists of fate. Right place, right time comes to mind when an opportunity sprung up that you wouldn’t have normally thought of.

A series of promotions which seemed a good opportunity but now just don’t feel right anymore. Therefore, you now want to do something that is more aligned with you and your purpose.

Fed Up With The Corporate World 

You may have got caught up in the corporate world that feels sterile, pressurised, and unfulfilling. Maybe you feel you are just a number on a payroll, undervalued and taken advantage of. You are putting in long hours just to bank a paycheque at the end of the month while making other people rich.

The corporate world has many ego warriors lurking the corridors of power, people who it is very hard to respect. I have some experience of this when I was a corporate accountant as I didn’t like being dictated to by people who were above me.

Also, I didn’t like the long hours and being away from my daughter as much as I was. To sum up my experience and my career change reasons from corporate accountancy please watch the video below.

You Want More Time Freedom 

Time is one of the most precious things we have, and you can’t really put a price value on it. In many ways it is priceless and something that we can never get back. You may be feeling a disconnect from the people who are around you, your family, and friends.

I assume that you would like more time to do the things that they love to do. Doing the school runs, being home earlier in the evening and around at the weekend. Spending that quality time with your family, seeing your children grow up, not missing those one-time moments. Their first steps, their first words, riding a bike etc.

Regular 9-5 jobs don’t give you that luxury as you are dictated to by the clock. You know that around 40 hours a week you have to be somewhere that you possibly don’t want to be.

Career Change Reasons – Earning More Money 

earn more money

You will have an idea of how much your time is worth yet that is dictated by other people. Your boss pays you what he or she thinks you are worth. There is not much flexibility on that, so you are constantly living from day to day.

Feeling undervalued is a horrible experience which leads to a lack of motivation to do what you have to do. Yet the only available option is to take on more hours with a second job but that eats into what spare time you have left from your main job.


I know that Covid-19 is a subject that has had huge impact on the world and one that has affected you in some way. The stark truth is that the virus has decimated large parts of the world’s economy.

Businesses, industries, and jobs have disappeared in just a few months. Jobs and careers that were there at the start of 2020 simply are not there anymore. People are being forced to change careers every day, to learn new skills and fight for positions in a crowded workforce marketplace.

It is a scary time for the worlds population but there is light at the end of the tunnel with vaccines coming on board. Next year, 2021, will be challenging but there are answers for all the career change reasons I have mentioned.

Every dark place has a door waiting to be opened to bring back the light. Whether it is a pandemic, lack of time and money, feeling unfulfilled and undervalued. There is hope and opportunity which is something that I want to focus on.

You landed on this webpage because you interested in a career change. Hopefully you have resonated with some of the points I have raised. Now it is time for me to give you that hope and a way to make that career change you are looking for.

Start An Online Coaching Business 

start an online coaching business

This is an option that I feel provides a solution to all the career change reasons I have shared with you. Staring with the first reason of falling into a career. As I mentioned you may have had aspirations and ambitions from an early age.

By starting a coaching business, you can reignite that fire you once had and then teach people how to do the same thing.

The corporate world scenario is totally obliterated because you are the boss, you run the show. No more answering to people who you don’t respect and take advantage of you. You are not just a number on a payroll as it is your name that is on the letterhead and any other correspondence.

An online coaching business gives you your time back as you will be working from home. Always there for the children, taking them to school, attending sports day and the Christmas Nativity play.

Having more time to spend with your spouse or partner because you are setting your own hours. Much of you day to day operations can be automated freeing up even more of your time to pursue the things you love to do.

Now we come onto the money roadblock. You know how much value you can give to someone and you know what you are truly worth. Therefore, you can charge accordingly and write your own paycheque.

You know what Covid-19 has done to the world, a lot more that what I just mentioned. What I want you to focus on is the fact that millions of people are now being forced to learn new skills.

You have skills that people want to learn, therefore you can teach them those skills.

Build Your AU 

build your au mastermind

Build Your AU is a series of training programs that teaches you how to coach other people. The programs are designed to help you create your own online coaching business.

I help you define who you are, what you are good at, and how to attract the right people to your coaching business. To learn more about the process and see it in action click the button below and register for a free video series. You will see my members going through the process and creating an online coaching business.

A business that enables them to live a life of choice while helping other people at the same time. There are many career change reasons; I have only scratched the surface with what I have shared.

The thing is though that behind all career change reasons is a void. That void is not having an option to follow through on, no direction to follow, no hope. What I have done is fill that void, one which will provide the solution for all people who are looking to change career. Make sure you register for my video series; it could be the solution you are looking for!

build your au mastermind video series

Helping you build your authenticity, authority, and audience.

Trish Davies

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Build Your AU