Become The Bridge In The Customer Problem Solving Process

The customer problem solving process is the very essence of busines. As a business owner consider yourself as the bridge between the problem and the solution.

Hi Trish Davies here, founder of and I want to talk about a topic that is the very essence of creating a successful online business. That topic is problem solving. Whether your business caters for the general consumer market or you are business to business you must solve problems.

Now there is a very specific customer problem solving process that you must apply which I will cover today. What you must understand is what is going through your customers mind, they are the ones with the problem.

Don’t try and pre-empt what they are thinking before you create your products and services. Many people have fallen into this trap thinking they have the best solution since sliced bread. Only then to struggle to sell any units. Therefore, wasting time and resources creating something that is not in demand.

So, market research is key to understanding what the exact problems are that consumers are experiencing. Which leads me nicely on to the customer problem solving process.

Customer Problem Solving Process 

customer problem solving process

The customer problem solving process involves 6 steps which are as follows and I will then break them down for you.

  • Identify A Problem
  • Brainstorm Ideas
  • Develop The Solutions
  • Implement The Solution
  • Analyse The Results

Identify The Problem 

The first step is to identify the exact problems your ideal customers are experiencing. I have mentioned market research and there are many online tools that you can leverage.

Also, you can analyse your competitors to see what they are doing well and more importantly what they are doing wrong. Your ideal customers have an objective in mind, and end goal so to speak.

You can find that out by simply asking them through surveys, mastermind sessions online and through your social platforms.

I have members within my Build Your AU program that have set up initial training programs for their ideal customers. Then used that as a filter to refine their programs before going to mass market.

Brainstorm Ideas 

brainstorming process

Through this research stage you will compile a list of ideas to solve the problems that your customers are facing. Now this can become a lengthy process because the harder the problem the more solutions you will need.

You may need to get creative a use your imagination when thinking about your potential solutions. Then come up with your list of possible solutions that will achieve you’re the stated goal.

Develop The Solutions 

Pick the ideal solution that will meet the required end goal, in other words one which will solve the problem. This must be an effective and affordable solution and then move forward with it.

Implement The Solution 

This stage is critical as it requires meticulous planning followed by execution. You may have heard the expression “Beta” in relation to business. This means that you initial solution is rolled out in a short manner relating to time and participants.

This again is a way of filtering, ironing out any potential bugs with willing beta testers. It is very important to accept that things won’t be perfect first time around. There will be some issues and bugs that need to be addressed. Then you can resolve those issues.

Analyse The Results 

Now it is time to analyse your data. That data will clearly tell you if you have met your objective and the objective of your customers. It is the perfect opportunity for you to define what worked, what didn’t and the steps you took to rectify things.

By the end of this process you will have a working solution, case studies and testimonials. Then you can move into mass production and fulfil the demand from your audience.

Bridging The Gap 

bridging the gap

So, I have shared with you a comprehensive customer problem solving process. What I want to share with you now is a concept which is best described as an analogy.

If you look at major cities in the world you will find that there is a complex waterway system. Each side of the water is land, so the problem is getting from one side to the other.

Now it could be possible to go the long way round, to find a point that will take you to where you want to bey land. Alternatively, you could travel by boat but that is not always the most practical way for people to travel.

Then you can build a bridge which stably connects the two points in question. This provides a firm crossing point for people to walk, run or drive across. It is a perfect solution that allows people to get from A to B quickly and effectively. In effect you are bridging the gap, which is the water, which is the problem.

So how can you use this bridging the gap concept within your online business. The customer problem solving process I have shared with you defines two things. The customers problem and your way of developing a solution. They are you two points of reference.

You Are That Bridge 

The bridge is you as a business owner. You need to connect the two points, but you must do it in a unique way. What you must realise is that you will have a lot of competition, all vying for the sale. People go online to look for solutions and it can be hard to choose which one to go with as each one looks the same.

That is because there is nothing that uniquely stands out from the crowd. Consumers are looking for that uniqueness, something that will grab their attention, something that they can trust.

That trust comes from the person they are dealing with who must show authenticity and authority. This is what I have identified as a major problem with business owner and consumer relations.

The digital world has thrown up many issues around security and privacy. Consumers are more reluctant to deal with people who they don’t know anything about.

The answer is to present yourself to your audience as a person of trust and someone with the upmost of integrity. That enables you to build important relationships with your ideal customer audience.

The Build Your AU Process 

build your au

Just like there is a process to solving customers problems there is a process to establishing your uniqueness. That process is called Build Your AU which stands for authenticity, authority, and audience.

I have created a very unique process to define who you really are, your authenticity. Then to define what you are great at, your authority before finally showing you how to attract your perfect audience.

The process helps you determine what your customers problems are and then create the solutions they are looking for. The important aspect though is to position you as the person they should put their trust into to bridge the gap.

Build Your AU is the ultimate customer problem solving process. You can learn more about this unique process by clicking the button below and registering for a free video series. The series shows the process in action so you can determine how you can apply it to your business.

build your au mastermind video series

Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.

Trish Davies

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Build Your AU