Why You Should Practice Email List Management To Re-Engage Inactive Subscribers

If you have taken the time to create a list of email subscribers, then you must practice email list management to re-connect with inactive subscribers.

Hi Trish Davies, here, founder of Build Your AU and the subject for todays post is email marketing. Email marketing is still as powerful today aa it ever has been but is only effective if you do it correctly. You will have come across web pages where they have asked you to enter your details.

This may have been to receive a free gift, take part in a survey or competition. Also, you will find companies ask for you details so that you can be notified of special deals in the future.

You must be careful as to which ones you subscribe to otherwise you can find yourself bombarded on a daily basis. Unfortunately email marketing does get some bad press due to the amount of rubbish that can appear in your inbox.

Junk Mail Never Puts Money In Your Bank Account 

email list management no junk mail

Back in the day you used to get a lot of junk mail through your letter box. This happens now in a virtual form and unless you craft the right message it will get overlooked. Then it will get sent to trash folders and deleted forever.

I am very pro email marketing because I do it correctly and my message is tailored to my target audience. That’s why over the years I have created email lists with thousands of peoples details.

That is the important thing to remember, the email addresses you will gather are people. Sometimes business owners forget that, and their message reflects their lack of respect.

What I want to share with you today is some best practices for email list management. Right from building your lists to creating relationships by providing value, and also re-engaging with subscribers.

The Money Is In The List 

Within the digital marketing world for which I have been involved with for a number of years there is saying. That saying is “the money is in the list” which you may be aware of. There are some very successful digital marketers who have built lists into the millions of subscribers. They make a lot of money per month form their lists, hence where the saying comes from.

If you are new to online marketing or have been around for a while you will hear these “gurus” say you must build your lists. That is indeed correct but some of them are hell bent on building lists of tens, if not hundreds of thousands. They then say to you that for every subscriber you have you should make $1 per month.

What happens then is people go hell for leather and get thousands of subscribers because they think it will make them rich. The perception is that if you had 10,000 subscribers, then you make $10k a month. Listen if it were that easy then every man/woman and their dog would be doing it.

How To Get High Quality Leads? 

email list management

What you must concentrate on is trying to build lists of people who are seriously interested in your business. Yes, you will get the browsers who have got nothing better to do than sign up for anything. On the other hand, if your messaging is right and your marketing is targeted you will attract better quality leads.

When you get people to subscribe the work really starts. The reason I say this is because it is how you treat your subscribers which will put money in the bank. I am a firm believer that you must put people before profits.

To do this you must serve them and provide value through your email marketing messages. Instead of trying to shove everything you sell down their throats you must build a relationship.

If you stopped a complete stranger and asked them to buy something from you do you think they would. Of course, they wouldn’t because they don’t know or trust you. So why think that someone who is on your list is anything different.

Relationships take time to form but when they do the know, like and trust factor kicks in. When your subscribers know you care about them, want to serve them in the best way possible they will buy. This process could take months, even years, to form but they will always be there for you.

That’s why the saying I would rather go with is the “relationship is in the list”, therefore the money will follow.

One Of Your Email List Management Tasks Is To Re-Engage With Inactive Subscribers 

email list management sorting

You will build lists of subscribers if you adopt the right messaging, targeting and relationship building. One thing that is very important is that you periodically perform some email list management.

It is vital that you do this so your lists are kept fresh which means that you will need to remove some dead wood. These are the people who have signed up but have no intention, so they never respond.

Cut them adrift and concentrate on the ones who do respond to your messages. Remember it doesn’t always mean people have to buy what your promote. You look at things such as open rates, replies you receive and how you then respond. Just because the interaction takes place virtually it is still a conversation.

Another thing that sometimes happens is that as an online business owner you get side-tracked. New projects and opportunities spring up all the time which takes your focus away from regularly connecting with email.

I am guilty of this because for the last year I have been building out Build Your AU. I have lists of thousands of people who have expressed interest in building a business from home.

They are predominantly from a marketing campaign for a home business opportunity. When marketing to these list I did everything that I have mentioned before. I provided value and put their needs before any profit I would make. So, I had a great relationship with them and was successful in relation to revenue that was generated.

My focus is now to make them aware of what I have been doing for the last few months. Build Your AU is a training program which helps people create their own business and personal brand. So, it is congruent with the industry that these people first subscribed to.

Time To Re-Engage

email list management reconnect with subscribers

Now the task is to re-engage with them and it has taken some time to think about the best way to do this. They are familiar with seeing me on video as I think it is the best way to engage with people.

Therefore, I am currently creating a video sequence which I can send to my list. It will be constructed in a way where I reconnect with them and tell them what I have been doing.

Then I will share how my Build Your AU program can help them start and develop a business online. Three videos will cover the core elements of the program and what they can expect to achieve.

The final video will be an invitation to join the program with maybe some incentive which still needs some work.

What I will then do is take some time and write blog posts about each video. These will be detailed posts highlighting the benefits of the program. From there I will construct an email marketing sequence with links back to the blog post for people to read more.

As you can see this is very strategic because I am providing valuable information first. In many ways it is rekindling the relationship with them, to let them know I am still here to help.

This is the best way to reconnect with existing subscribers rather than suddenly send out an email trying to sell the program. To do that would be totally the wrong approach and end up with people unsubscribing. Obviously not everyone is going to move forward with me and Build Your AU, I have been around too long to expect that.

I am though very confident that people will engage with my message and there will be people who join.

Let’s Recap 

Email marketing is still very powerful, but you must impose email list management at all levels. If you are new to business, then it is likely that you won’t have any subscribers. Therefore, follow my guidance on how to build and nurture that list.

On the other hand, if you have a list of subscribers that are inactive for any reason it is time to re-engage. I have shared with you how I am going about this which could give you some ideas. If my Build Your AU program interests, you can learn more about a video series that explains the process by clicking here. I look forward to connecting with you soon.

Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.

Trish Davies

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Build Your AU