Employee vs Entrepreneur Mindset, What Are The Differences?

So, what are the differences between an employee vs entrepreneur mindset? Find out here the difference between the wannabes and successful people.

Hi, Trish Davies here with a comparison of mindsets between an employee vs entrepreneur mindset. Well, I say comparison really what I mean is the polar differences between someone who is happy to be led and people who lead.

In reality the difference can be encompassed within one word which is “mindset”. Having the right mindset is crucial to anything you undertake in life, it can either make you or break you.

The thought processes and patterns that form within your mind will govern the results you achieve. There is no doubt! Therefore, if you are looking to break free from your paid employment into entrepreneurship you must make a mindset shift.

If you don’t then you will finish up with all the other wannabe entrepreneurs who try and fail. Sorry to be blunt but that is just how it is! Yu will end up back within paid employment, back in the position you are now or maybe even worse. So, to avoid that happening I want to share with you some valuable insights on developing the entrepreneurial mindset.

Employee vs Entrepreneur Mindset 

employee vs entrepreneurial mindset

Over the next few minutes, you are going to learn the mindset differences between an employee and an entrepreneur. Now I am going to assume you are an employee at the moment and want to transition to become an entrepreneur.

So, with that said I am not going back and forth saying employees think this and entrepreneurs think that. I am just going to tell you what you must do to develop the mindset of an entrepreneur. Everything I cover is basically the opposite of how an employee thinks!

I am sure what I share with you will give you clarity on what you should be thinking as opposed to what you do know. If you are ready I will get straight into it.

Take Full Responsibility For All Decisions 

One thing that’s common within all entrepreneurs is that they have the ability to create something out of nothing. Opportunities are all around you right now, you must spot them and then take action.

Taking action means that you must be capable of making big decisions and then owning those decisions. You must make things happen and not wait for things to happen.

Therefore, entrepreneurs always have a sense of urgency about them as they understand the need to get things done. Adopting this mindset shift is crucial for you to achieve your goals.

Have Short & Long-Term Vision At The Same Time 

entrepreneurial vision

Part of your mindset shift to entrepreneurship is having short and long-term vision simultaneously. You must be forward thinking for now and what could happen into the future.

For sure there will be many obstacles for you to overcome, things will happen out of the blue so to speak. You won’t know for certain what is just around the corner within your journey. Bearing all of that in mind you must trust yourself to make some crucial decisions that are based upon total uncertainty.

You must be comfortable in the knowledge that what you do or don’t do at any give time will have an impact on your business. That impact may not be seen tomorrow, it could be in a months’ time, a few years or even decades down the line.

Develop the vision of where you want to see your business in 12 months, 5 years, or 10 years’ time!

Break Through Your Comfort Zone 

There is a common saying of “thinking outside of the box”, the box being your comfort zone. As an entrepreneur you accept that there is no box, you shake off any boundaries of your comfort zone.

You must get comfortable with feeling uncomfortable and embrace new ideas, test them, go to new territories. You must become a risk taker, the bigger the risk the bigger the rewards. On the other side of the coin the though you must accept failing big, then get up and take new risks.

Failing forward is the only way to become a successful entrepreneur so you must be thick skinned and keep forging forward.

Always Be Willing To Learn 

entreprenurial learning

This amazing journey called life is a constant learning curve. There is saying that you learn something new every day. That usually happens by accident but as an entrepreneur you must force yourself to constantly learn.

You will need to learn new skills to run your new business. Things that will stretch you to your limits and force you to break through those limits. Things like business planning, product creation and development, online marketing strategies and technical obstacles to overcome.

The fact is that you must learn these new skills to get things done for your business. Adopt the growth mindset you need to move forward with the development of your business and you, personally.

Never Accept The Status Quo 

No, I don’t mean the rock band from the UK. What I mean is that as an entrepreneur you will always look to do things differently from the norm. That means developing a larger perspective on life, moving towards the horizon to see what lies behind.

You never know just what the next big things is. It could be something that you could ride the wave and prosper from.

Now the status quo for an employee is to work the hours that they are set. Maybe that means clocking in and out, but the working hours are set in stone. That simply won’t happen for you when you make that transition to become an entrepreneur. You must accept that you working day won’t be 9 – 5.

Your working day usually means from the moment you wake up until you go to bed at night. I am not saying you will constantly be performing tasks, but you will always be thinking about your business.

Thinking about how you can improve things, new ideas for products and services, how your business is performing. To become a successful entrepreneur and business owner you must live and breath it all of the time.

Are You Ready To Become An Entrepreneur? 

build your au mastermind

I have become an entrepreneur over the last 15 years or so. Therefore, I know what it takes to make the shift from being an employee to a business owner. Over those 15 years I have created successful businesses in different industries and niches.

Right from real estate investing, corporate and personal coaching to digital marketing ventures. Right now, I am working with a highly motivated and talented group of entrepreneurs within my Build Your AU programs.

The programs help you create your own personal brands around what you know and what you are good at. I have a unique process that creates authority business models that you can then market to people who are looking for your services.

To learn more and see the process in action register for a free video series by clicking the button below. Then you can see if it is the right fit for the direction that you want to take in your entrepreneurial journey.

build your au mastermind video series

There are clear differences between an employee vs entrepreneur mindset. I have shared with you what it takes to succeed as an entrepreneur and business owner. Make sure you register for the video series because it could be the piece to the puzzle you are looking for.

Helping you build your authenticity, authority, and audience.

Trish Davies

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Build Your AU