Why You Should Embrace The Fear Of Starting A Business

The fear of starting a business is a common emotion for all new entrepreneurs but it should be a chance to explore new opportunities.

Starting a new business is a journey that will take many turns and there will be many obstacles to overcome. One of the most common emotions is fear which causes a fight or flight response of either confronting it head on or running away. The fear of starting a business can works in tandem with having self-doubt which I talked about in my previous post.

You will experience fear on many levels in different aspects of your business, but it is how you manage it that makes all the difference. I have been in business for several years and there are still aspects that cause, that fight or flight response. I carry out a lot of public speaking and live presenting, and each week I have a new audience in the room.

In this scenario I have no idea of how the audience is going to react to me, like me and understand my message. It is only when I meet them, look them in the eye and start talking that I know that I am connecting with them. Fortunately, I have a lot of experience to draw upon, so I know how to manage the situation.

I know how to manage the fear, step into it and embrace it. That feeling really gets the blood pumping and I feel that is what gives me the edge to perform with passion. Now I look at fear as an opportunity so let’s look at what I mean by that.

Crush The Fear Of Starting A Business And Grab The Opportunity With Both Hands 

fear of starting a business

I have established that fear holds you back and there will have been many times where you can relate to that. The likelihood is that you will have regretted not stepping into that fear and experiencing the rewards that it would have brought.

Each time you get the feeling of your heart beating that little bit faster is an opportunity to experience personal growth. Opportunities and doors start opening for you, but it does mean that the boundaries of your comfort zone start to become stretched.

I feel the best way to break those boundaries is to accept the challenge and just say “yes”. I have done this many times when opportunities have arisen and then work things out. Once you have said yes you have given a commitment and created accountability for yourself.

Sometimes it feels like you are a duck on a pond. On top you look as calm as anything but under the surface your legs are going at a million miles per hour. You must feel this thrill and the excitement of the unknown.

So, any fears that you may have about starting your new business you must face them and say “yes”. It is time for you to step up, grow into the situation and smash that comfort zone to pieces.

Start To Create Your Authority Business Model 

I feel the best way to eradicate the fear is to put a solid plan and framework in place. Many people enter business with no idea of what they are trying to achieve and the type of business they want to build.

The Build Your AU program concentrates on establishing the three pillars that your business will sit upon. Each business is different, but this principle remains the same. My business helps business owners like yourself to create a personal brand that you can then market to your audience.

I focus on what makes you authentic, what establishes your authority and then I help you attract your audience. Hence where Build Your AU comes from. Once I extract that data from you the picture becomes clear on what your three pillars are. This is what you then focus on within your business and gives you the foundation to create your content around.

This process gives you the permission to explore you as a person and the topics around your business. Micro segmentation then takes place and together we create a nine-step process for your business. Each main pillar will have three sub-pillars.

Once this process is complete you will have clarity on what you are trying to achieve within your business. You will become confident on the outcome that your clients will have and the solutions to their problems.

You will be creating a business that is based truly on your own unique perspective. This sets you apart from the competition which is one of the fundamental fears that people have in business. They focus on the amount of competition they have which then holds them back but this process establishes your authority business model.

Your Front-End Marketing Machine 

developing your personal brand

Your authority business model is your front-end marketing machine. It is your hub to create your content around and, as I referred to, explore your topics. Together with your authority site you will have the framework to create your own products and services.

This process is covered within the Build Your AU program where I show you what types of products and services you can create. Also covered is how to deliver that content and which platforms you can use.

Creating a business model this way also creates two valuable things. Everything about your business revolves around you so it helps to create relationships with the people consuming your content. That relationship building then creates trust between you and your audience.

A common fear of starting a new business is the fear of failure. Many times, failure happens because of the lack of planning. There is a saying that “if you fail to plan” then you “plan to fail”! The Build Your AU process has meticulous planning in every step along the way to give you the best chance of success. Success that is built upon clarity of knowing what you are doing and more importantly why you are doing it.

My purpose for this post was to remove the fear of starting a business that you may have. I hope that I have done that, but I do realise that you may still have some concerns which is totally natural. At the bottom of this page you will see a button to register for a mastermind video series. This is a compilation of previous mastermind recordings on how the Build Your AU process works. Click the button and register today.

Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.

Trish Davies

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Build Your AU