How To Build Wealth In Your 50s Through Sharing Your Expertise

If you want to know how to build wealth in your 50’s then consider sharing your expertise and create your own online coaching business.

Hi Trish Davies, here, the founder of Build Your AU and Trish Davies International. As you have visited this web page is it safe to assume that you are in your 50th decade? The 50’s for many people is a decade that is somewhat transitional. You have possibly worked for 30 odd years conventionally, good education, good job, family, mortgage etc.

That is a model that has been around it seems from the start of time. For many people that is fine, and they are happy with the hand they have been dealt. It has always been recognised as the safe way to live life; it is the 40/40 rule. Meaning you work 40 hours per week for 40+ years, then retire.

The trouble is that when your 50’s hit it is a time for reflection to see just where you are in life. As I say it is a transitional decade because you have lots of experience behind you and the vision of stopping work on the horizon.

The So-Called Conventional Way To Build Wealth! 

The conventional way should deliver the result of your mortgage paid off and pension pot building nicely. Add to that the hope that your savings account are healthy, and you feel comfortable with life. There is a safety net in place should there be times when you need it.

The last 12 months or so as definitely brought that safety net into play for millions of people around the world. The impact of the pandemic may have hit investments and pensions which means the future might not be quite as rosy as it was!

Some people have been forced to cash in those investments just to survive or taken out further liabilities on their properties. Suddenly the conventional system may have started to implode, and people are now looking for other options.

People of that age are now looking online for information on how to build wealth in your 50’s. That includes you and that could be for any of the reasons I have mentioned, or you have others to add to the list.

Do You Want To Build A Financial Firewall? 

how to build wealth in your 50's

Whatever those reasons I am glad you are here. I say that because it means that you want to know how you can build a financial firewall around you and your family. The same as I did nearly 20 years ago when I was in my early 30’s for myself and my daughter.

As you can I see I am in that 50’s decade but the difference for me is that I have already built my financial firewall. I have secured my financial freedom through backing and investing in myself.

Now I can share with you wealth creation strategies, strategies I have used to build my business organisation. You will find lots of information on my website so learn more about me and my story how to contact me.   

A New Option For Wealth Creation 

Today though I want to share a great business model to help you build wealth and create a lifestyle to enjoy that wealth. I have been in business for 15+ years now and I have interests in various industries and sectors.

From real estate, digital marketing, and personal coaching I have been very successful. That success has been built upon a number of factors, but I want to focus on a three-step formula which applies to anything in life. That formula is as follows.

  • Learn
  • Implement
  • Teach

It really is the formula to most things throughout life, but the majority of people just focus n the first two steps. Right from when you are born and through school you learn things and then implement that learning.

When you enter the workforce, you learn the skills need and then implement them. When you advance in your career you then learn advanced skills and implement them.

I Am A Product Of This Formula 

how to build wealth in your 50's

When I started my entrepreneurial journey, I had to learn the in’s and out’s of real estate investment. Then I took action on that information and created a real estate investment business in the USA. I then taught other people to do the same through online coaching and one on one coaching.

A few years ago, I looked at digital marketing as a business opportunity. Within digital marketing there are many different facets and business models. I focused on affiliate marketing, learnt the skills needed and built a successful affiliate marketing business. Then I taught people how to do the same.

My coaching business started a few years ago with a corporate training company who I am still contracted to. Through learning the skill sets for coaching I created my own personal coaching business which is where Build Your AU has evolved.

I now teach highly motivated and talented people to create their own coaching businesses. This is the option I want to share with you to help you create wealth through sharing your own knowledge.

The fact is that you have so much value to give to people just like you. People who want to learn the skills sets you already have. You can provide solutions to people’s problems through your expertise which in turn is very lucrative.

You can create online training programs, create mastermind groups just like Build Your AU and charge for membership. Through your expertise you can position yourself as a consultant, a personal coach and mentor. If you position yourself in that way you can command hundreds if not thousands per hour and create wealth for you and your family.

That wealth can be created here and now while you are in your 50’s to enable you to live life how you want to live it. That is what I do, I have the choice to do what I want, when I want and where I want. This is something that you create by simply sharing your knowledge and expertise but how can you do that.

How To Build Wealth In Your 50’s 

build your au mastermind

The answer is through my Build Your AU program which is specifically designed to create online coaching businesses. I have members from all around the world creating their own destiny through what they know.

That is an important fact. They already have the knowledge they just don’t know how to package it up in a training program which can be marketed to their audience. This is what Build Your AU is designed for, it provides that outcome.

I am excited because I know that I have the tools and resources that can help you build wealth through a coaching business. I can guide you through the process, but you must do the work. If that is something that interests you then click the button below to learn more about the process.

You will see the process in action through my members journeys. A journey you could embark on to create wealth for yourself and impact other people at the same time.

If you really want to know how to build wealth in your 50’s then this is the program for you. Click the button below now to open up the possibilities that are waiting for you.

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Helping you build your authenticity, authority, and audience

Trish Davies

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Build Your AU