How To Get Online Students: The Ultimate Guide

Struggling to attract students to your online course. Here is the ultimate guide on how to get online students into your online coaching business.

Hi Trish Davies here and being an online coach myself I know how difficult it can be to attract students to my courses. With that in mind I thought it would help if I shared some tips on how to get online students.

In today’s digital world, it’s easy for students to get their information at their fingertips. Not only is there more access to information than ever before, but there’s also a plethora of free resources out there that students can use.

Doing an effective job of getting students involves knowing what topics to cover. Then how to deliver information to those students, and finally how to get students to actually use the course materials.

Connecting with students online is a great way to connect with students while also maintaining your course schedule. The problem is, not everyone knows how to get online students, or how to get students to take an interest in your course.

This guide is going to show you how to get students and keep them engaged at the same time. Let’s get started.

How To Get Online Students – Define What You Want 

how to get online students

This may seem obvious, but you’d be surprised how many teachers don’t define what they want from their students. It’s easy to think that we want our students to just sit down and learn. However what we really want is for them to grow as people and take interest in the material.

We have to define our course objectives so that we know what we’re trying to accomplish. This will help guide the design of the course and ensure that the content is effective and that students are getting the most out of it.

Create A Hook 

Hooks are short, concise descriptions that summarize a concept or character throughout a video. They’re like the opening scene of a movie, and they act as a reminder to students that there is more to come.

Hooks are an important way to engage students and get them excited about the course content. They act as an appetizer, getting your students ready for the main course.

Provide Summative And Proactive Feedback 

It’s important to remember that you’re the one teaching your course. This means that you need to respond to students and provide them with feedback on what they’re learning.

You’re the one who knows best what they’re learning and what they should be doing next in the class. You need to remember this, and you need to communicate this to your students.

Students can be very hesitant to ask questions because they’re afraid of looking ignorant. They need to know that they’re not right or wrong, and they need to know when to push forward and when to stop.

How To Get Online Students – Find Active Learners 

When you’re designing your course, think about who you want to be your future students. What kind of students do you want to attract?

You can start by looking at active learners on Reddit and other online forums. These students aren’t shy about expressing what they want from a course and what they like about it.

You can also use tools like SurveyMonkey to get a clearer picture of what students want from your course. Surveys are great for getting a general idea of what students want, but you need to talk to these students in person.

Create A Video Series 

video training series

Making a video series can be a great way to get students interested in your course. A video series is a collection of related videos that teach a single concept. They’re perfect for courses that require students to read a lot of information. Also they can be a way to review what they’ve already learned.

You can also use video series to teach a topic in a different light. This can be valuable in helping students see different perspectives and learn how to think critically.

Use Gamification 

Gamification is the use of game-like elements to encourage a user to take an action, often through a reward system. In education, this can be done through rewards, badges, points, levels, or leader boards.

One of the best uses of gamification is to reward active learning. This means making your students feel good about themselves when they actively learn something new.

Gamification can also be used to engage students more deeply. This means creating a more interactive experience that encourages students to think more analytically.

Gamification is not a one-time deal. It needs to be adjusted to fit the needs of your course, and it needs to be adjusted every time you change your course.


Getting students takes work, but it’s not impossible. You just have to think about what you want out of your students and how to get them interested in your class.

I have shared with you many tips and strategies on how to get online students. To learn more about how to attract your ideal audience for your online course check out my free training program.

The program is called Build Your AU which helps you establish authenticity and authority. Also it shows you how to use that authenticity and authority to pinpoint your ideal student. Click the link below to learn more.

Register now by Clicking Here!

Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.

Trish Davies

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Build Your AU