How To Write Engaging Content To Strike An Emotional Chord With Your Reader

The principle of business is to start a conversation so you must learn how to write engaging content to make an emotional connection.

Part of building any successful business is building up a following, a fan base or a tribe. These are terms that are used frequently within marketing, but they all mean the same thing. You must have a database of potential leads and qualified customers, which is the bedrock of your business.

There are many strategies that you can leverage to achieve the process of building that database. The digital age we live in provides us with many tools and resources and you are only limited to your imagination. You can in theory start a marketing conversation using all the five senses we have, something you may not have considered.

If you are in the food industry people the use of sight, smell and taste would be part of your marketing strategy. Fashion would be sight and touch. If it was music hearing would play the greatest part along with sight. You would utilize all of these during tastings, collection launches and concerts.

These very tactile and raw situations cause deep feelings. Emotion is a trigger for people to make decisions and then act. The action that a business owner wants people to take is to hand over their credit card details. I am very economically minded and firmly believe you and I should be well compensated for our efforts.

So, these are all very hands on and powerful experiences that you can provide for your potential clients. There are though other marketing strategies that are just as powerful but sometimes overlooked. They fall under the umbrella of content marketing which is my focus for today.

content marketing

Content Marketing And Why It Is So Effective

Content marketing focus on just two of the sense which is sight and hearing and there are several mediums that you can use. Video is one of the most engaging formats you can use through tone of language, hand and facial expressions.

You can draw people in through eye contact by using the camera as your audience and speaking to that. When you achieve this the person on the other side will think you are talking to them individually.

Then we have the use of audio which can be utilised in podcasts or audio downloads. You can still show your personality through how you speak though again tone and pause. When you pause it creates expectation within the listener to break them to the edge of their seat. They are waiting on your bated breath.

These two strategies are arguably the easiest and hardest ways to engage with your audience. I say this because it is easy to engage because your audience can either see or hear you. You don’t have to be polished and, in many occasions, it pays for you not to be. If people can see or hear your imperfections, they are more likely to connect with you because you are being authentic.

Why I say it is sometimes the hardest way to engage is solely down to the person who wants to deliver their content. Meaning the barrier that people put up because they find it hard to put themselves in front of the camera or microphone. Once they break through that barrier and step over that line in the sand it does become easy.

This brings me on nicely to the last element of content marketing which is how to write engaging content.

Discover How To Write Engaging Content To Create A Connection With Your Audience 

how to write engaging content

The written word is just as powerful now as it has ever been but something that business owners overlook. Over the last two decades with the emergence of the internet and marketing platforms the written word has been overlooked. The emphasis on paid marketing has been so great because it is seen as a quick way to get traffic.

That is correct because you can put an ad up online and see instant traffic to your products, services and offers. The trouble is that especially over the last decade it has become an expensive way to advertise. Platforms constantly change the technical side to advertising and because there is so much demand the prices get hiked up. Sometimes to the extent that it is not financially feasible anymore.

Over the last 5 years though there has been a gradual shift back to content marketing and articles in particular. This predominantly means written text, which is powerful but, in many respects, the hardest strategy to create emotion.

In general, a computer screen is quite a sterile environment if there is nothing physical going on. Watching a video or listening to a podcast on a computer is engaging but seeing blocks of text can sometimes be off putting. That is of course unless you do it right!

Although writing on screen is one dimensional you can stir up emotions that keep people engaged and this is the purpose of this post. I am going to show you a process that will force people to not only stop when they see your article but also to ensure they read it all the way through.

The Process To Creating Engaging Written Content Starts With Purpose 

There are only five elements that must be in place to create engaging content. I have set this out in the graphic below and I will break down each element.

how to write engaging content

Purpose – The common denominator in everything I do, and should be the same for you, is having purpose. Writing content is no exception because if you don’t know why you want to write it there is no point starting.

Whether it is content that you have planned or had an inspired thought you must be clear on the point you want to make. Also, strategy does come into play at this early stage. You must be clear on whether you want to generate leads, a sale or just want to provide value!

Headline – A headline is designed to attract an individual’s attention that is why it is referred to as a hook. You must stand out from all the other noise that is around us today. Sensationalism doesn’t really have the same effect anymore because there is so much out there.

Your headline must stand out, but it must incorporate some, or all, of the following elements.

  • The Result Someone Can Expect
  • A Clear Time To Achieve The End Result
  • Highest Achievement You Or Someone Has Experienced

The Most Critical Element 

whats your story

Story – Storytelling is the most powerful element in any aspect of content marketing. You will have your own story, and this is what you must publish. Also, you must back up what you have stated in your headline or you will lose your reader very early on.

Unfortunately, this is what many people do wrong. They will hook people in but fail to give any substance to their statement. Written content is the hardest way to stir up emotions unless you speak from the heart. You must inject the emotion with the words that you use and speak to the person reading as though you are with them in person.

They are real people so think about how you would speak to a family member or friend. You must become personal and not as though you are speaking from a script. When you speak from the heart it sets you apart from anyone else because you are being unique.

Individuals notice when people are being real and raw. They also notice when people are fake. When you tell your story, it is undeniable, and this is what people will connect to.

Be Visual – An article or written post doesn’t need to stay one dimensional. Injecting visual elements to your text will create engagement. There is a saying that a “picture paints a thousand words” and never has a truer statement been made.

Break up you block of text with images which can be stock images but have more impact if they are of you. If you read other posts on this website you will notice, there are a lot of images of myself in many different environments. This adds to my authenticity which is one of the pillars of my Build Your AU mastermind.

Also, you can use infographics when it is appropriate. These are especially effective if you are trying to teach something or back up any research that you have done.

Give Your Reader Clear Direction

Call To Action – A call to action is what you want people to do when they reach then end of your post or article. Again, this is what you plan right from the start with the purpose of your content.

If you have done everything right up to this point, then your reader should be chomping at the bit. You will have built up the engagement, so they are at a level of needing instant gratification.

They just want you to tell them what to do and where to do it. It could be signing up for a free offer, buying your product or just contacting you for more information.

This is how to write engaging content to build relationships with your audience. Written blog posts, articles and social media updates are still very powerful if you follow this process. Each piece of content you create establishes your authenticity and authority which then creates your audience. The process of creating engaging content is covered within my Build Your AU mastermind. To learn more on how this process can help your business please click here.

Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.

Trish Davies

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Build Your AU