How To Define Your Key Business Pillars To Create Your Authority Business Model

Pillars act as foundations and that principle can be applied to business so discover how to define your key business pillars to create your authority business model.

Hi Trish Davies, here again from Build Your AU. When you are building your online business and personal brand you must get the foundations in place. I like to refer to those foundations as key business pillars.

I have developed a very specific process over the last 12 – 24 months which shows you how to establish those pillars. As an independent business owner, you will be looking to create your own personal brand. Or a the very least a niche brand and there is a difference.

If you look at the make up of my online business, there are three brands that come together. The first is which is my authority website. Then I have and finally I have is my personal brand and the other two are niche specific. Each are business in their own right, but I wanted to clarify the differences for you.

The Key Business Pillars For Build Your AU 

key business pillars

The business I want to focus on today is because it best represents key business pillars. The concept of Build Your AU is very simple as it is my authority business model to help individuals build their personal brand.

When I decided that I wanted to create a personal branding program I had an overall idea of what I wanted to create. As with anything it started with an idea which then had to be developed. The process is a continuing development because even just a couple of weeks ago I tweaked it just a little bit.

The tweak enhanced the overall program. Therefore, you should never be afraid to change things if you feel the need to do so. Even with the tweak though Build Your AU is built upon three key business pillars. They are as follows.

  • Authenticity
  • Authority
  • Audience

So, there are three pillars that I have created so that I can deliver my training program. This is what I teach my members who then develop their own three key business pillars for their personal brands.

Obviously, my members will have their own pillars, they won’t be the same as mine. My pillars helps them establish their authenticity through storytelling. Then extracts all that they are good at to give them authority. Finally, I show them how to build an audience.

So those key business pillars are set in stone but there is a process that I went through to define those pillars. This process is what I want to talk about today to help you define you own key business pillars.

In the next section I am going to show you three photos which help me to piece my key business pillars together. It started with a brain dump.

How To Define Your Key Business Pillars With Post it Notes 

I am guessing that at some point you have used post it notes to remind you of important things. Even in this digital world with sophisticated and expensive technology the pen and paper is still a powerful tool.

Back in the tail end of 2019 I attended a mastermind retreat in Bali and the post it note became part of an exercise. The host asked all the attendees to basically do a brain dump using post it notes.

The objective was to post everything about who you are, what you are good at and what you want to achieve in a business. Ultimately to help create an authority business model that is there to serve your customers.

So, I went away that evening and started the process with lots of post it notes and just wrote down anything that came to mind. The result of this can be seen in the following picture.

key business pillars brain dump

Then the task was to streamline the mass of post it notes and start to drill down, prioritise to some extent. As you can see from the following picture my authority business model and the key business pillars are starting to take shape.

key business pillars process

You will notice however that I have not discarded altogether the other post it notes. This means that if you feel the need some can come back into the fold if they are relevant.

The following image is my first defined business model which is still based upon the three key business pillars. It is still the backbone to my authority business model although I has evolved somewhat and tweaked.

authority business model

Much of that evolvement has taken place during my Build Your AU masterminds. My members now see a much-enhanced Build Your AU authority model.

Now It’s Over To You 

Look at the process I have just shown you and start to brain dump with post it notes. You will quickly start to see the emergence of your own key business pillars and authority business model.

As I have said this is a process that takes time, it won’t just happen overnight. Mine has taken a number of months to get to where it is today so don’t stress as ever so slowly your pillars will become apparent.

I would love to help you with the process through my Build Your AU programs. To see the process in action I have created a video series of previous masterminds. The masterminds will show you my members create their own key business pillars and subsequent authority business model.

If you like what you see when watching each video, there will be an opportunity for you to join the program. Then we can both get down to work and start to build out your key business pillars and authority business model.

Click on the button below to register for the video series and I will send you the first mastermind instantly.

build your au mastermind video series

Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.

Trish Davies

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Build Your AU