5 Effective Lead Magnet Ideas For Coaches & Consultants

Coaching, training, consulting and teaching online is a booming industry. Your students start off as leads so what are the best lead magnet ideas for coaches?

HI Trish Davies here and today I want to focus on the first step to putting money into your bank account. You are here because the concept of online coaching appeals to you either as a part time or full time career.

The eLearning industry is one of the biggest growth industries at the moment and will be for years to come. Hundreds of billions of dollars are expected to be generated through online education over the next few years.

You can claim your small piece of that very big pie by simply selling your knowledge and expertise. Now you may have some ideas for your own online course, if you haven’t then this post will help. Click here for some online course ideas.

As an online course creator and coach, you obviously need students for your training material. With that in mind I thought it would hep over the next couple of posts to start getting strategic on how to attract those students.

The process for attracting those students is relatively straight forward to put into place. What you need is a marketing system that works for you through automation. This involves a few simple web pages that ultimately guides your students to your members area. That is the area where you will deliver your premium training material.

Now don’t worry if that sounds complex as in reality it isn’t. I will get into that process in subsequent posts but what you need first is a lead magnet.

What Is A Lead Magnet 

lead magnet ideas for coaches

A lead magnet is something that you offer to your ideal audience for free. Now before you wonder why you offer something for free let me explain why this works so well.

Your lead magnet is a free item or service that you provide in exchange for someone’s contact details. Those contact details usually come in the form of a name and email address. You can ask for me details like phone and address, but this could reduce your conversions.

So, your focus should be on the name and email address. Obviously someone’s personal details are very sensitive to them, they won’t just give them out willy nilly. There must be something in it for them which is of high perceived value and this is where your lead magnet comes in.

What you must think as a business owner is that your students want to learn something. They are looking for a solution on how to do something and improve their skill sets.

Therefore, your lead magnet must address the problem they are experiencing and solve it to a certain degree. Look at it as they have an itch which needs scratching to give them instant relief. Your lead magnet will give them that instant relief but will leave them wanting more.

That is where your training programs are positioned to fill that ultimate desire. To give them that detailed solution that could have a massive impact on their lives. That is for later down the line. At this point you just want to make that first connection with them and that first commitment from them.

You want the lead that you can nurture into high value and high paying students. Therefore, you must give them something at the outset that doesn’t cost them a penny.

So, let’s look at some lead magnet ideas for coaches and consultants. High value free gifts that you can offer to help attract a loyal following that then become students for life.

Lead Magnet Ideas For Coaches 

I a going to share with you 5 effective lead magnets that you can offer that instantly position you as an authority. Someone that people will look up to, like and put their trust in to help them develop as a person.

Before I do though I just want to emphasise how powerful this strategy is. When you offer something in exchange for a persons contact details you start to build a data base. That data base will become one of your biggest business assets because it is something that you can tap into whenever you want.

As a marketing asset it can be like gold dust. I say that because you can communicate to that data base whenever you want. Initially your data base will be leads as that is the point for a lead magnet. You can promote your courses and any other products and services you offer.

A proportion will become students, customers in effect, which then creates a buyer list. That is your pot of gold that will pay you again and again in the future. Right now, I have got that out of the way let’s look at effective lead magnets for coaches.

Checklists & Worksheets 

checklist lead magnet

One of the easiest things to create to offer as a lead magnet. These types of lead magnet for coaches are highly effective and valuable for the person to receive. They are like fleshed out bullet points in respect to what to do and how to do it.

For example, say you were a website developer who also coached people how to create their own websites. You could offer a checklist on the steps that are needed to be taken to get a website online.

Maybe you are a personal trainer you could offer some simple exercises that people could do from home.

eBooks Make Great Lead Magnets 

Now these are more detailed documents but only contain a few pages. Here you want to teach a specific topic in more depth that you would with your checklist or worksheet.  

Keep it to just a few pages of content after your initial welcome page and details about yourself. At the end of the eBook put in a call to action to your first paid product or service which goes more in depth on the specific topic.

Alternatively, maybe a call to action to join a Facebook group you have or invite them to contact you through email. Keep in mind that you want people to take the next step with you whatever that may be.

Live Webinars 

build your au mastermind

A live webinar is very powerful as usually it is some form of live training along with a question and answer section. Typically, you will be looking to host this for around an hour which is a just the right amount of time to deliver value and receive feedback.

Your attendees will appreciate the live element because of the interaction and engagement it produces. At the end of your live webinars, you can, if you wish, make your promotion or offer because you have a warmed up audience. They are likely to take action and commit with their credit cards.

Pre-recorded Webinars 

Here is where you offer a recording of your live webinar which is what’s referred to as repurposing content. These are also powerful but obviously you lose the interaction and engagement of doing it live.

My recommendation is to clearly state that you are offering a recording, so people know what to expect. You don’t want people trying to interact and engage then finding out you are not responding to them.

If you are clear then the content is just as powerful along with the question and answer section. You can still have your call to action at the end to potentially monetize your webinar.

Th beauty of pre-recorded webinars is that you can create automated marketing systems. It is a set and forget system that continually generates leads and has the potential to convert those leads into sales.

Live Weekly Mastermind 

lead magnet ideas for coaches

I have left this one until last I as personally know how powerful a live weekly mastermind can be. What you do here is offer a live mastermind for a dedicated number of weeks. It could be 4, 8, 12 or whatever you decide.

My own Build Your AU 9-week program is a perfect example. What I do is offer a 9-week live mastermind which shows the 9 steps to creating an online training course. It also shows people how to create their own personal brand around their coaching business.

Then I meet with them at the same time every week and deliver my content. At the end of the 9 weeks, I then make an offer to join my intensive mastermind program which is another weekly event.

To learn more about this program and how this process works as regard to a lead magnet click here.

So, this has been my share on effective lead magnet ideas for coaches. I hope that you have been inspired as to what you can create as a free but highly valuable gift for your potential students. I value your feedback so if you have any questions then please use the comment box below.

Helping you build your authenticity, authority, and audience.

Trish Davies

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Build Your AU