Learn Do Teach – How To Transition To Become An Online Trainer

Learn, do, teach the opportunity of a lifetime. Take what you have learnt and implemented to the next level and teach people to do the same!

Hi Trish Davies here and today I want to talk about a very simple but powerful formula. That formula is learn, do, teach and how you can profit from a multi-billion dollar industry. eLearning has been the next big thing for a number of years and the wave is still only gathering pace.

There is plenty of opportunity for you to jump on this wave, ride it and put money in the bank. It is projected that the eLearning industry will be worth around $350 Billion dollars around 2025-2026.

Therefore, the next few years leading up to those dates will be huge in respect to opportunity. It won’t stop then; it will only grow as the worlds population continues to increase and the need for people to learn new skills or re-skill.

Re-skilling has been brought to the fore over the last 18 months because of the Covid pandemic. To say that Covid has left a trail of destruction is somewhat of an understatement. Obviously the most impact has been the tragic death of millions of people around the world. It certainly puts a lot of things in perspective.

Covid has also evaporated millions of businesses leading to unprecedented job losses. So much uncertainty has been caused with people wondering if they will be next to face the axe of redundancy.   

The aftermath of this is that individuals have needed to learn new skills to survive. The uncertainty has led to people looking for solutions to problems they never thought they would face. The last two sentences are the foundation for opportunity and here is why.

Learn Do Teach Your Way To Financial Independence 

learn do teach

Life is a journey of discovery and they do say “you learn something new every day”. I am sure you have those moments of discovery, a light bulb going off in your mind. Through this you enhance your knowledge and there will be occasion when you take this newfound knowledge and implement it.

From the moment you are born you are like a sponge. You absorb knowledge every single second. Unlike a sponge though you have the capacity to never stop absorbing, your brain is the most advanced super-computer ever created.

That super-computer responds to influential people in you life. Your parents, family, friends, teachers, mentors, role models, the list goes on. 

What happens then is that you start to implement what you learn which is where the magic happens. You develop new skill sets that you use within your daily life. Social skills, practical skills, mental skills that all unite in your overall personal development.

For the majority of people this is where learn, do, teach formula stops. This means that they are using only 66% of their full potential. They keep the other 34% firmly under lock and key which is a real shame.

That 34% has the potential to change individuals lives along with your own. Let me explain. You will have natural talents and gifts along with knowledge and expertise. That complete package is unique to you. Yes you will hold similar talents and gifts to others, but they don’t have your unique perspective.

You are a living creation who can create joy, fulfilment, excitement and solutions for others. Everything you are great at, your skills, your expertise, your experiences can be shared with others.

When you share that you fulfil the learn, do, teach formula. You then become that teacher, mentor, role model and you do that through authenticity and authority.

How I Fulfilled The Learn, Do, Teach Formula 

Below is a video where I explain more about how big the opportunity you have right now is. Also, I share a small part of my story, my adversity at a specific time in my life and how I overcame it. Then how I helped others do the same.

The Build Your AU Program For Online Coaches

The Build Your AU program is a unique experience and process that I have created. It is a self-discovery journey where your talents and gifts will be defined. Some of those will come as a complete surprise to you, a life changing moment for you.

I help you claim your position as an authority based upon your story, your talents and gifts. The Build Your AU program will position you as a leader in your industry, a go to person for people in need. A person with solutions with the purpose to serve your audience.

The Build Your AU program will unlock that final 34%. You will impact lives and create a life for yourself that has complete freedom of choice. The choice to do what you want, what you are passionate about and to do it when you want, where you want.

You will become the author of your life and someone that lives life on your own terms. The time is now, the opportunity to fulfil the learn, do, teach formula is right in front of you. Make sure you take that opportunity with both hand and never let it go.

Click here to grab your opportunity with Build Your AU while it is still available. Don’t let others beat you to it!

Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.

Trish Davies

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Build Your AU