Meditation To Attract Money – How To Attract Money & Wealth Instantly

Can you use meditation to attract money? People may be sceptical when it comes to meditation, but it is proven that regularly practicing meditation creates abundance.

Hi Trish Davies hear and today the focus is to take to  a claim and relaxing place through meditation. I practice mediation daily, usually in the morning, to take me to a place of calm which sets me up for the day.

I also take my Build Your AU members through a short mediation process at the start of our weekly masterminds. That really helps to make the 90 minutes we spend together as productive as possible as we brainstorm together.

As you can see I am a fan of meditation and what it can do to create success in all aspects of life. The aspect of life I want to focus today that is abundance and wealth creation and using meditation to achieve that.

Now I am going to give you a number of exercises that you can go through whilst practicing meditation. These are exercises to help you attract money and wealth while you are in your calmest state of mind.

Then I have a real treat for you as I have a created a special guided meditation based on Bob Proctors principles. Those principles are related to his You Were Born Rich vision, and I am sure my guided meditation will give you clarity on wealth creation.

That’s all to come but let’s get into some exercises that you can utilize with meditation.

4 Exercises To Attract Money, Wealth & Abundance

attracting wealth

The following exercises are based upon the law of attraction and are designed to help you manifest anything you want. They will give you insights on techniques to attract money, wealth and abundance into your life. So, let’s get into them.

Focus on Abundance 

This is one of the core principles of the law of attraction. The mindset of this exercise is to focus on the abundance that you already have in your life. Doing this creates the potential of more coming your way in the near or immediate future. Here are two tips to help you focus on what you already have in your life.

  • You want to get into a daily habit of writing down what you are grateful for. Keep these thoughts of gratitude in a journal, add them daily and regularly refer back to them.
  • Take 3 – 5 minutes per day and close your eyes. spend that time bringing thoughts of gratitude into your mind for the abundance you have in your life.

Change Your Mindset 

Here I want you to think of your train of thought as a switch that you can flick instantly. Sometimes when you think about wealth, money and abundance you mind can be sabotaging.

It can play tricks on you and convince you that you are not deserving of abundance. So, what you need to do is go on the front foot and confront those self sabotaging thoughts.

When those negative thoughts enter your mind, you must flick the switch and think the opposite. For example, you may think “ I don’t think I can ever make more money”. Turn that thought around to “ other people are successful and make huge amounts of money, so can I”.

Address Your Spending Habits 

Attraction money and abundance in your life is closely aligned with your spending habits. If your spending habits are not aligned with your true values it can have a detrimental effect.

Make sure your adjust your spending habits so that when you do spend money it is on things that matter to you. You will for sure experience greater pleasure and your relationship with money with dramatically improve.

The biproduct of that adjustment will be that your new relationship with money will help your attract even more. Think about some of the best experiences you have had and then write down 3 – 5 words that best describe them.

You will come up with some commonalities which are your key values which you can then align with your spending habits.

Shed You Fear Of Success 

It may sound a strange thing to say but people in general are fearful of success. It is a self-sabotaging mechanism that hold people back from fulfilling their true potential. That level of self-sabotaging differs from person to person but still has a drastic effect of the abundance they have in their life.

So how do your overcome that fear of success?

Start of writing down the fears you have over money and wealth. For example, “What if people look differently at me if I am rich?”, or “Will people use me because I Am wealthy”. Now they are just examples, and you will have your own.

Then when you have your fears take some time to think about how those fears came into existence. Maybe it relates to your past and through something someone said to you for example. Whatever they are you must write down the source of the fear.

The final step is to write down a reply to those fears, a reply that confronts and overcomes those fears.

How To Use Meditation To Attract Money 

meditation to attract money

So, I have given you some practical exercises to attract money, wealth and abundance. Now it is time to take those exercise and combine them with how to use meditation to attract money.

Meditation is a fantastic method to use to retrain, retune, your mind to create abundance and positive emotions. Mediation helps you create a more vivid picture of what life will be like when you attract abundance, money and wealth into your life.

Your money meditation must incorporate the following elements.

  • Pick your ideal time of day and find your ideal place away from any distractions. Make yourself comfortable and have your feet touching the ground. You must create the perfect environment so that the messages your receive from your subconscious get absorbed.
  • Make sure your breathing is right. To do this take deep breathes, five is the optimum. During each breath, inhale and exhale, count to ten. Doing this releases tension in your body from your head downwards.
  • You are now fully relaxed you will start to feel your body warming up.
  • Then imagine money raining down on you, hundreds of thousands if not millions. Imagine it filling the space that you are in.
  • Allow yourself time to feel joy because of the money around you for a few minutes and then slowly open your eyes.

Practice this process as many times in the day you want but ideally two or three times.

You Were Born Rich Meditation | Bob Proctor Meditation 

As promised I am going to share with you a guided meditation that I have created. So, sit back, and relax and take yourself into a place of calm and tranquillity through this meditation to attract money.

I hope that this post on meditation to attract money valuable. Go through the exercises I have shared while practicing mediation and use my guided meditation on a daily basis.

Helping you build your authenticity, authority, and audience.

Trish Davies

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