Develop A Mindset For Business Success By Creating Positive Affirmations

All successful entrepreneurs have a powerful mindset for business success and part of that is creating powerful affirmations.

You realise that being in business is not always a bed of roses and that you will face challenges at any given time. These challenges come with differing levels of difficulty and are caused by many factors. The boom or bust cycle rears it’s ugly head every 20 years or so, also rules and regulations change within your industry.

mindset for business success

Technology moves at incredible speed, so you must keep up with the latest operating procedures to maintain efficiency. Then catastrophic events happen which can affect the world as we know it. This is especially prevalent now with an invisible killer on the loose in the name of Covid-19.

When life as we know it seems to be at breaking point and there is no immediate solution it is easy to lose hope. Fear and panic sets in and your mind starts to play nasty tricks on you to bring you down. Here you have two options. The first is to raise the white flag and surrender, the second is to stand up and fight.

Even when you are at the stage of despair you must retain a positive mindset. This is the only way to find the direction you need to come through the other side. The light at then end of the tunnel may seem far away but positivity will draw it to you.

Your business maybe at the early stages of development. It could be established but has ground to a halt because of circumstances. You may face the prospect of adapting your business model to align yourself with new guidelines. Whatever the circumstances you need a positive mindset for business success.

Are You A Glass Half Empty Or A Glass Half Full? 

So, where you do you fit in? Are you the type of person who looks at life through rose tinted glasses? This is the person who always look on the bright side of life and searches for the silver linings. They always look for the positives out of the negatives have determination to find the solution.

Or are you the person who as I say holds up the white flag as an indicator that the situation is a cause for pessimism. Can’t see the good in a situation, only the bad!

glass half empty or glass half full

Hopefully you are in the first camp with me as I am an incredibly positive person when it comes to challenges in life. Even if the glass was completely empty, I would see it as an opportunity to fill it up and make it overflow.

The way I run my business has changed enormously over the last few weeks due to the Covid-19 pandemic. I am contracted to a training company which involves groups coming to our premises to enable me to deliver our training.

With social distancing coming into effect that process has been taken off the table. This was a huge curve ball for the training company to dodge but there is always a solution. My positive mindset had a huge influence on them changing their process of delivery to an online platform. Through video conferencing as a company we can deliver our product to the people who need it. It has had some teething problems but because of the collective positive mindset for business success we have, it will work.

This example was fast moving and critical for the business to continue and it will thrive. For you I want to take this a step further but make it personal to you.

Positive Affirmations Create A Mindset For Business Success 

I am a firm believer in personal development and how it can change your perception and outlook on life. I have taken several courses, attended live seminars and retreats on a journey to create the best version of myself.

Anyone who knows me will agree that I am an action taker and it is true that actions speak louder than words. You can have the best ideas laid out on paper, but they remain ideas and dreams if you procrastinate. Wishing and dreaming achieve absolutely nothing, acting on them has an impact on peoples lives. Also, it puts money in the bank for which I am all for.

For any business to become successful there must be a plan put in place and then executed. Now that plan has no substance unless thought has been put into it and that comes from your supercomputer. Your brain and more importantly how you train it and then use it.

By now you will see there is a clear thread to this post which is positivity. Having positive belief means you have a reason to believe you will succeed. Positive thinking means you are focused on finding a solution and how you will create the success.

Therefore, if you display positive actions and efforts you will have a greater probability of success. One of those actions is to make positive affirmations.

An affirmation helps you focus on goals and to rid your mind of any self-doubt, self-defeating beliefs and to re-program your subconscious mind. They also help to change your thought patterns and how you feel about things.

The process of creating positive affirmations has been brilliantly illustrated within my Build Your AU mastermind. A dear friend of mine delivered a presentation that blew our minds.

The Thought Behind The Process 

thought process

She is an incredibly successful person and set herself a goal of achieving a certain amount of sales in a certain timeframe. The system she uses is brilliant but that is not the focus here to make my point. You will have systems for your business, like I have and like she has. It is the mindset behind them that will create the magic!

She created three affirmation statements. The first focused on how many sales she needed to make by a clear deadline. The second focused on how those sales would come to her and the final statement was how much she would gross by the end of the year.

I am not going to give exact details of her statements because obviously that is a private matter for her. She then laid down a challenge to the rest of the mastermind members to create their own affirmation statements.

The reason she did this is that she knows that when you put it out there so to speak you become accountable. It then gives you the drive and motivation to achieve what you have stated. It did for her, and the first two statements became reality in the number of sales and thee process of getting those sales.

I have no doubt that she will achieve her last statement for the end of this year, more importantly she has no doubt. It is there for the people she has chosen to see which makes her accountable.

I am sure that all the Build Your AU mastermind members will create their own affirmations and publish them in the group. I have already done mine and empower you to do the same for your business.

Here Is Your Chance To Have The Same Experiences 

The value that my Build Your AU mastermind members bring to the table is beyond words. It is an environment where you can create your own destiny with help from myself and the other members.

You will define who you are, what you want to be and who you want to make an impact on. As a group we will help you create a mindset for business success through the process I have created. I want you to experience the value within the mastermind, therefore I have created a video series of previous masterminds. To gain access please register here now and I look forward to welcoming you on the inside.

Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.

Trish Davies

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Build Your AU