There Are Many Networking Benefits For Business With Some Closer To Home Than You May Think

Trish Davies looks at networking benefits for business and why it pays to look at the close network that you have built up around you.

Hi, Trish Davies here, and the focus today is on networking benefits for business. As a business owner you will need to create networks around your business for it to grow. Just to be clear this is not a post about network marketing as that is a business model in its own right.

I am speaking about creating networks of people that not only support your business but can also create opportunities. More on that shortly! Sometimes business owners think that they must only concentrate on creating an audience for their business. This is what’s going to bring money into the bank, which is true, but you must expand your reach.

There are millions of communities of small business owners all around the world. Locally, nationally, and internally is where you must look to position yourself with other like-minded people. This is where relationships and friendships are born along with the possibilities of collaborations.   

Also, you can surround yourself with people who share the same drive and ambition that you have. Together you can then move forward as a group and help each other’s businesses thrive.

That is the situation I have created within my own Build Your AU Mastermind group. We network together in a very safe and exclusive environment that provides support and guidance when needed. No one has an agenda apart from the motivation to help each other create businesses they can be proud of. Learn more about Build Your AU here.

Networking Benefits For Business 

networking benefits for business

Now that I have set the scene for business networking groups let’s look at some of the networking benefits for business. Small business networks are great places for sharing knowledge, ideas, and feedback. As for feedback this works both ways and you learn to give and receive which is a fundamental part of life.

By listening and contributing to business discussions you increase your knowledge. Not only about your own industry but business in general which also allows you to see things from different perspectives.

The one common things about business owners is that they have all been in each other’s shoes. They all started from the same position of having an idea and then the courage to take action. You can learn from any pitfalls they have experienced and how they found the solutions to overcome them.

I think that one of the most powerful things to come out of networking is creating connections. What you must understand is that connections can be created from the people who are present in that environment. What is many ways is more powerful though is the connections you can make from other people’s networks? They will know other business owners who maybe looking for a specific person to fill a role or provide a service.

If you make an impression within the networks, you belong to then there is every possibility you will gain referrals. Word of mouth is one of the most powerful marketing strategies and it works both ways. Meaning that if you know people who matches another business need then refer them as it will strengthen your relationship.

Raise Your Profile And Gain Confidence 

Establishing yourself within networks relies on one thing alone and that is to show up regularly. Whether it is in your weekly mastermind, your local chamber of commerce or live events you must raise your profile.

You will get recognised not only as a person who is reliable and accountable but also someone who is supportive. If you are seen as a person who gives value without expecting anything in return the rewards will naturally come. You will gain leads, referrals because you will be the first person that pops into people’s minds.

One thing that all business owners need is confidence and by regularly networking your confidence will increase. Not only will it help increase your confidence in the business you are building it will increase you with communication.

I see this all the time with my Build Your AU mastermind as I help my members gain confidence within the environment. Then I hot seat them and give them the floor to talk about their business model. They host the webinar and then give a live presentation about how their authority business model works.

Then they receive feedback from other members which then helps to develop the business model even further. It really is a win/win scenario for everyone one the call. The host gains the confidence of presenting which can be overwhelming for some people. Also, they learn to receive feedback and for the other attendees they learn about how other industries work. Also, they learn how to absorb that information and how to provide feedback.

By then end of the call everyone’s profile has been raised, especially the host, and everyone gains more confidence.

Networking Creates Opportunities 

opening doors for opportunity

I have briefly touched upon this, but networking provides opportunities all the time. Sometimes they come up when you least expect them as well from new connections and old.

Collaborating with other people is very powerful if both parties are aligned. I have known of business collaborations that have become very successful. Even within my own Build Your AU mastermind there are businesses models that can be connected in some way.

Some members are exploring the possibility of collaborating and I myself have also done that with members. Things like purchasing training courses and software that can educate and streamline businesses.

So, there will be opportunities in time for you within the networks that you become part of. It doesn’t matter if the connections you may are relatively new or ones that have been established.

This point has been reinforced to me within the last day or so with a connection that I have not seen for 3 – 4 years. She obviously has been noticing the growth that I have had both in business and on a personal level. She reached out to me and suggested we meet for coffee.

Rather than go over what happened in words I have recorded a video that really highlights the networking benefits for business. Click on the video below.

I have shared with you many networking benefits for business. I hope that has given you the inspiration to get yourself out there to raise your profile and make important connections. Consider my Build Your AU Mastermind as the first networking experience which you can learn more about here.

Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.

Trish Davies

Build Your AU