Niche Site vs Authority Site, This Will Help You Decide

If you are looking to create a website, you will want to know the difference between a niche site vs authority site to determine which one to create for your business.

Hi Trish Davies, here from Build Your AU. I want to continue this thread of websites to establish authority for your business. What I want to cover today is niche sites vs authority sites so that you can gain some clarity on what is best for your business.

This is a topic that I cover within my Build Your AU programs which are designed to help you create branded businesses. To learn more please click here and register for a video series which explains the process.

Niche Site vs Authority Site

niche site vs authority site

So, there is a general debate online as to the difference between a niche and an authority website. In todays article I will add my outlook on the subject and there may be a twist or two along the way.

I say that because of the nature of how Build Your AU works and the kind of businesses I help people grow. Over the next few minutes, I will give my interpretation of a niche and an authority site and how sometimes the two can combine.

What Is A Niche Site 

A niche website is one that is solely focused on a specific topic or niche. In the adjective form a niche donates or relates to products, services, or interests that appeal to a small, specialized section of the population.

The content published on a niche website will address will be laser targeted to the niche. You can cover many different angles within you content, but it will all come under the umbrella of your niche.

Niche websites are predominantly solution based. Therefore, people visiting a niche website have a problem and want the solution as quickly as possible. A good example of this would be a niche site that focuses on roller skates.

I am giving you this example because my daughter Emily bought me some roller skates a few months ago. It was something that I wanted to get into, and I absolutely love the feeling of freedom when I put my skates on.

Niche Sites Are Very Specific 

niche website

Now if for example a wanted to replace a component or buy an accessory I would go to a roller-skating website. The reason I would find one is because I would know they have what I am looking for. It is very specific.

I know that if I went to a large sports related website, I could get what I wanted. The only thing against doing that would be it would take me more time to find the relevant department. Trawling through countless drop-down menus to eventually find what I am looking for.

Going to a niche specific site saves you and I time which is very precious. Also, a niche site usually has much better information on it than a broad website. That information is also easier to find on a niche website because it is keyword rich.

What is mean by that is if you go online to find information you enter a phrase into the search box. This is a keyword and the results that are delivered are focused on that keyword. Therefore, making it easier for me to find the solution you are looking for.

I live in Tasmania which is a state of Australia. I just did a search for “roller skate shoes australia” and the top result was a website called They have content around that keyword, and I found a possible solution within seconds.

What Is An Authority Site 

authority site

An authority website is a very high-quality website that has a broader feel to it as opposed to a niche site. Authority websites are more focused on brand identity, to build a brand and become an authority in their field.

Authority websites are value driven and tend to have a lot more content on them than niche sites. As well as being value driven there are customer experience driven as well. They want their visitors to have a great experience whilst providing value and a broader spectrum of topics.

When it comes to authority websites it is widely accepted that they stick around for much longer than niche sites. An authority website over time becomes a strong and recognised voice within it’s industry.

Take for example the roller skate website I mentioned earlier, that is a niche website. An authority website that focuses on outdoor sports could incorporate roller skating in its categories. It would however have camping, fishing, hiking, and cycling to name a few.

Therefore, an authority website would not just focus on specific keywords. What they would do is create content around multiple niches. Authority sites take longer to grow because they are trying to establish authority in more than one niche. The flip side to that is when they gain that overall authority, they are much more stable.

Authority websites are not so reliant on the search engines to send them traffic. The reason is that they have established larger audiences on social platforms and on the internet in general.

Therefore, their brand awareness is much stronger. Just visit and see what they offer, and you will see what I mean.

When The Two Combine 

niche site vs authority site

I said earlier that what I share today is my interpretation on niche and authority websites. Also, I said that I will add my twist on the subject because it is relevant to my Build Your AU programs.

The programs are focused on taking helping individuals like you to create your own personal brand. You can learn more about the programs by clicking here and registering for a video series.

Part of the program focuses on creating an authority website for your business. This is where two worlds combine. I am going to use myself as the example because I have a personal authority website called

This website establishes my authority in many different fields but within an overall topic of wealth creation. If you visit my website you will find information on real estate investing, home business models and personal branding.

They are all closely related to helping people create a lifestyle of choice and freedom. Now from that website I can direct people away to niche specific websites for real estate investing, home business solutions and personal branding solutions.

This website is focused on personal branding and has many different programs to help you achieve it. So, it is a niche website for personal branding, but it is built upon my authority as a personal branding expert. A kind of hybrid!

Build Your AU can help you create these kinds of websites under your own name or through your specific expertise. So, when it comes to niche site vs authority site you can have the best of both worlds. If this interests you, then click on the button below!

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Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.

Trish Davies

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Build Your AU