6 Must Have Personal Brand Attributes

Personal branding relies on many different elements which can be summed up as personal brand attributes. Have you got these key personal brand attributes in place?

Hi Trish Davies, here, personal branding expert and the creator of Build Your AU. Helping you build strong personal brands that focus on establishing your authenticity, authority and attracting the right audience.

Personal branding involves a lot of time and effort. If you look at the big picture then personal branding can come across as complex but when you break it down it becomes a lot simpler.

Breaking it down involves looking at what attributes a personal brand has. These are the key elements that will set you apart from your competition. After all there is only one of you and developing a strong personal brand will help you play on a wider playing field.

Unless you create a personal brand then you run the risk of getting swallowed up by the rest of the herd. You can become invisible or just another version of the same thing and becoming a follower.

Personal branding helps you become a leader, a standout person who people look to for help. You then become a magnet that attracts people to you which is referred to as attraction marketing. That is very powerful because you know that those people are aligned with you and what you have to offer.

In many respects you are adding a filtering system when you create a personal brand. That system then brings you pre-qualified and high quality leads that you can convert to paying customers. Your audience becomes narrowed, laser focused which save you time and money. Let’s look at some personal brand attributes.

Personal Brand Attributes That Position You As The Leader 

personal brand attributes

Your Personal Brand Must be Positioned Correctly 

You must have total clarity on who you are, what you offer and how you can help serve your audience. As for myself I am positioned as a wealth creation expert in various industries and niches.

I have vast experience in real estate investment, digital marketing, coaching and entrepreneurship. That experience enables me to create strategies for people who want to follow a similar path to myself.

I can look at where they are now and where they want to be. Then show them a blueprint so to speak which fits perfectly to the life they want to create. So, I have clarity on what I am doing, and this is something that you must have in pace from the outset.

Your Personal Brand Must Be Relevant 

Now this sort of goes hand in hand with positioning. You must have clarity on your positioning but then your content must be relevant to your position. I know that sounds obvious, but many people fail to marry these fundamentals up.

What happens then is your potential audience gets confused on how you can help them. It is all about bridging the gap from what your potential customer expects and how you can supply the solution.

You Must Be Consistent 

Now consistency comes in two forms. The first is the message that you deliver to your audience. Your message will be based upon you and your story which shows your authenticity.

People who are aligned with you will then resonate with what you say. There will be tiny snippets that strike the right chords to create an emotional connection with you. Therefore, your content must revolve around your core values which will provide hope and inspiration for your audience.

The second form of consistency is much more practical. Meaning the frequency that you deliver your content. Whether that is the written word or through video you must create content regularly.

Your audience will come to expect that so you must feed that desire with your inspiration. I publish written content 4 times a week on average and two YouTube videos per week on average. This is what me readers and viewers expect so I make sure I show up when I say I am going to.

Your Personal Brand Must Be Credible 

You must appear as credible. This means that you never fail to deliver on the personal brand attributes that I share in this post. In many respects it can be summed up as delivering on your promises.

Never overexaggerate on things, don’t overpromise and always act with the highest level of integrity. By all means over deliver when you can as this will always be remembered just as much as if you ever fall short.

Make Sure Your Personal Brand Inspires People 

A feeling that you want people to feel about your brand is inspiration. If you head over to my authority website TrishDaviesInternational.com the first thing you see on my home page is the following.

personal brand attributes

The principle is that people who have been attracted to me are interested in wealth creation. So that is exactly what I give them when they land on my homepage. The message is clear, so they feel inspired to learn more through my coaching on how to create wealth.

You must inspire your audience through your personal branding. Give them hope, inspire them to take action so that they achieve their desired outcome. This is what I do when people land on this website as Build Your AU is designed to help people create strong personal brands.

All the information on this website is designed to show people what steps they need to take. To show them a defined process which is easy to follow and empowering them to take that action.

Your Personal Brand Must Be Unique 

Now I left this personal brand attribute until last because I want you to laser your focus on it. You are you and very similar to a snowflake. Now the reason I say that is because every snowflake is unique and that applies to you also.

You have special qualities, natural talents and gifts which no one else has to your level. Therefore, as you are unique your personal brand must also be. This is what will set you apart from your competition and in some way removing that competition.

You will have competitors, that is only natural, but competition is good. It means there is a demand for what you have to offer and a great opportunity for you. That opportunity is to do it better than the rest and have your unique perception at the forefront.

Tell and show people what makes you special and why they should deal with you and not with your competitors. As I said earlier don’t be a follower, be a leader through your uniqueness.

This is my share today. All of these personal brand attributes are simple to incorporate into your personal brand. If you would like some additional information of creating a strong personal brand join my 9-week program. More details can be found here and I look forward to seeing you on the inside.

Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.

Trish Davies

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Build Your AU