Live Personal Brand Coaching With Trish Davies

Personal brand coaching can be delivered in many ways, but Trish Davies hosts personal brand coaching live every week within Build Your AU.

Hi Trish Davies, here from Build Your AU which is designed to help you create a strong personal brand. Now there are many elements to creating strong personal brands and sometimes that can become overwhelming. Not knowing what to do at what time which means your brand doesn’t come together as it should.

I am a personal branding expert and coach and I fee that personal brand must represent that person. Otherwise, nothing is congruent, nothing is aligned with what you stand for, therefore you don’t come across as authentic.

If you are not authentic then how can you expect people, your audience, to take you seriously? Well, the answer is they won’t, and you will struggle to make any impression on anyone.

The Three Pillars To A Personal Brand 

key business pillars

In my opinion there are three main areas you must focus on to build your personal brand. The first I have already mentioned and that is authenticity, you must ooze authenticity, be raw and real. No one likes a fake person in life, you know the ones who say they have done it all whereas in reality they haven’t.

Those people soon get found out, their reputation is shot to pieces and they fade away. You reap what you sow which can be done positively if you do it correctly.

The second facet is authority which is based upon what you are good at and what you have achieved. That is something that can’t be faked either otherwise you will get found out again. To be credible you must have a proven track record so people can trust you.

Finally, you need an audience for your business but not just any old audience. You need an audience which is aligned with you and what you stand for. That materialises from establishing the first two pillars because invariably your audience will be like you.

That makes it easier for them to connect with you and for your to nurture the all-important relationship. Businesses and personal brand grow through strong relationship building. Your audience want to know, like and trust you to help them with their problems and provide the solution.

Now this is a birds eye view of a process that I have created through my Build Your AU program. To help you establish those three pillars so that your personal brand can grow and make an impact on people’s lives, including your own.

What Makes Build Your AU Unique 

personal brand coaching

Well, the process makes it unique because I have brought my experience of building my own personal brands together. I have taken the time to identify what it takes to build strong personal brands which is the three-pillar formula.

This is my creation, and you won’t find it delivered anywhere apart from my Build Your AU mastermind. I have created an environment where I deliver live personal brand coaching to an exclusive group of highly motivated entrepreneurs.

We meet on a weekly basis and the members go through the Build Your AU process collectively. I find that this process is highly effective as I lay out what they need to do each week, then they go away and do it.

This means that step by step their personal brands come together in a way that just makes sense. The outcome of this process is to create what I call an authority business model based upon three pillars.

As each week goes by pieces of the puzzle, the authority business model, fall into place. There is a visual image of the business model which can then be leveraged with strategies to market the business.

Once this visualisation of the business is in place I then get the members to present their business model to the group. This is a way of fine tuning the business model and the presentation of the business and training programs they create.

The members host the mastermind webinar in a real-life scenario, live raw and uncut. They have the floor for around an hour, delivering their content and then taking questions at the end. The they get the raw footage to use for their marketing to attract their ideal audience.

Personal Brand Coaching Debrief 

What happens then is that each member has a personal brand coaching debrief session with me. In that session I give them pointers on what they have done well and areas I think they could make improvements.

To illustrate how this works the following video is from the latest mastermind where Sasha from Croatia delivered his presentation.

Now Sasha is one of many members who have delivered their presentation and the process continues after. Business models do evolve as my own one has though this process of personal brand coaching.

Now you only get that evolvement and growth if you take action and start the process. The video of me and Sasha is after his presentation but I have a video series which shows you the process leading up to members presenting.

The video series shows previous mastermind sessions where you will see the process in action. You will see the methodology that I have created for my members to follow.

This I feel is the best way for you to decide if my personal brand coaching is something that you want to take further. If you do then you will have the opportunity to join program so that you can leverage my knowledge and expertise.

Click the button below to register for the series to see how Build Your AU can help you build your own personal brand.

build your au mastermind video series

Helping you build your authenticity, authority, and audience.

Trish Davies

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Build Your AU