Personal Branding Exercises – Developing And Refining Your Branding Formula

There are many personal branding exercises to help create strong personal brands. Here is how to develop and refine your branding formula.

Hi Trish Davies, here and the topic for today is personal branding exercises. For me building strong a personal brand revolves having a process to follow, a step-by-step plan. This is what I have created within Build Your AU and the focus of my program is on three main core pillars. Those pillars are authenticity, authority and audience.

Now those three pillars are broken down in three sub-pillars. These are specific areas of your business you must put in place to form the main pillar. Once you have all the pillars and sub-pillars in place you then have a strong authority business model.

This authority business model is what you then take to the marketplace to sell your products and services. Basically, there are nine components, the sub pillars that you must define. Each of the sub-pillars are personal brand exercises in their own right and they form my Build Your AU 9-week program.

personal brand exercises

I am now opening up this program, which is free by the way, to highly motivated entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs who are focused on creating strong personal brands the right way and leaving nothing to chance.

Now before I give you the opportunity to enrol into the program I want to clarify what the program involves.

Build Your AU Personal Branding Exercises

What I am going to do is break down the program into the three main core pillars and then each sub-pillar. This will give you a clear understanding of what to expect when you enrol into the program.

The First Pillar Is Defining Your Authenticity 


The first 3 weeks will be dedicated to looking into your inner self, how you live your life, what your beliefs are. Also, together we look at your personal values and the value that you can provide to others which is aligned with your purpose in life.

We will dig deep into your natural talents and gifts which can then be transferred into a potential online training program. Here are the main areas I will cover in those first 3 weeks to bring your true Authenticity to the fore.

  • A self-discovery process that will unveil what you are good at.
  • Defining and incorporating your purpose into the training program you are going to develop.
  • Understanding your own PERSONAL VALUE and how that value will be in demand by others.

Authenticity is crucial in business as your audience needs to know they are dealing with a real and genuine person. That genuineness stems from your overall story and this is what your audience will relate to and feel connected to you.

This first pillar for your business as it will set you apart from your competitors. It is the differentiating factor because no one else has the same story as you have.

The Center Pillar Is Establishing Your Authority 


Within these weeks I will help you to start to build your Authority online. That starts with defining your own three pillars for your online business. Remember they will be different from mine and tailored exactly to what you can offer people.

I will start to give you ideas on what type of online training program you can put together. To discover “Your Thing” that will set you apart from your competitors. Your “Thing” will provide solutions to your audiences problems and I will show you how to package that up and deliver it through an online training program.

Content marketing also establishes your authority online. I will show you how to publish content online and where to publish it. I have a unique 3×3 content marketing formula which you will leverage to provide value to your audience. You will never be stuck on what to talk about to your audience.

Finally, I will cover how to create your own authority website. This will be your home online and the first thing that people will look for when they search you online. So, for these middle weeks the following aspects of your business will fall into place.

  • The 3 pillars to your Authority Model, this model is working out what your training program is! What is the ‘THING’ that I could develop and deliver online?
  • A 3×3… easy solution to your content creating ideas… no more “what will I talk about”.
  • A website and online platform that will host your training program. AND, how to automate your training program online.

The Final Pillar Is Building Your Audience 


Now it is time for the rubber to meet the road so to speak and attract an audience to your business.

Obviously there are billions of people in the world. The fact is though there is only a very small % of those people who are interested in what you have to offer. That small % though is more than enough for you to create a highly successful online business. The thing is you must know how to attract them to your business which is what weeks 7-9 are all about.

I will show you how to create your networks both in the professional and consumer sectors. This is very important as your solutions will be aligned with either or both sectors.

Then we get into practical mode as I show you the strategies and tools to help you attract leads into your business. There are many marketing strategies, but I will help you pinpoint where your audience hangs out. This enables you to go fishing in a pond rather than the vast ocean to help attract your ideal customers.

I will also introduce you to platforms that will deliver your training package and define which price points you should be aiming for. This enables you to create revenue projections and goals in the short, medium, and long-term. The structure for weeks 7-9 looks like this.

  • How to attract leads for your online training program.
  • How to build your network of potential clients.
  • What online marketing is needed to ensure you sell your training program online.

Now It Is Time For You To Enrol 

As you can see the Build Your AU 9-week program is intense. As I have said the weeks are personal branding exercises for you to complete to build you own strong personal brand. To enrol into the program, click the button below now and create your free account. 

Helping you build your authenticity, authority, and audience.

Trish Davies

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Build Your AU