4 Personal Branding Exercises To Make Your Personal Brand Shine Brightly

What actionable steps can you do today to define your personal brand? Here are 4 personal branding exercises you to drill down on what makes your personal brand.

Hi Trish Davies here to carry on the theme of the last few days which is personal branding. Build Your AU is all about helping you create a strong personal brand that you can be proud of.

My free 9-step program will help you put the foundations in place for your personal brand. More on that shortly so make sure you keep reading. As a pre curser to that I want to look at some simple, yet powerful, personal branding exercises.

You can do these exercises as soon as you finish reading this post, there is no time like the present. Without further ado let’s dive into the following 4 personal branding exercises.

4 Must Do Personal Branding Exercises 

personal branding exercises

Personal Branding Exercise #1 – What Do You Really Want? 

When it comes to personal branding what is it that you want your personal brand to represent? What is your superpower that you want to share with other like-minded people?

You must position yourself as an expert in your field so that you audience knows what to expect. There is a saying, “jack of all trades and master of none” which is what you don’t want to position yourself as.

There are too many personal brands out there that say they do this, that and the other. When you try and juggle too many plates the result is inevitable. Everything comes crashing down around you!

Think of a problem that you can solve that is based upon your life experiences. This establishes your authenticity & authority. My own personal brand is Trish Davies International, and I want to help individuals create wealth.

If you head over to my website you will find lots of information regarding, money, mindset and manifestation. There is also lots of information on solutions I provide that are proven to create wealth.

I have create wealth and financial freedom for myself and that is what I want for others. Build Your AU is a branch of my personal brand, and it solves a specific problem. That problem is how to create a strong personal brand that reflects the person behind the brand.

Developing a personal brand correctly will help create wealth for the individual. Therefore, Build Your AU as a product is congruent with my overall mission and purpose.

So, for you the first of these personal branding exercises is to think of a problem you want to solve. Then think about how you can solve it.  

Personal Branding Exercise #2 – Let Others Tell You About You 

Although you know everything about you it is sometimes hard translate that into words. The second of these personal branding exercises is to allow other people to tell you what they think of you.

When other people look inside you as a person from an outside perspective many golden nuggets are unearthed. Ask your friends, family and associates for their honest opinion of you.  

You will be amazed at what is unearthed from people who know you really well and those not so much. There will be commonalities from what people say but there will be some unique perspectives.

Take all of this information, sit down and write a detailed appraisal of yourself. Add in your own unique perspective and you will have the foundations for what your personal brand stands for.

I have seen this process in action within my Build Your AU mastermind. On countless occasions my members have identified true talents and gifts that have remained dormant for many years. It only takes someone else to notice for any sleeping giants to be woken.

Personal Branding Exercise #3 – Perform A SWOT Analysis 

personal branding swot analysis

A SWOT analysis is where you look at four areas of your life. Those areas are strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. This is an important personal branding exercise which when you have completed will give you total clarity as to the person you are.

Then you can incorporate everything about you within the specific message you deliver to your audience. I said today was going to be a practical exercise, so I want you to grab a pen and paper. Then divide the sheet of paper into quadrants in the following order.

  • Top Left = Strengths
  • Top Right = Weaknesses
  • Bottom Left = Opportunities
  • Bottom Right = Threats

Once you have done this I want you to write the following questions in each respective quadrant. Then fill in your answers.


  • What do you do well?
  • Are there unique resources you can draw on?
  • What do others see as your strengths?


  • What could you improve on?
  • Where do you have fewer resources than other people?
  • What are others likely to see as weaknesses in you?


  • What opportunities are open to you?
  • What trends can you take advantage of?
  • How can you turn your strengths into opportunities?


  • What threats could harm you?
  • Define what your competitors are doing?
  • What threats do your weaknesses expose you to?

Personal Branding Exercise #4 – Analyse Your Competitors 

Your competitors will have many skill sets that are common with what you have. However, there will be certain things that you are better at than your competitors which puts you in a unique position.

This is what’s going to make you stand out from, and above, your competitors. This is your unique perspective and your unique selling proposition. You must focus on your uniqueness as you can leverage it with your audience.

The thing that makes you stand out is what will make your audiences decision to buy from you over the rest.

Create Your Personal Brand With Build Your AU

personal branding exercises

I have shared with you the fundamental personal branding exercises that you must ask complete. You will have your answers and I want to help you develop those answers through my Build Your AU program.

How To Build Your Authenticity, Authority and Audience

If you want to create an online training course, build a business, write an eBook, create an online presence then this is the place to learn how to. It all starts with your story, your journey.

To create a personal brand, you have to become the AUTHOR OF YOUR LIFE and BUILD YOUR AU. There are 3 stages to BUILD YOUR AU

  2. build your AUTHORITY
  3. build your AUDIENCE.

In this ONLINE TRAINING COURSE, you will learn about all 3 stages. The goal is to figure out what your value is, what your story is. The build an audience that will naturally gravitate to you because they connect to your story.

The course includes the following content:

  • Recorded Live Members Weekly Workshops
  • Behind The Scenes With Build Your AU Members
  • Facebook Live Group Videos
  • Interviews with Online Business Owners
  • Recorded Coaching Calls
  • How To Videos

Access to Facebook Group to receive support and guidance

AUTHORITY BUSINESS MODEL –  Get my secret roadmap formula that gets your business idea out of your head in a way that is dead simple… so you can create a powerful online course outline that gets real results. This course will give you AUTHORITY and will attract an AUDIENCE.

Register now by Clicking Here!

Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.

Trish Davies

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Build Your AU