Why Authenticity Is Crucial In Personal Branding For Entrepreneurs

Personal branding expert Trish Davies looks at personal branding for entrepreneurs and why authenticity is so important.

Trish Davies here and welcome to todays post on personal branding for entrepreneurs. As a personal branding expert, I realise there is a lot to put into place to create a world class brand. Some people may think it is just a case of creating a nice logo and tagline to set them apart from their competitors.

I am not sorry to burst that bubble because although you do need them there are much more important elements. My Build You AU training program is designed to help entrepreneurs build a world class personal brand.

Within the training program I concentrate on three main areas, or pillars, as I like to refer them as. They are authenticity, authority and audience and they work hand in hand for the personal branding process to work. They are the foundations that your business sits upon. You can’t have one pillar missing otherwise your business will self-destruct and crumble at your feet.

Today I am going to look in detail at the first pillar which is authenticity. I am going to explain why it is crucial in the personal branding for entrepreneur’s process. Why it will ensure that your customers know, like and trust you and your message.

Also, why authenticity will set you apart from your potential leads, prospects, and customers. So, without further ado let’s get into it.

Authenticity Builds Trust And Creates An Amazing Customer Experience 

personal branding for entrepreneurs

When you show your authentic side, you demonstrate what your true values are. Also being 100% transparent will develop your brand message which shows your honesty and integrity.

All of these factors combined will attract people who are aligned with you and repel people who are not. Authenticity is the ultimate filtering exercise so you can concentrate on the people who need your help.

When you strip away any masks that you may have worn it shows the true you, warts, and all. At the end of the day it is easier being yourself than trying to be someone different. That’s a lot of hard work and you are in danger of exposing yourself.

When you are real and raw you don’t find any need to exaggerate on things about you and your business. Also, there is no need to hide anything and when you do this people will start to trust you. Those relationships will build faster because of the foundations that you have set in stone.

As those relationships grow over time the engagement will grow between both parties. Conversations will start, then evolve and you will receive feedback which you know to be honest. The feedback you receive you can then act upon which makes the experience memorable for your customers. The same can be said for your own experience which will be fulfilling.

As the engagement grows you will feel like you are mixing with friends instead as seeing people as customers. That again is a two-way street because your customers will lose any fear or scepticism that they may have had initially.

This makes it easier for you to promote your products. Instead of creating a perception of selling you will be persuading your customers to take action.

Authenticity Helps You Craft Your Message 

personal branding for entrepreneurs

When you don’t have to think about what you want to say it comes across better to your audience. You will create content in multiple formats which appeals to different sectors of your audience.

What you will do is create your brand voice which is unified throughout all the marketing platforms you use. In time when people Google your name you will dominate the first page like I do for Trish Davies.

When people research me, they are presented with all my platforms. They can visit my website, my YouTube channel, Facebook, and other social media channels. They can also see my profile with the training company I am contracted to.

Whatever platform they find me on will deliver the same message in the same tone. This is my brand voice and it is a true reflection on my vision and mission in life. I won’t get caught out because I am being truly authentic which makes people trust me.

You must understand that individuals are not stupid and can see a fake from a million miles away. People who are fake carry a large shovel around with on their back and they constantly use it. Each time they contradict themselves the shovel comes out and the hole they are digging becomes deeper.

It then gets to a point where there is now way out, they are in to deep and no one trusts them. A sure-fire recipe for disaster. Always be true to who you are and where you have come from as it is so much easier than making up things.

Build Your AU And Personal Branding For Entrepreneurs 

build your au mastermind

I have developed a very detailed personal branding program called Build Your AU. Authenticity is the first thing that I look at when I meet you. I extract so much data from you that it gives a true representation of who you are.

Also, during the process together, we define what your true talents and gifts are. This is done so that we can create a total package of the value you have to offer society. All of this data is crucial as it forms part of your story which you can then use within your marketing.

Then we monetize it through creating products and services that you are proud. They are created using your knowledge, expertise, and experiences. You can’t get much more authentic that that in my opinion.

What I have done is create a video series of previous Build Your AU mastermind sessions. This will give you a transparent view of how the process works. To learn more about Build Your AU and register for the video series please click here.

Personal branding for entrepreneurs is what I specialise in and I have helped many people. Every week I meet with my Build Your AU members to help them develop their own personal brands. I also give them the platform to present their authority business models to the other members. This is very powerful because I have seen business models develop and how they will impact people’s lives. Register for the video series here and I look forward to one day helping you develop your own personal brand.

Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.

Trish Davies

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Build Your AU