Planning Online Course To Customers Desired Outcome

There is no point creating an online course if it doesn’t deliver the customers desired outcome. There is a process to planning online course, here’s how!

Hi Trish Davies, here, founder of Build Your AU & Trish Davies International. So, you have an idea for an online course, something that you think will work and have impact. Now that’s great but when planning online course, you must be clear on the customers desired outcome.

This is what they want to get out of taking your online course in the first place. They in all probability will have a problem, therefore they have a desired outcome in mind. Your online course will be the solution and what delivers that desired outcome.

I recommend that you always have this in your mind when planning online course. Failure to do this will result in the following, a bad user experience for your members, disgruntled customers and refunds.

That is obviously not what you want, that should go without saying. Therefore, I thought it would really help you gain clarity on the process of planning an online course. To do that I am going to use Build You AU as an example and in many respects a template.

Build Your AU is designed to help you build your authenticity, authority and audience. That is the desired outcome for you if you were to enrol into my Build Your AU program. That outcome is set in stone but what I also do is help you create your own online training program based upon those three outcomes.

Planning Online Course – The Build Your AU Process 

The Build Your AU process works on the following process. The central focal point is the product, service or online course that you are creating. That is the desired outcome for your customers, what that want to achieve.

Now built around that focal point are three core business pillars and each pillar has a desired outcome in place. My three core pillars are Authenticity, Authority & Audience, this is what extract from you so you can create your three core pillars.

Those three core pillars will be different to mine as they will relate to your product or service. The following image illustrates this perfectly and is the Build Your AU authority model. 

planning online course 

It is important to remember that when you get to this point your product will be in the centre. Your three core pillars will be different to mine. What happens then is that those three core pillars are each further broken down into three sub-pillars.

Those sub pillars are all desired outcomes that form each individual pillar. Therefore, what happens is that you finish up with nine sub-pillars which in effect become the modules for you online course.

This then gives you your structure when planning online course and is a step by step journey your customers take. It is an intuitive process that is easy for your customer to understand. Each step they take takes them closer to their desired outcome.

What this process also does is prevent overwhelm in the customers mind. It creates more focus on their part, they can do each step in order which is logical and effective.

The following image displays Build Your AU in all it’s glory which has structure and purpose at the forefront.

build your au authority business model

Build Your AU Online Program Structure 

As you can see the sub-pillars are in yellow and circle around the three core pillars that are in blue. Placed bang in the middle is my online program Build Your AU.

Through my program I will help you with planning your own online course. What you will end up with is a mapped out process similar to this one but personalised to your business.

The process in the above image works like this.

First Pillar – Authenticity

  • Self Discovery
  • Personal Value
  • Your Story

Second Pillar – Authority

  • Create Content
  • Authority Website
  • Authority Model

Third Pillar – Audience

  • Build Your Network
  • Attract Leads
  • Online Marketing

Build Your AU 9-Week Program 

planning an online course

As you can see there is a clear structure and process in place when planning online course. Through the program you will define the answers to the points above. Those answers will then create your authority business model and your marketing strategy.

You will have a clear message that relates to your audience, to make a connection and start building relationships. Also, the nine steps will be the foundation for any online training program that you want to create and then deliver.

As I have said the introductory program lasts for nine weeks and it is free of charge. The structure of those nine weeks is as follows.

Weeks 1-3

  • A self-discovery process that will unveil what you are good at.
  • Defining and incorporating your purpose into the training package you are going to develop.
  • Understanding your own PERSONAL VALUE and how that value will be in demand by others.

Weeks 4-6

  • The 3 pillars to your Authority Model, this model is working out what your training package is! What is the ‘THING’ that I could develop and deliver online?
  • A 3×3… easy solution to your content creating ideas… no more “what will I talk about”.
  • A website and online platform that will host your training package. AND, how to automate your training package online.

Weeks 7-9

  • How to attract leads for your online training package.
  • How to build your network of potential clients.
  • What online marketing is needed to ensure you sell your training package online.

You Next Step 

When planning online course, I have found that this is the perfect structure to have in place. When you follow the process, your online course will come to life right in front of your eyes. I invite you to join me in the program and start your own journey. To do that click here and follow the registration process and I look forward to connecting with you on the inside.

Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.

Trish Davies

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Build Your AU