Discover The Five Steps To The Product Creation Process

When creating a product that delivers your very special unique perspective then you must go through this five-step product creation process.

As you will be aware of now, if you have been following me, I am very economically minded. To me there must be a reward for the value I provide and that is through monetization. I have mentioned before that the profits must come after your purpose and the people you want to serve. Those two must be your priorities but at the end of the day you need to put food on the table and a roof over your head.

Businesses need products and services for a transaction to take place. With the business that I am helping you to build those products and services are unique. They are not the types of products that you can find in a wholesaler because ultimately, they will represent you.

This is the reason I have created the Build Your AU Mastermind program. To help you establish your authenticity, authority to ultimately attract your audience of likeminded people.

I spoke about coming up with some product ideas in a previous post but today I want to take that a step further. I am going to focus on the product creation process and there are five steps to dig into to create that unique product. You may already have a vision of what your business could look like but there are still many things to consider. Hopefully by the end of this post you will gain more clarity on what you are trying to achieve.

The Five Step Product Creation Process 

Here I am going to give a brief overview of the process to creating your unique products and services. I am not going to get too technical as we are still very much in the early stages of planning. You are still extracting nuggets from your story to develop and then monetize so here is what I am going to cover today!

  1. Asking The Right Questions
  2. Creating Your Authority Site
  3. Discovering Your “Thing”
  4. Doing Keyword Research
  5. Creating Your Product

Asking The Right Questions

questions to ask for product creation processThe first step is to ask yourself some in-depth questions because it will create the outline to your products.

Q1 – “What is the most successful thing I have ever tackled, and what made me successful?” So, look back at what you have achieved in life up to this point and the process of that achievement.

Q2 – “What is the biggest adversity or challenge I have faced in life and, what was my go-to skill to overcome it?” To help you further check out this post on challenges and adversities.

Q3 – “What was the most successful team role I ever fulfilled and why?” For myself as I look back the role that I feel I have achieved the most in was when I created my US Real Estate business. I had a team in the US locating property and securing it, but I was still Australia. To coordinate everything was a big challenge and I am immensely proud on how I fulfilled that role.

Q4 – “What are the strengths that others acknowledge in me?” Ask your circle of influence this question because you will find out things that you never realised.

This first step is very much focused on data collection to give you a great idea of who you are and your purpose in life. This data can then be taken into the second step to create an authority status.

Creating Your Authority Website 

Your authority website is going to be the hub that your business will revolve around. It is your own platform to deliver your message. Your message will be content that you create around your story to connect with your audience.

Also, your authority site will become a centre pillar, or trunk, that sends people into various directions. Directions that relate to other parts of your business and your story. Ultimately your authority site is where people can find out about you as a person. Then they can discover what other value you provide through the resources that you create.

Rather than going into this too deep within this post I feel it would benefit you to read my previous post on creating an authority site. This post clearly outlines the purpose and power that an authority site gives you.

What Is Your “Thing”? 

Sometimes your “thing” is not obvious but is can come to you out of the blue. For myself It came relatively recently. I have been a coach, trainer and public speaker for several years. I go into corporations and speak to the employees on many aspects of personal development and motivation.

My “thing” came to me because of the diverse people I meet each day. Build Your AU is my “thing” because I realised that I wanted to help people discover who they are, right from their inner self. Then the idea was to help them establish their authenticity, authority and audience that that could create a personal brand around.

Your thing is what your purpose is and how you want to impact people at a high level.

Doing Your Keyword Research 

keyword research

At this point you will have your story in place and a clear idea of the type of business you want to create. Also, you will have a clear picture on the people you want to serve and the questions they are asking. Those questions will in all probability be ones that you have asked in the past. Those questions are problems for which you have the answers based upon the situations that you have faced.

You will then plug those questions into tools such as Google to find out the level of interest. My recommendation is to install a plugin called Keywords Everywhere which is compatible with the Google Chrome browser. This plugin will give you data such as how many people are searching for this keyword and your competition. The magic formula is low competition and high search volume.

Another tool you can use is a website called Ask The Public. Here you can enter topic and the website will give you lots of ideas around that topic. Their results will be broken down into question categories and they also give you search volume for that term.

When you have this data, you can then create content around those subjects which you can publish on your authority site. You can also create videos that you can publish on YouTube. We are still in the stage of establishing your authenticity, authority to create an audience but some of this content can be used in the next step.

The Final Step Of The Product Creation Process Is Creating Products & Services 

product creation process

This is where everything starts to come together, and you create resources to offer to your audience. There is an important point that I want to address here. Sometimes I feel that business owners get too caught up on finding out what people want. This leads to procrastination, confusion and becoming overwhelmed which ultimately holds them back.

My advice is to create your products and then deliver them through your message as an authority to your audience. There is a saying that “action conquers fear”!

What could your business look like? Well by now through the content that you have created have some fundamental pieces of your product line in place. Some of your written or video content could be converted into a free eBook or video series.

Usually you find in online business that you create a sales funnel which starts with a free offer. This could be your eBook or video series. It is something that provides value but one thing to be wary of is not giving too much away. This offer should be something that creates curiosity and hooks the person in.

Then you will scratch an itch so to speak and the person will want to know more. This is where you lead them through the funnel into paid products and services such as video training courses, membership sites and one on one coaching services.

The great thing about this business model is that because it is digital your business will evolve and grow through your content. Content you create can be added to any aspect of your business as you go to provide more value. Then that content will be monetized but only after you have provided value.

This is the product creation process that I go through within my business. It is a great business model because it is easy to control and deliver value to my audience!

Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.

Trish Davies

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Build Your AU