The Difference Purpose, Goals, Objectives And How To Apply Them To Business  

Purpose, goals, objectives are critical elements to any business so you must gain clarity on all fronts and then learn how to implement them into your business.

Hi Trish Davies, here from Build Your AU. We are coming to the end of a year that will go down in history, unfortunately for many of the wrong reasons. Taking away the Covid-19 issue this has always been the time of year for reflection and looking forward.

As regard to reflection you should look at where you started this year and where you are now. That may be a hard thing to do due to what has happened, but it must be done. I say that because it can be instrumental on the path and direction you take for the future.

The past is the past and there is nothing you can do to change it. The future though is something that you can craft, you have control on what lays ahead. This is what I want to focus on today, helping you become proactive rather than reactive. To create a vision and an outline as what you will do in 2021 when it arrives.

That’s why the discussion is purpose, goals, objectives and how they relate to your personal and professional life. As I have mentioned this time of year is when you look at these aspects of your life more than any other time.

The timing for me personally is perfect as like the majority of people the year as been somewhat of a rollercoaster.

How My 2020 Shaped Up 

2020 calendar

January seems like a lifetime ago with what has happened in between. It is when I have a lot of business administration to take care of regarding all my businesses. So that was nothing different to what I usually experience.

What I was excited about was the development of my coaching business both corporate and my own programs. The corporate side was looking very busy us usual, my personal coaching business was evolving and growing with Build Your AU.

Everything was shaping up nicely for the year then Covid-19 happened and put a massive spanner in the works. I am sure that this has affected to and you have had to adapt? Well that has been the same for me as well.

Corporate training changed beyond all recognition as in person to person training was halted. This meant the company I am contracted to were forced to change their practices which meant virtual training on Zoom.

I was comfortable with the transition as I use Zoom for my personal coaching business. In many respects the personal coaching business continued much as normal. If anything, it was enhanced as my weekly mastermind members were obviously experiencing the same issues as I was.

The urgency to develop online businesses increased due to the restrictions around the word as regard to personal contact. The personal contact issue affected my corporate training along with my real estate business in the USA. I usually take some time out of the year to go to the Ohio where the business is based.

Obviously that was not possible which made digital communication a godsend. My team are brilliant, and things have managed to run smoothly.

My Move Interstate 

I have also had a massive personal move which has taken me interstate and across the water. Moving from mainland Australia to Tasmania happened relatively quickly once I made the decision.

That decision relied on a few factors. My aging parents and my personal desire to be there for them, my tenants moving out of the house is Tasmania and a lifestyle choice. Also, the emotional stress of my daughter staying on the mainland in Sydney was something that I had to deal with. Just in these last few sentences you can see where purpose, goals, objectives come into play.

Having been here a few weeks now life is beginning to take shape albeit it through facing many challenges. Those challenges are still with me with the house and looking forward in relation to my businesses.

Which leads me nicely onto todays point of discussion, which is purpose, goals, objectives.

Purpose, Goals, Objectives And Why They Are Different 

purpose goals objectives

Some people say that timing is everything, where things just come together and align. I have mentioned that this is a time of year to look forward with a hint of reflection. Well I have done that with an overview of my year, and I recommend you do the same.

But it is the time to look forward which is what I said to my Build Your AU mastermind members. Literally just a few hours ago I had this conversation about purpose, goals, objectives because we have started a new program.

A program that is geared up to make 2021 a year of success in meeting our purpose, reaching our goals an overcoming objectives. So, let’s look at the differences between purpose, goals, objectives.


A purpose is the reason that you want to do something. Your purpose will outline your desired results and will represent your intention.


Goals are statements that you put out there either privately for yourself or generally to other people. They are a true reflection of your aspirations; they state the direction you will take and the destination you want to end up at.


Objectives represent the actions that you must take to achieve the goals that you have set. In other words, the steps you need to take to reach your required destination.

Why, Want, Work, Stop 

what is your why

Based upon these principles I created a workbook for my members to define their purpose, goals, objectives. A workbook that I have too will work through for my own purpose, goals, objectives.

Basically, the workbook covers four main components for mapping out your personal and professional life.

  • Why – This is your purpose.
  • Want – What you really want.
  • Work – The work you are willing to do.
  • Stop – To stop doing the things that are holding you back.

Then look at five areas of your life that you can apply this formula to. I recommend you looking at the following.

  • Business
  • Financial
  • Health
  • Spiritual
  • Relationships

Take some time to apply the formula to the above categories. However, don’t try and tackle all of them at once, prioritise them according to your circumstances.

For my Build Your AU mastermind members I have asked them to start with the top two. The reason is so they get clarity on what they want to achieve within business for 2021.

Next year will be a big year on many different fronts. When it comes to business it will be a year of massive opportunity and this is the time to put the foundations in place. Build Your AU is designed to put those foundations in place and then build upon them.

You must be clear on your purpose, goals, objectives to move forward within any aspect of your life. If you don’t clearly define these three elements then your circumstances will not change. This is your time to create that change going into 2021 and beyond.

Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.

Trish Davies

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Build Your AU