Start Your Self Discovery Journey Here

Self-discovery is a process where you examine your thoughts, words, and actions. Start you self-discovery journey here by following these simple steps.

Hi Trish Davies, here to look at the process of self-discovery which digs deep into your inner self. Your self discovery journey outlines a path for you to follow so that you can achieve the main goals you have set.

You have dreams, talents, values sometimes have less importance during your daily routine. Maybe you lose track, but you must always be aware of them as they are a true reflection of your inner self.

Your day-to-day routine is what makes you function as a person but there is much more to life than that. If you find yourself just going through the motions you have arrived at a point where you need to ask yourself the following question.

You must ask yourself “who am I really”? That is when you know you must go on a self-discovery journey to get to know yourself better. Now your self-discovery journey will make you focus on three core areas of your life.

  1. You must examine your life
  2. Figure out what is missing in your lie
  3. Create the steps that will take you forward and becoming fulfilled

So that is the plan of action and purpose for this article today. To help you start and finish your self-discovery journey through following some simple steps.

The Steps Of Your Self-Discovery Journey 

self discovery journey

Seeing Your Future Self 

You may be in a place where when you look in the mirror you don’t recognise the person looking back. That is probably because of third party influences that you have experienced throughout your life.

Right from your parents, friends, teachers, and role models you may have modelled yourself on them. What happens then is you live your life as a representation of those other people.

What you must do is start living for yourself and not for other people. Do something different but to do that you need to start creating a picture of what you want your future self to look like.

This is the start of your self-discovery journey and you must ask yourself some deep and meaningful questions. Similar to the following.

  • What exactly do you want from life?
  • Where do you see yourself in 12 months, 5 years, ten year & 20 years’ time?
  • What have you done to make you the most proud of yourself?
  • Where have you fallen short & have you any regrets?
  • What is your purpose in life?  

This is your starting point but go back as far as you want to find the answers to these questions.

What Are You Passionate About? 

What are you passionate about? Things that are emotional triggers, that get your juices flowing and your heart pumping? Look at all areas of your life, personally and professionally.

Are there any of your passions that can identify your dream job? This could be the catalyst to changing your career, so you are immersed in your passion on a day-to-day basis.

With that said though you must also look away from your professional interests. What do you do most in your spare time as this in all probability excites you the most. It brings you both joy, fulfilment, and what you look forward to the most.

Look At What You Are Good At 

skills and talents

Take some time to evaluate what your skills are, what you are experienced in. In general, what you are good at! You will have natural talents, things that spring to mind without having to think to deep about.

It could be one skill or there could be many, but this part of your self-discovery journey will define how you could use them.  

Do your family and friends ask you to do something? This is an obvious skill that you have which you may not think about. Are there ways that you could improve these skills? Maybe put them more to practice to increase your confidence levels which is a great way to explore these talents further.

Try New Things

There will have been times when you have said to yourself “I fancy trying that at some point”. Well, that point has finally come so go out there and try new things. It could be a new hobby, a new sport, learning new skills sets.

Life is a journey in itself and you learn new things every day. Only on this occasion it is being proactive and expanding your knowledge. Take time to study whatever it is you want to learn by leveraging books, videos, and online tools. There are an abundance of resources all around you to help you learn anything you want.

Look At Your Personal Values 

You must be clear on your personal values and it is something that I will go into more detail in a future post. For now, though I will briefly cover personal values which are specific qualities you feel are the most important and meaningful.

Your values tell you and other people a lot regarding  your nature and how you want to live your life. Also, how you expect other people to behave and live their lives. As I said I will look more into personal values on another day but here are some common personal values.

  • Honesty
  • Integrity
  • Loyalty
  • Compassion
  • Trustworthy
  • Hard Working
  • Generous

Those are a few and I am sure you can define many more which you live your life through. I empower you to do this as it is a crucial part to your self-discovery journey.

Journal Your Self-Discovery Journey 

self discovery journey journal

I feel that journaling what you do in life is very important and powerful. It is great when you have inspired thoughts and it is a measuring stick for your progress. I do a lot of personal coaching and this is something I empower with all my students.

Journaling provides you with physical evidence as to how life’s events unfold and is a huge reference resource. You can go old school and use a pen and paper; you could create your own blog online.

If you are more artistic then say it with images either by drawing or creating a vision board as your self-discover journey.

How Your Self Discovery Journey Can Help Your Business 

If you are a business owner then going through a self-discovery journey is crucial for your success. This process is what I cover within my personal branding programs called Build Your AU.

The Build Your AU programs focus on creating authenticity, establishing authority, and attracting an audience. Self-discovery sits firmly within the authenticity pillar to building a profitable and sustainable business.

I have an extensive and detailed process which goes deeper into the self-discovery journey than what I have shared with you today. Once you have completed the self-discover element within my programs you will show your authenticity to your audience.

This is what they connect too and what will set you apart from all your competitors. Now you can see the process in action within a free videos series I have created. The series shows my members looking deep into their inner selves, digging deep into their gut to find out just who they are.

Click on the button below and register for the video series. Use the material within the videos along with what I have shared today. Combined they will help you with your own self-discovery journey!

build your au mastermind video series

Helping you build your authenticity, authority, and audience.

Trish Davies

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Build Your AU