How To Embrace & Overcome Technology Challenges In Business

Do you face technology challenges in business head on or run for the hills? The entrepreneur DNA embraces challenges and works things out. Do you?

Hi Trish Davies here and today the topic is technology challenges in business. This is something that I have experienced very recently but it applies to any business you have.

The DNA of an entrepreneur has the capacity to spot opportunity, take risks but also be adaptable. You never know what curve balls are thrown at you when you own your own business or multiple businesses.

Challenges arise which must be dealt with. There is no point putting your head in the sand and hoping that problems just disappear. It is never going to happen so you must face the challenge head on and deal with it.

If you ask anyone who knows me they will all tell you that I take action on everything that I face. I pride myself on that and, not to blow my horn too much, that is why I am successful.

This has been self-evident within the last week or so as I have experienced some technology challenges in business.

How I Have Overcome My Recent Technology Challenges In Business 

technology challenges in business

My journey into entrepreneurship is 15+ years and still going. During that time, I have created multiple business models, experienced worldwide financial catastrophes and the current pandemic.

Now I know that there are many, probably millions, of people who have chartered a similar journey. Hopefully they have come through it like I have but I can only talk about my experiences.

My real estate journey started some 15 years ago with Buying USA Real Estate. That business is located in the USA and I when I started it I was living on the Australian mainland.

Yes I have spent a lot of time physically in the States, but the majority of my time is running the business remotely. Covid-19 has restricted my yearly visit to the States, so it has now been 2 years since I have been on site so to speak.

That means technology plays a huge part in the operation of that business. Like anything it takes time to adjust but I have been doing it for many years, so it is like second nature.

My other business interests are contained within the wonderful online space. This involves creating digital assets such as authority websites which establishes your authority online.

Online authority is crucial as prospective leads and clients will search for you on Google. They expect to find your website at the very least otherwise you will not be deemed as credible. If they can’t find you then they will continue their search and end up at your competitors.

I have a network of websites. They provide information on online business education, career change, wealth creation, real estate investing and personal branding.  They need to be protected which has led to one of my biggest technology challenges in business.

You Must Protect Your Business Assets 

website servers

My websites are my virtual presence online and if they weren’t there it would have significant impact on my business. This has made me feel uneasy for some time because of where they are hosted online.

Website hosting companies offer their services to host all the files that are the make up of your websites. For a number of years now I have had my websites hosted with a relatively small and private hosting company.

That company is a branch of an online business education company. The service is offered through my membership to the parent company. I am not going to name the company as matter of professional courtesy.

What I will say tough is if you do an online search for website hosting  but if you do a search for recommended hosting companies you won’t find them. This has made me very anxious and created the need to protect my digital assets.

If the parent company ceased to exist for any reason then I am in danger of losing my websites. Years of hard work will be lost forever which as a digital entrepreneur is totally unacceptable.

Therefore, I have sought the hosting service from one of the industry leaders, a company called HostGator. This has emerged to becoming one of my biggest technology challenges in business because I must migrate my websites.

Basically, the process of migration is the transfer of all the website files to sit on different website servers. HostGator are one of the biggest providers of website hosting, they are specialists which is what I need to protect my business.

Whatever service you require for your business make sure you deal with specialists!

How I Have Overcome This Technology Challenge 

I consider myself as technically savvy. The online business world stretches you to learn new skill sets to enable you to run your online business. With that said though I wasn’t really sure on what this process entailed.

Fortunately, I have members of my Build Your AU program who understand this process more than I do. Part of being an entrepreneur is having clarity on what you know and what you don’t know. Never be afraid to seek support on issues that you don’t totally understand.

The last couple of weeks have involved a lot of conversations. Conversations with my members, the existing hosting company and the new hosting provider. Sometimes I have had three conversations going on all at the same time.

Now I am not going to get into all the techno babble but basically the process is as follows. The files need to be transferred from server to server and the domain name must be directed to the new server.

This involves creating backups, form filling and changing settings. Actions that up to this point have been completely foreign to myself. The support that I have had particularly from the new hosting company has been priceless.

They have been with me every step of the way as has my Build Your AU members. I am not saying it has been easy, far from it. There have been times when I have been totally flummoxed but the process for my first website migration is nearing completion.

Once this first website has been successfully migrated the following five will be easier. I would have gone through the process, so it is just a matter of repeating that process.

The Moral To This Story 

never give up

What I shared today is the technology challenges in business that I have recently experienced. Your technology challenges will be different and specific to your business and industry.

The point I am making, the moral to this story is to embrace any technology challenges in business you face. I have faced this particular challenge head on because I knew it had t be done to protect my digital assets and my business.

I embraced that challenge, sought assistance where I needed it and then took action. Perseverance has been the key to completing this process, without it you will never achieve anything.

Don’t get me wrong there have been times when I have felt like I am banging my head against a brick wall. The thing is I have keep banging that brick wall until things start to make sense which they do if you persevere.

What has come out of this process is I have learnt many new things that will help me when I repeat the process. My level of knowledge has increased, I have broken out of my comfort zone, I have achieved my objective.

Never lose the reason you do anything in your business. As a very close friend of my says “once you know your why the how becomes easy”. You work things out so your “why” becomes a reality.

Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.

Trish Davies

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Build Your AU