7 Benefits Of Using YouTube For Business

YouTube is a marketing channel that small businesses can leverage so here are the benefits of using YouTube for business to grow your audience.

Hi Trish Davies, here to talk about one of my favourite marketing channels which is YouTube. I love video marketing because of the engagement it creates with my audience and the easiness to create great content.

I am sure that you are like myself and always have a phone close at hand for those inspired thoughts. When they happen, it is simple to press the record button, talk about what’s on your mind. Then you can instantly upload your message to YouTube and share it with your audience.

As a small business owner, you must constantly think of ways to create awareness about your business. You must develop a marketing  channel that people can easily access and engage with you.

YouTube is one of the channels that I recommend you leverage to help gain exposure for your business and the products and services you provide. It is also one of the most cost-effective ways to grow your business because you can use it for free.

Yes, there is a paid marketing platform on YouTube but today I want to focus mainly on the organic side of YouTube. I will briefly cover the paid side, but the purpose of this post is to cover the benefits of using YouTube for business.

Using YouTube For Business Enables You To Tap Into Their Traffic 

using youtube for business

YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine and is owned by the largest which is Google. Therefore, using YouTube for business instantly gives you the potential to tap into their vast database of users.

There are over 4 billion videos viewed every day, therefore it is realistic to say that your audience uses the platform. Your ideal customers are a small segment of people and they will use YouTube for information and entertainment.

If you start to create videos on a regular basis then your audience will become aware of you and what you have to offer. With a billion active monthly users do you think you could attract people who are aligned with your message? Of course, you can!

Especially if you adopt the methodology of educating & entertaining people along with providing solutions. This is what I focus on with my own channel which you can check out here, subscribe and get notified to my regular updates.

YouTube Helps You Get Found On Google 


I mentioned earlier that Google own YouTube, so they look favourably on YouTube video content. You may have noticed when you have searched for something that YouTube videos appear on the first page of the search results.

Google have complex algorithms which shows relevant videos to the search terms that are entered into their search box. I don’t know the complexities of their algorithms; I don’t need to and neither do you. What I do know is the critical elements you must incorporate into your videos and accompanying descriptions.

I cover this formula with the Build Your AU training programs which you can learn more about here. When I utilize the formula, I can be ranked on the first page of Google very quickly. In fact, one of my videos was ranked in 22 minutes!

Another way that your videos can be listed on Google is when you embed them in your blog posts. As a side note I will be looking at blogging in a forthcoming post as a marketing strategy so look out for that.

When you embed your video into your posts you create backlinks from YouTube to your authority website. Also, you can create stand alone videos that compliment you blog posts and then link to the specific article. Again, this can create backlinks to your authority site.

Adopting this strategy will catch Google’s attention therefore cementing your authoritative status. Google will then rank you higher in their search results.

YouTube Videos Are There For Eternity 

Using YouTube for business is like building a house in relation to your business. When you build a house, you start with the foundations to then build upon. The foundations to your YouTube channel is the setting up of the infrastructure. This means creating your channel, designing the channel art and all the administrative side to the business.

Then you start to build. A house you would use bricks and for your YouTube channel you use videos. Each video is like a brick in the wall and once you have published them, they sit on YouTube forever. A video you publish today can be viewed in 12 months’ time, 5 years from now, even 10 years from now.

Another aspect to creating YouTube videos is that you can re-purpose them into other formats. You have the main source, which is the video, then you can extract the audio file to create a podcast. You can then have the video transcribed to create a text article and you then create an infographic from the main bullet points.

From one YouTube video you can end up with at least four different formats. This saves you time and effort and it gives you more exposure on other platforms.

Using YouTube For Business Enables You To Go Global 

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There are over 4 billion people who have access to the internet. Therefore, they can log onto YouTube whenever they want meaning you can attract people from all over the world.

Therefore, you have a greater chance to be exposed to new people through the videos you create.

YouTube Is A Powerful Lead Generation Platform 

youtube for lead generation

If you are in business, then you will realise the importance of generating leads for your business. Generating a lead is a transactional process as it means that someone has put their hand up to express an interest in your business.

For them to put their hand up you must provide value, then the trade takes place. Now there is software which allows you to have a sign-up form appear in your video for people to enter their details.

Alternatively, you can place a link for your lead capture page and form in the description of your video. The emphasis on this strategy for using YouTube for busines is providing value, information that will generate a great user experience.

Then you viewer will want to know more about you and sign up for more information. By doing so they are giving you permission to contact and market to them in the future.

Your Audience Become Your Advocates 

I just mentioned the importance of providing value to your audience. When you do this, you create a relationship with the people who watch your videos on YouTube. They get to know, like and trust you which means they are likely to share your videos with other people.

The classic word of mouth marketing strategy but in a virtual format. The knock-on effect is that you create more leads and potentially more sales for you business.

YouTube Has A Paid Advertising Platform 

I started of this post by mentioning I would cover the paid aspect to using YouTube for business. They have a paid advertising platform that is under the umbrella of Google AdWords.

Here you can create video advertising campaigns that are laser targeted to audience.  You can specify who you want to see your advertisements. The message you deliver will be slightly different to the value videos you create for your channel.

You will have a specific purpose of wither generating a lead or a sale which you message will reflect. It is a great way to generate traffic quickly for your business but there is formula and process you must put in place.

There simply isn’t enough time to speak about that here but it is something that I share with my Build Your AU members. To learn more about the program click here.

I wanted to share these benefits of using YouTube for business and I hope that it has been valuable to you. There is no doubt in my mind that YouTube is very powerful for helping your business grow as I have seen that growth in my business. If you want any further clarification on using YouTube for business, then please leave me a comment below.

Helping you build your authenticity, authority and audience.

Trish Davies

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Build Your AU